Need For Speed Payback General Discussion

  • Thread starter Ameer67
Age and maturity are major factors when making opinions about the types of thing happening in the gaming world right now....

For example, to build a drift car, i by no means consider it a grind to participate in each drift event once or twice while driving from one to the other accross a beautiful map. That is playing and enjoying the game.

Couldn't have said it better myself.

Hot tip: people won't put much stock in your argument if you have to resort to namecalling right off the bat (or strawmen, for that matter).

Developers make a buck — a few of them, actually — off the list price of the game. I'm not one to complain about DLC costing money, as I'm more than willing to give a dev money for continuing to support its game, but artificially extending a game's grind to try and lure players to drop money reeks of greed. In BF2's case, that was 40 hours of play time to unlock just one hero (of which there are many).

From what I've gathered from the various articles and communities talking about it, people aren't asking for everything given to them for free, despite what you suggest. It's about finding a balance: if your game requires multiple hundreds of hours to fully unlock, how many players are going to stick with it versus just give up and move on to something that feels less like work?

The simple question: what's wrong with the plain old credits-for-parts system?* Why do players need to settle for gambling-esque random prizes?

* - yes, you can still buy parts in-game. They're just comparatively expensive, and required if you want to advance through the races.

There was nothing wrong with the credits for parts system. I too wish they would've stuck with it. But why do players "need to settle" as you put it? Because that's the way they designed the game. You either settle for this system, or you don't play. Meanwhile, gamers can complain to EA about it, and that may or may not achieve results. Regardless, the choice remains - either play or don't. My argument is simply "Why not focus on the positives and try to enjoy it?"

In contrasting my own experience with gaming and how it used to be, I was trying to draw attention to the demands that are placed on developers and publishers nowadays which didn't used to exist. People want more and more content and they want it to be complex and they want it exactly how they envision it to be. The internet has given gamers the capability of being vocal about these demands, which also didn't used to exist. Yet when the devs and pubs try to deliver this stuff and charge for it, they are met with extreme vitriol, as if the public can't believe they would dare do such a thing. It's interesting because it's a simple concept that exists in nearly every form of business, and yet the game industry is expected to somehow be different. The same person who gets online and complains that EA shouldn't have MT's (essentially an up-charge for more content) is quite likely the same person who walks into Starbucks and has no problem paying extra for the extra content in his coffee. - That's what I find silly and said "They want everything for free." - Of course it was an exaggeration.

Like Dairyworker said, I'm not trying to defend the practices of publishers, but I also can't blame them. Supply and demand - The manufacturer can charge what people are willing to pay. If people keep paying for more content, or pay to keep from "grinding," then games will still include it. If people stop paying, they will change. This is literally the concept of nearly every business imaginable.

Change will only ultimately come from financial gain/loss. People will have to let their points be made with wallets, not words.
^^^ A good omen because EA is listening to negative feedback about grinding? I don't disagree, and I'm sure a case can be made against developers who artificially elongate a game in order to coax gamers into spending more money. I also agree however, with the guy on that video, in that it seems like people want to essentially "fast forward" a game, but they don't want to pay any premium to do it.

I am roughly the same age as this guy, and that's probably a key factor in what drives my and this guy's opinion. We remember marveling at games on an 8-bit ATARI. When gaming truly became mainstream, games were still incredibly simplistic. They were simple and imperfect and you had to use your imagination and you have to overlook many, many flaws and bugs. Games have evolved to the point where, it seems, people have almost become unforgiving with them. That's just my opinion, and I don't mean to step on anyone's toes around here.

With games that have a multiplayer element especially, it seems like there are an awful lot of snowflakes who expect a game to be perfectly tailored to their particular tastes, and they can't be bothered to actually put any effort into playing the game, and they want it all for free, and darn the developer for actually trying to make a buck. Again, that view is probably because I was exposed to gaming in its infancy, so I'm more inclined to overlook a game's flaws and try to enjoy its strong points as opposed to going on Reddit to express my dissatisfaction. I'm greatly in the minority here, and my views often gets interpreted as hating on haters, when in reality, I'm simply trying to get more people to take a "glass half full" approach.

I can see both sides, but generally agree with you. While I don't want a needless grind where everything takes about a week of grinding to afford one item in the game, such things are a buzzkill, I agree with the need to actually play the game. 2-3 hours to earn an expensive item (relatively speaking) is understandable, but a weeks worth of commitment is taking, not only the Pee, but also ignores the basic fact of living and all the commitments that entails.

I said it elsewhere I will pay for DLC if I like it, but to be forced to pay to play everytime there is a day in the month and the attraction wears very thin.
NFSP is, graciously, not commited to fleecing you every time you look at the title screen as you can play around the speed cards with a reasonable grind. You get enough money from quick races to play around with the tuner shops to keep your car competitive. With patience and daily challenges you will begin to afford a good car (the Derelicts are the saving grace here). GTA Online, however, is an ungodly **** show. The DLC is free to down load, but the relative cost creates a need to grind to unholy amounts. While double money events are offered you are still talking a hideous grind for the new content to be played with. It is great to see the carrot, but when all you seem to get is the stick with no taste of a carrot, you will get very sore, very quick. If Take Two were to make the new vehicles in GTAO paid to include for free to buy in game, while making the likes of new missions and property free to download then I'd be happy instead of dangling so many carrots with nothing but a stick as a reward.

