Need For Speed Heat - General Discussion

  • Thread starter FT-1
All you’ve seen is a reveal trailer lmao

I mean - considering recent NFS games, I certainly understand *why* one would be hesitant and dismissive right off the hop.

Considering his most recent posts in the thread though, yeah I'd definitely be laughing and be a bit worried that the reasons for doing so aren't as clear cut.
I will admit it. This one did in fact caught my interest because it's trying something that seems ACTUALLY interesting, unlike NFS '15 and payback which only had one concept.

This one seems to mix two concepts: Pro Street at Day (Horizon), and Underground at night (The Crew?). IMO, that is actually kinda of a cool concept. What I hate most though is NFS adapting to the B2D concept in recent years. It worked in Hot Pursuit 2010, but it's time for a better handling model. Forza Horizon spoiled me on this, so returning to that classic concept from NFS puts me on the bad side of the spectrum (unless it's not as crap as 2015's).

Right now, I will remain skeptical with this one. My only hope, and ONLY I have, is the handling model being better this time around. PLEASE let there be no on rails physics. '15 still haunts me with that mess to this day. :/

Also, have any of you seem the " I SAID RIGHT NOW" meme? Hilarious stuff. :D
B2D is not the problem. Burnout 3 is considered one of the best racing games ever made. The problem is the implementation. In Burnout 3 B2D felt sweet, with a fluid transition with the "straight" driving and many other aspects of the game were designed to work with B2D. Ghost B2D feels like it wasn't intended to work that way, and probably is the case having in mind the beta development of Rivals.

I like B2D, but I like more other way of making arcade gameplay, something like Driveclub. Complex yet accessible. You can relax because you won't crash if you miss half meter the braking point. But you can push the car all what you want, because the control has that depth. And every car (specially in Driveclub, the best game I've seen regarding this) feels unique. This kind of arcade racing game is much more superior IMO.

And if you like drifting, you can't say the car control of Driveclub wont give you that.
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Oh we know, considering you're the one who went with 'is this game gonna have those damn queers' when you saw one screenshot of the teaser trailer.

But still, keep the dog whistle tucked away, yeah?

Show me where did I say "gonna have those damn queers". Your making fake quotes up.

Because that's utter ******* you've said, and show me proof in context then to back up your statement??

All you’ve seen is a reveal trailer lmao

Yeah, reveal trailers shows me enough, crap waterboat gameplay, typical mainstream rap and all that crap.
Yeah, reveal trailers shows me enough, crap waterboat gameplay, typical mainstream rap and all that crap.

Ah, Negative Nancy we have here. Unwilling to accept there might be a good game, they are. Seen a gameplay trailer, they haven't. Making an unfair assumption from poor stereotyping, they are. Breaks my heart, this does.
Show me where did I say "gonna have those damn queers". Your making fake quotes up.

Because that's utter ******* you've said, and show me proof in context then to back up your statement??

Yeah, reveal trailers shows me enough, crap waterboat gameplay, typical mainstream rap and all that crap.

You know the mods deleted most of that discussion... But you definitely said you thought the woman looked "LGBT" and that you "hope that isn't the case".

Also, A$AP Ferg is one of the best current rappers, sit down man.
Can we just add that there been rap in every nfs since hot pursuit 2, not the biggest fan of rap, but it's been there, and I went through that phase.
So you have an issue with rap and the game being too “urban”? I mean it’s a Need for Speed game what do you expect? It’s all about car modification, car culture, street racing and stuff like that. I don’t know what you were expecting...:lol:
So you have an issue with rap and the game being too “urban”? I mean it’s a Need for Speed game what do you expect? It’s all about car modification, car culture, street racing and stuff like that. I don’t know what you were expecting...:lol:

The most ironic thing about that entire thing is that for a certain subsect of NFS fan (mainly, people of my age and younger who probably started either with Hot Pursuit 2, or more in likely, the Underground games) is that the 'urban' portion of the NFS franchise has been going as long, if not longer, then the 'exotic car' era of the franchise, and the urban phase is arguably what shot it's popularity into the stratosphere and has made it so that people still actually care in 2019 and have some semblance of hope.

Not only that, but it's not like EA is taking away the old copies of NFS III, Hot Pursuit, or Porsche Unleashed or whatever every time they make a new 'urban' NFS.
You know the mods deleted most of that discussion... But you definitely said you thought the woman looked "LGBT" and that you "hope that isn't the case".

Also, A$AP Ferg is one of the best current rappers, sit down man.

I could care less about your ASAP FERG.

Show me in context where did I say "hope that isn't the case"??

