Net In My Bedroom


Its actually pretty fast. Just not CRAZY fast. ;)


  • speedtest - 01.28.02.jpg
    speedtest - 01.28.02.jpg
    51.2 KB · Views: 66

Can u promise me those reg edits on won't hurt me at all if i use the automatic patch?

I am really nervous (and rightly so) about editing the reg.
I used all of them, and they didn't hurt my comp at all, I can't notice any difference but when I took the speedtest it does come up a little faster.
ok, i have an idea.

So we dont log this topic with speed stuff.. lets all go to the "How many replies can we get??" topic, and resume there :)

Originally posted by MistaX
gt2, my comp is cooler then yours ;)

Originally posted by MistaX
you think 128MB Ram is good?
I would be disgraced to state such a number
(Im 256DDR)

Originally posted by MistaX
Once i can afford the 512MB Stick i'll buy it and have *DUN DUN DUN* 768 :D

Originally posted by MistaX
Even if you do have more ram then me my proc. makes up for it

Originally posted by MistaX

I have 70 somthing gig free in this comp....
Originally posted by MistaX

Klos dont even bring up con speed
I'll kill you there

Originally posted by MistaX
well i have a 60 and a 30..

Originally posted by MistaX

urm....... I have more HD space, my con is better then yours...
I bet thats SDRam
Pentiums suck and AMDs clock higher
So my Proc is better then yours ;)

Originally posted by MistaX
I dont mean to brag or anything, but
My con is the best on GTP, its been proven ;)

Dammit Man! Does it always have to be about you?

;) :P
I just love a good old-fashioned pissing contest :P


PS My laptop is a P1, 133mhz with 40MB of blistering RAM. And a cavernous 1.4 GB hdd :D

But I don't use that one to post, just surf in the living room when I can't sleep :cool:
the test i showed earlier was on my laptop which has a crappy old ethernet pcm card, so it diminshed the speed. here is on my nice comp:


  • speedtest.jpg
    51.3 KB · Views: 35
Since we all are in a pissing contest let ,its my turn

2000+ AMD Athlon
1 gb DDR ram...that was expensive........want to go to 3 gig some day
60 gig hard drive with 20 gig slave only 3 gig used up
DVD Player getting dvd burner in summer
CDRW Burner
nVIDIA GeForce 3 Ti 500 agp
19 inch monitor
dsl connection
and one GT3 steering wheel

of course it will be outdated in 4
That "testmy" test doesn't work for me....

It takes too long for the page to load....*shrug*

Ah well.