Ultimately Give us a game of old and 'add' what ever garnish we want to buy to 'add' to the game (or unlock all for the truly lazy). Why do you think Subway is so successful (you can go from a good cheap sub to a feast with a price to match).
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The way I look at it right now for Payback is that it just got suck right into Battlefront 2's mess. I mean the game didn't get much flak (we already know the speed cards and lootboxes) before the Battlefront 2 mess started with the heroes being bought through MTs.

I don't mind grinding anyway but again, if the reward system and crate system is anything similar to No Limits, it should be a problem for me. And as for the MTs, I always pretend that they don't exist anyway since there's a way to get through a game with MTs without using MTs.

End of the day, I'm still going to buy it since it's a huge improvement over 2015. Removing the always online BS and improving the physics (combination of Rivals and MW2012 with 2015 as a base IMO) was already the icing on the cake.
Really shame people seems to be overcrapping on Payback, the game is a lot better than 2015, and like previous posters said, progression in Payback is nothing compared to GTAO grindfest, yet people doesn't crap on that one this much.

I guess it's a developer/publisher thing.
I think we all share the same sentiments - A) We don't like grinding that is imposed because the developer is intentionally forcing you to spend money. And B) We don't feel that Payback is this way.

I guess that's what got me puzzled - A lot of people crapping on Payback (not just here but elsewhere) when in reality their beef is about the business practices of publishers. It can definitely be a valid complaint at times, but really has nothing to do with Payback as it is currently designed. ( I keep saying "currently" because I have no idea what's coming down the pipeline in terms of DLC and future MT's. )

At least it seems the majority feels that the grinding isn't that bad (it's called "racing.") :gtpflag: - Something some of the professional reviewers seem to have forgotten. 'I can't believe this game makes me do stuff in order to unlock stuff.... this sux! Hardy har har! :rolleyes:
So I managed to get air suspension from a normal loot box. What does it do exactly? I put it on a Nissan 180 (or 200, 240, whatever) and didn't notice anything different so I took it off. I guess I was expecting it to be like Midnight Club 3 and actually see something happen.
The same person who gets online and complains that EA shouldn't have MT's (essentially an up-charge for more content) is quite likely the same person who walks into Starbucks and has no problem paying extra for the extra content in his coffee. - That's what I find silly and said "They want everything for free." - Of course it was an exaggeration.
That doesn't really have any correlation at all. It would make sense if Starbucks was restricting you from basic components of your order, or if they charge you full price for a half cup in which you have to pay more to get the full amount you should have, but they aren't. You're asking for extra, and getting charged for it. That's much more like DLC than MT.
So I managed to get air suspension from a normal loot box. What does it do exactly? I put it on a Nissan 180 (or 200, 240, whatever) and didn't notice anything different so I took it off. I guess I was expecting it to be like Midnight Club 3 and actually see something happen.
It only works when you turn off your engine. You then hear the suspension moving and the car is slammed to the ground. Looks pretty sick and good for photo mode but you can't drive with the bags activated.
So I managed to get air suspension from a normal loot box. What does it do exactly? I put it on a Nissan 180 (or 200, 240, whatever) and didn't notice anything different so I took it off. I guess I was expecting it to be like Midnight Club 3 and actually see something happen.

I haven't used one, but I think it's actived when you turn off your car's engine. Can't remember which button is engine start/stop though. :confused: I think it will give you a layout in your controller settings.

Edit: beaten!
GTPers who have progressed into the late story; how bad is the grind, really? I don't mind grinding a few races to get credits, I used to do it in Test Drive Unlimited, but does it ever feel like you hit a paywall?
@Moglet I am slow at these types of games and I have now unlocked level 3 cars in the garage (S5/M3 etc :D) and just followed the story so far (4 missions on each story which you have to to unlock each level of cars to buy). You can fast travel around missions for $450 or go for free to your garage you have brought spread around the map but there is no teleporting this time!

I am enjoying slowly doing each mission and it doesn't feel like a chore so far. The 3 characters are not too annoying and the police are tough but still easily taken care of. I still don't really understand how I am earning some of the bonus items but I have worked my way with most cars up to 200 by just using the cards and upgrades available in game usually enough to win the next mission etc 👍

p.s Do any of you still have slow loading on cars when they first appear like polygons increasing in detail? and pop ups on the scenery? (PS4 Pro) I also seem to have quite a dark screen (contrast) to other games. Is there a way to increase the video brightness (most games do but I can not find one on this game).
Thanks guys, going to pick it up regardless but figured I'd best find out what I'm actually in for! I enjoyed the trial though, it never felt too grindy to me.