Hey, thats another fake quote your making to back up your bull.... statement.
So you have an issue with rap and the game being too “urban”? I mean it’s a Need for Speed game what do you expect? It’s all about car modification, car culture, street racing and stuff like that. I don’t know what you were expecting...:lol:

Expecting classic traditional NFS :rolleyes:

Have you ever heard or played the PS1 games, the Hot Pursuit series???

Have you??
Expecting classic traditional NFS :rolleyes:

Have you ever heard or played the PS1 games, the Hot Pursuit series???

Have you??

We have. Things change...and as mentioned, you still have your classic games to go back to and enjoy for all time.

When you're done having a hissyfit, it'd be nice if we're able to go back to discussing about NFS Heat as a whole. What we know, anyway.
I could care less about your ASAP FERG.

Show me in context where did I say "hope that isn't the case"??

Hey, thats another fake quote your making to back up your bull.... statement.

Again, you know the mods deleted it.

You don't have to care about A$AP Ferg, but he's far from "typical mainstream rap". He's the Hood Pope. He just put out a new EP today, you should give it a listen.
Expecting classic traditional NFS :rolleyes:

Have you ever heard or played the PS1 games, the Hot Pursuit series???

Have you??

I have, my first nfs was nfs 2 when the mclaren f1 was still the big thing, and he does have a point, nfs got big due to urban car culture. My favorite nfs is still nfs hp 2, and modern favorite is hp 2010. At the end of the day though, it's the urban scene that made nfs popular to the masses.

Side note I'm also not a huge fan of modern rap, I'll stick to the older early 2000s -2010 rap.
While I have nothing against the first part of your post and generally thinks this entire argument is ridiculous because nobody wins and everyone loses, I feel like it bears mentioning - and repeating, if that time comes - that this:

it's not like EA is taking away the old copies of NFS III, Hot Pursuit, or Porsche Unleashed or whatever every time they make a new 'urban' NFS.

should go both ways.

It hasn't always gone both ways, and I can almost guarantee that it won't always go both ways.

Underground 2 didn't cease to exist when Criterion launched Hot Pursuit. 2015 wouldn't disappear from the annals of history if this had been another Hot Pursuit. Stones just have a funny way of finding glass houses sometimes.

Strangely, this may be the best argument for either a more wholehearted middle-grounds approach or ditching either in favor of something completely different. Given that Payback sort-of represented an attempt at that middle-grounds approach and how they've subsequently spoken of it, I can't say that there isn't a point in there somewhere.

Still, we probably haven't seen all the setting - and definitely not all the game - has to offer yet, so let's pick up this discussion once we know more, shall we?
I have, my first nfs was nfs 2 when the mclaren f1 was still the big thing, and he does have a point, nfs got big due to urban car culture. My favorite nfs is still nfs hp 2, and modern favorite is hp 2010. At the end of the day though, it's the urban scene that made nfs popular to the masses.

Side note I'm also not a huge fan of modern rap, I'll stick to the older early 2000s -2010 rap.

Exactly. 2 Fast 2 Furious and NFS Underground both came out in 2003, so yeah, it's safe to say that was about the peak of street racing's mainstream popularity. Underground was ridiculously popular.
Rap music and Need For Speed go hand-in-hand, whether the series goes down the Traditional or Underground route. Hot Pursuit 2010, Most Wanted 2012 and Rivals all featured Rap music, so I'm not getting why anyone would expect Rap to disappear if Ghost were to ditch the Underground scene?
Rap music and Need For Speed go hand-in-hand, whether the series goes down the Traditional or Underground route. Hot Pursuit 2010, Most Wanted 2012 and Rivals all featured Rap music, so I'm not getting why anyone would expect Rap to disappear if Ghost were to ditch the Underground scene?
I dont know if I'd say hand in hand
Rap music and Need For Speed go hand-in-hand, whether the series goes down the Traditional or Underground route. Hot Pursuit 2010, Most Wanted 2012 and Rivals all featured Rap music, so I'm not getting why anyone would expect Rap to disappear if Ghost were to ditch the Underground scene?

I think Rom Di Prisco soundtrack for NFS 1-4, unleashed etc was the best IMO. I prefer if they had him compose music for the new ones, his new music would fit perfectly.
If most people were to associate a song with Need For Speed as a franchise, it would probably be this one:

Or this one:

Or this one:

Noticing a theme? You cannot tell me any other genre has this much significance in the Need For Speed franchise.

Didnt know menu music really drew me into the racing.

Not saying they dont have significance. Just saying when you're racing get low, or riders on the storm doesn't really set the tone.
Didnt know menu music really drew me into the racing

It didn't have to stay as menu music, that was the beauty of EA TRAX back in the day.

Even with that point aside, it doesn't matter if it was racing BGM or not. The bottom line is that most people associate Need For Speed with rap music. That's why even the reboots of traditional NFS featured urban music, it has become a mainstay for the series.