New gt4 scans *56K*

  • Thread starter cobragt
When I think of world class race car drivers, renown race courses, video games that best mimic the greatness of motorsports competition, I know I think of one man. Hitler.
thx cobra, I can´t read it right now but I´ll do it as soon as I get home.(like 10 hours from now... :ouch: )
Brits, I guess, will never forgive him for racing for Germans in that very disturbing years for the whole world, especially not for cheering the crowd after he won the Nurb in '38 with the Nazi cheer, but he will remain as one of the greatest drivers of that period.

IMO there is nothing to forgive.

But I guess some people will be sour over anything. Even if it was way before their time and understanding.
Nice share going to read this later :) .

whats the obsession with HITLER ?

coz hes featured in the article :dunce: :) .

LeMans isn't this a little old news???

And as for the career mode I remeber reading either here or somewere els that you will be able to play a mode a little like championship manager, where by you manage a group of race drivers to victory, if this is true or not i dont know, more than likely not.
You are the freaking man, CobraGT! Nice finds, mate. I think I'm actually getting more into the Nurburgring Nordschliefe after having been exposed to it. Kind of weird to decide whether to race Le Mans or Nurburgring on that weekend (hell. Sure beats NASCAR that weekend).
Wow great read, now it feels like GT4 is THAT much farther away. But I'm so excited about the new physics, weight transfer will be playing a bigger role now!!! Can you say, inertia drift?
God dammit Cobra. I was all clam about GT4 till I read that link(s). I have been calmly reciting "It WILL come out SOME day, no need to worry." Now I'm saying,"It WILL come out tomorrow...or ELSE!"
Thanks Cobra!

You upped my heartbeat reading that article, I hope we can expect what they experienced !

To all you GTfans, say goodbye to your social life... :)
Great find cobragt 👍

... and nice historical intermezzo by amar212 - thanks both

I also hope that PD will be so accurate to include all the original insignia on history cars from that period - if those cars will be in the game allright - as all the Auto Union and Mercedes-Benz racing cars of late 30-ties had some intresting insignia.
I hope this too, but I'm afraid it would be censored, even for "Martini-Lancia" it seems to be too hot in some countries ...
I've been looking forward to that article since the first paragraph was quoted and posted here a few times, GT4 is looking very promising and now it's up there with the PC sims, or so it says. GT4:P was no where close to that but if this true then GT4 will probably negate any reason to buy another racing game barring Burnout 3 and possibly Forza.
So Prologue is pretty much worthless in terms of getting us acquainted to the new physics now...

But damn, I am so excited about this.
It's about bloody time that GT went into proper sim territory though, the principles of driving have been there before but the challenge of it hasn't.
:drool: :eek: Just got goosebumps reading that part

"You could play GT3 with a wheel, but you din't need to. But, for GT4 you might want to consider it. This game has gone to a level previously only seen in PC simulations."

:drool: :eek:

Nice article :)

Hmm I can't stand the PS2 analogue sticks, wonder if theres any X-box to PS2 pad converters, since I like the X-box triggers for acceleration/brake.
You caould always use the shoulder buttons on the PS2 pad, however they arn't as accurate as the X-Box pads triggers.
I´ve just read it. thx again cobra.

So now I´ll have to learn to use the right stick to gas and brake.... I never liked that, but I can´t afford a wheel too. It shouldn´t be so hard...right? :scared: