So. I read the thread before I checked the video. Now that I have, I have come to one conclusion.
Some of you are just always going to complain about anything & everything. I'm glad Gran Turismo is a gigantic franchise, and does car games better than anyone in the console world. One day, maybe you can develop a game with this much detail, and add -what you think is right- paddle animations.
As an adult, 26 years of age. I'm buying GT5. I could care less about paddles when you get 1000 cars & Night+weather, because I'm going to be enjoying my all time favorite pass time.
I wont be running into walls, and if I do. I'll hit reset. The goal is to not hit the walls(remember?). The collision the guy had would have totaled the vehicle. GT5 already is known to have terminal damage, if you read the article, they explained how their subaru was wrecked, and could only go 50mph. But im sure you ignored that....