@inCloud I'll be playing it on easy anyway, I prefer to just blast about having fun and modifying cars. 👍
Well I just set a new personal record: five engine block cards in a row. All the same level as the one I currently own. Anyone want to try and beat that?
Glad to see that they're listening and making some changes. Been having a bit of a hard time with drag races. (my rev meter not showing up on subsequent rounds isn't helping) Also anyone else kind of annoyed that drag cars pull wheelies at even on the lower tier simply because they're drag cars? Lol, maybe it's just me but I wanted to earn that wheelie by upgrading my car and making it a beast!

Still really hooked on this game despite a few complaints.
Glad to see that they're listening and making some changes. Been having a bit of a hard time with drag races. (my rev meter not showing up on subsequent rounds isn't helping) Also anyone else kind of annoyed that drag cars pull wheelies at even on the lower tier simply because they're drag cars? Lol, maybe it's just me but I wanted to earn that wheelie by upgrading my car and making it a beast!

Still really hooked on this game despite a few complaints.

Good news that they are tweaking things. I expected they would.

Yeah the whole "car class" and drag wheelie thing was borrowed from Prostreet - Cars automatically look and behave according to whatever class you put them in. I don't mind it, but I would really like to see them give us some visual options for wheel widths in all classes and more significant ride height adjustments for off-road class.
Hey everyone! I've been enjoying Payback a lot. Great step from 2015 besides those pesky loot crates but atleast you can earn basic ones easily. I was wondering if like in 2015 can all cars be upgraded to lvl 399? (By like in 2015 I mean when each car was fully upgraded they were all on a somewhat similar performance level as tested by myself.)
Happy grinding for parts
Hey everyone! I've been enjoying Payback a lot. Great step from 2015 besides those pesky loot crates but atleast you can earn basic ones easily. I was wondering if like in 2015 can all cars be upgraded to lvl 399? (By like in 2015 I mean when each car was fully upgraded they were all on a somewhat similar performance level as tested by myself.)
Happy grinding for parts

As things stand, you cannot upgrade every car to 399. You start accessing cars that can be upgraded to 399 in the third chapter.
^^^ Personally I like that design decision. I don't want to have a Honda S2000 that can beat a Aston Martin Vulcan. But I do understand the fact that not everyone wants to race in a Vulcan. I've seen the suggestion being made elsewhere that they should lift the restrictions and allow every car the ability to reach 399, maybe they will.
All depends how online works, haven't gone there yet as i dont care that much for it, and as someone who generally prefers the cars that can't go past 299 i expect to be walked all over by lambos and such. Unless they were smart and put in atleast two different classes.
^^^ I'm not into multiplayer games of any genre. I wonder if that too is an age-related preference? Anyways, I think a game like this would benefit greatly from putting different classes into multiplayer. If they remove the upgrade limits on all cars however, there would no longer be a need for class-racing. It will probably depend on which is easier for them to implement.
^ which is stupid. Why have 70 cars in a game if only a couple are any use online.....

Although at least now i know to just not waste my time. I am just not into super/hyper cars. I just want to race other peoe who prefer old school muscle or jdm over modern spaceships with wheels

Also: does anyone know what you get for beating the roaming racers? I can't figuer it out. I am wondering aswell about the vanity items, like how many of each, people are getting. I will edit this with my numbers later, i haven't used any yet so it will be easy for me.
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does anyone know what you get for beating the roaming racers? I can't figuer it out. I am wondering aswell about the vanity items, like how many of each, people are getting. I will edit this with my numbers later, i haven't used any yet so it will be easy for me.

Sadly nothing but a trophy (achievement). And of course you unlock the bosses as roaming racers. Also if anybody wonder, the leveling sistem works similar to forza. You hit the lv 50 cap but you can still lv up and collect shipments. And yes the Regera is so OP that is not even fun going online.
Ok, so.... I have

10 nitro colours but only 5 different colours some only one some 3

11 smoke but only 6 colours, same as nitro 1 of some 3 of others

11 neon, agian with 5 different colours, some 1 other in triplicate

30 damn horns, with 4 or 5 of some of them

And only 1, ONE! set of air bags

This is obviously a rigged system, with a heavy preference for the most useless item and almost no chance at the most desirable item. In my opinion.

Curious as to what others are getting.
I recall reading one of F8RGE's comments on Reddit and he said that Airbags have the same drop rate as any other individual item - so for instance, Air bags will only appear as frequently as a "jingle bells" horn. Because there are many horns and coloured items, this makes the singular Airbag seem relatively rare. There is a fix in the pipeline for this.
I still haven't seen one. And I grind a lot. I have 7 orange smoke, 5 turquoise, 3 lime green, 1 red. Again 4 orange neons, some purple and green ones and only one red.. and more than 40 horns! The only rare ones came from nos since I have allready 4 rainbow ones (not sure if they are rare at this moment).
But I really love this game. Not as good as The Crew imo but one of the best NFS game for sure.