new car!

  • Thread starter Robin2
it was a beautiful big black F350, 4 door extended cab, extra long bed in the back, dualey tires... it was like 3 months old and he totaled it....

but we got a nice deal from the insurance place for it
yeah well the insurance on the senator will pay out more than i paid for it. because the senator are produced in limited number, the market value stays up.
yeah well im hoping whoever stole it just tries to sell it and gets busted so i get it back quick.

but yeah, if i nicked a car, id flog it to death.
Dude that sucks, someone stole my peice of metalwork today (the spike off of a miniture fencing sword) and if I find the person who took it I'll ram it down their throat, then clean appropriately. I sunk so much work into it, and it was gone, just like that. Pisses me right off.
Shi!t man, I'm sorry. A nice car like that and some theiving bastard nicks it and then torches it.

Lets hope they catch those responsibe and cut their balls off.
Yeah sorry to hear that I mean your car was farkin fast. Damn boguns jealous of your car.

Hope they get the stupid ****s that did it.

At least youve still got your Pajero and Landcruiser.
Hmm I suppose thats not much comfort, well at least you can go and buy a nice new car with the insurance money.
Well, its just the picture quality. it doesnt look like a picture taken after a test drive in some car yard. It is like some proffessional airbrushed, cropped photo taken with like a $5,000 digi cam.

And the Dyno graph, I have never in my life seen a dyno graph that neat and organized. Also, unless the people that did the dyno for him sent it to him in e-mail, most dynos are scans of paper print outs. And why would his dyno graph only have hp? Every dyno graph I have seen has hp and torque because why would anyone wnat to only see hp? And why is the X axis of the dyno in km/h? ANY NORMAL dyno graph has the X axis in RPM. Seriously, if you believe this, you are a moron. Please just look at all of the pictures and think it over in your head.

Go, look at some REAL dyno graphs on the internet. NONE of them look like that! Plus the photos just dont look like impromptu photos. If so, why would he crop them and make them so neat and pretty just for us? The more I think of this, the funnier it gets.

EDIT: Oh yah, now it has been stolen. How convenient! This imaginary car has come and gone for a few hours of pretend excitement. When someone asks him about it, he can just say he doesnt have it anymore. $10 bucks says he never gets the "car" back, unless he "chooses" to get it back in spite of me and this post.

Dont believe everything you hear. ESPECIALLY something on the internet, although sometimes it is fun to get lost in the excitement, I do admit.
The pics could of been from the old owner as the the dyno pic u can see folds in it so must of been scanned and u can tell if its dodge like some m5power has already tried to do.
Originally posted by 12sec. Civic
Well, its just the picture quality. it doesnt look like a picture taken after a test drive in some car yard. It is like some proffessional airbrushed, cropped photo taken with like a $5,000 digi cam.

And the Dyno graph, I have never in my life seen a dyno graph that neat and organized. Also, unless the people that did the dyno for him sent it to him in e-mail, most dynos are scans of paper print outs. And why would his dyno graph only have hp? Every dyno graph I have seen has hp and torque because why would anyone wnat to only see hp? And why is the X axis of the dyno in km/h? ANY NORMAL dyno graph has the X axis in RPM. Seriously, if you believe this, you are a moron. Please just look at all of the pictures and think it over in your head.

Go, look at some REAL dyno graphs on the internet. NONE of them look like that! Plus the photos just dont look like impromptu photos. If so, why would he crop them and make them so neat and pretty just for us? The more I think of this, the funnier it gets.

EDIT: Oh yah, now it has been stolen. How convenient! This imaginary car has come and gone for a few hours of pretend excitement. When someone asks him about it, he can just say he doesnt have it anymore. $10 bucks says he never gets the "car" back, unless he "chooses" to get it back in spite of me and this post.

Dont believe everything you hear. ESPECIALLY something on the internet, although sometimes it is fun to get lost in the excitement, I do admit.

:rolleyes: This post has 'wanker' written all over it
Originally posted by The Porko
The pics could of been from the old owner as the the dyno pic u can see folds in it so must of been scanned and u can tell if its dodge like some m5power has already tried to do.

Well, your right, the 748hp dyno does have folds, but the one I checked was the 565hp one which has no visible folds.

And the pics aren't from the old owner because he said he took them after the test drive!

One more thing, I can only assume that the dyno is measuring RWHP right? So then it technically has probably more than 800hp at the crank! Why didnt he acknowledge that?

Come on people, other than the few people who are still oblivious to the truth, there isn't much to discount all of my arguments, other than the folds on the 748hp dyno there isn't anything to discount them.

Please be more annalytical towards this debate, and use your heads. No one has yet proved me wrong, and I see that the otherwise yappity Rumple Foreskin hasn't come up with any "smart" remarks.

I am happy to be proven wrong here, but it's not my fault that I am a natural skepticist, I just looked over the facts a little to thouroughly and found a lot of inconsistencies. That is partially why I am an Atheist, I just dont except anything until I have seen it from all angles. I would like to belong to a church and reap the benefits of being religious, but religion didn't do a well enough job of fooling me. It's only my loss.
Originally posted by 12sec. Civic

No one has yet proved me wrong, and I see that the otherwise yappity Rumple Foreskin hasn't come up with any "smart" remarks.

Well, atfirst I thought you were a total asshat, but I looked at it and I guessI can see where your coming from. im not gonna jump the gun here so I will wait for Robin's response the same way the rest of you should. Give the guy a chance, innocent 'till proven guilty.

*EDIT - I still think your a asshat, but a asshat with a good point :D
i dont blame anyone for being skeptical. i tend to pass a lot of stuff of as BS unless i see hard proof. i too am an athiest for the simple fact that that the church ignores evolution. god is a crock of **** (sorry to churchies)

ok, back on topic.

the pictures: the pictures were not taken on a test drive, the pictures were taken after i bought it. i took the photos in an empty car park near the norman park train station in coorparoo, brisbane.

the photos were not taken by a digital camera, they were taken by my minolta 35mm camera. i had a few shots left on a film so i figured id use them and get the film developed after i took the photos (which i did).

the photos were scanned in and as bitmaps. anyone who knows anything about file compression knows that bitmaps have a huge filesize. in order to reduce the file size i cropped the images and saved them as jpegs with a crappy compression.

if the images were taken by a pro, why would the engine bay shot be off centre? why would there be water drops visible on the inside of the door seals? and why would the shots be out of focus?

the dyno scans: they are printed out on paper and i scanned them in. as you can see in the first dyno scan, the paper is creased. the second i did not fold so it wouldnt look crappy when i scanned it in.

both X and Y axis' have different variables assigned to them. the person who owns the car has discression as to what he/she wants on the print out. i opted for the Y axis to be in HP and the X axis to be in km/h. i could have opted for the Y axis to be in ft/lbs of torque and the X axis to be in RPM but i didnt. is that a crime these days?

you can also opt for the company logo to be removed from the final print out which i also did to make it look decent. if the company logo was on the print out, it would cover the power curve.

as for the car being stolen: my wife who is pregnant (well, was) had some problems so we went down to the hospital, in the rush to get my wife in the hospital while blood was covering her from the waist down, i forgot to lock the car. she lost our baby that afternoon.

does that cover everything or do you want me to go into more detail? would you like me to send you the photos and dyno printouts in the mail?

in light of the past few days, im not really in a mood to argue with anyone about anything. feel free to PM me with any questions or queries you have and ill get back to you as soon as possible.

good on ya rumple, thanks for letting me have my say before you passed judgement :)