New GT5 Android app in development. Taking Requests.NEW SCREEN SHOTS.

  • Thread starter TheRedStig
United States
Colorado Springs
Hey all, im in the process of developing a new Android App that gives tips and tricks to getting through our favorite game. I would like some input from this fine community as to what you would want from an app that dealt with GT5.

Any idea is a possibility and if i use your idea you'll be credited in the description on android market. Lets make this a community built gem. Thanks all

Also Check out my Blog in my sig to see the first screenshots.

This currently is not in development for the Iphone tho with demand comes supply so if its successful i will absolutely have it ported.

Sadly there is no way to link this directly to your GTLife profile on the game itself, PD and Sony simply wont allow it. (So having a constantly updated portable view of your garage and the UCD isnt possible. I wish it was. When I began this idea that was the main focus)

Really appreciate the idea's from you guys. Only going to help this be that much better. Im going to make this as deep and feature rich as possible. Otherwise i dont think its worthy of the GT moniker.
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You should make it have menus/sections with a search button, so they can read through the information, and if they need help with a particular thing then they can search for it.
Some suggestions..

A main home page with latest gt5 news.
Maybe you could research on gtplanet about each event exp, cr ect, and a reccomended car for each event.
A track and car guide.
Tuning advice for different car types.
Seasonal events and online dealership status.
DLC and patch info.
And generally how to make the most of each feature in gt5.

Good luck, i will download it for sure!
I appreciate the feedback. I wont be deving for the Iphone any time soon. I may have a friend look into porting it over for you apple fans tho. I like the other idea's if EnterSandman and Husky would like go ahead and PM me with how you'd prefer being mentioned in the credits. Thanks again

Also there are some screen shots on my blog now. Thats also where the app will first be published.
Not really sure on the point of this? The general reason for mobile apps is for something you want/need on the move, away from a real computer. Why would you need this sort of thing on an app?
Well for me for quite a long time i didnt have a comp in my place much less in my gaming room. I also think it might be nice to be able to get info in one clean central place that will be updated and dynamicly improving. I do think too it will be nice to be able to check out quick info and not need to go online looking for help.
I know one app on Apples app store that you can check of what cars, trophies, and events that you've completed but since I'm already well into the game and have quite a collection it would take forever to check all those off manually. My point is that if you could somehow link your garage and maybe your achievements into the app without having to enter it all manually. Id find this quite convenient because sometimes im out with a friend and he might ask me if you wanna trade something or ask if you got a certain car. I'd pay the 99 cents or whatever for an app with this integrated into it.
This is an amazing idea and something I'd really appreciate. Here are some suggestions from me

1. Apple support since I'm stuck on iPhone.
2. Database access to car tunes
3. Track/experience database with xp/credits and suggested vehicles
4. UCD database to quickly figure out when that "one" car will show up
5. Remote race capability
6. Access to ones garage as mentioned previously
7. News/tweets from the world of GT5/Kaz
8. Historic information featured more prominently. I always disliked how you had to push triangle to get any sweet information on cars. I think it'd be a huge benefit to have all of that be front and center. It could turn GT5 into a museum piece/encyclopedia for all things automotive. As well as all of these historic tracks like Monaco, Spa, Suzuka etc.

This is just a few of my ideas. This is a great site and GT5 is a great game. I hope you're successful in your efforts and thanks for the work.
Not really sure on the point of this? The general reason for mobile apps is for something you want/need on the move, away from a real computer. Why would you need this sort of thing on an app?

Well it would be more convinent for me. Since I used the same 32" flatscreen as my TV, PS3, Xbox360, and PC monitors, it would make for alot less button pushing for me. I'm all for it. Lemme know where and when i can download it? 👍
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App goes live this weekend most likely. If not then within 5 days or so. I need 5 or 7 beta testers to begin. Anyone interested?
For now til i can get some source code racing within the app isnt availiable but there is a window directly to the online race site. Once you sign in there the app will take you to it directly each time its pressed. Hows that sound.
I will defiantly test this and advertise it on my Youtube. Also you think you can make a link to my channel for it since its mostly GTPlanet based and has tuning reviews and tunes they can look at. If not I understand, Either way it goes I WILL ADVERTISE IT.
Android Only for now. If its successful i may have a friend port it to apple products. The only requirement is android 1.6 or higher and preferably enough space on your phone to run an app thats going to be roughly 10mb when finished. Would like to make it smaller, but as all who play this game know, theres alot to cover.
Android Only for now. If its successful i may have a friend port it to apple products. The only requirement is android 1.6 or higher and preferably enough space on your phone to run an app thats going to be roughly 10mb when finished. Would like to make it smaller, but as all who play this game know, theres alot to cover.

Well, then count me in as a beta tester. :D
Out of curiosity, in which language are you coding this app?
If you offer an app with features like mygranturismo, but easier to browse on the iPad or iPhone I would sure pay for it.

I often access mygranturismo on the iPad while playing, but the interface it's not very friendly for tablet users.
I will make sure theres a Video demo posted, also its only English for now but with demand comes supply so there may be more languages down the road. Hopefully it will get to be as comprehensive as MGT at some point but there are vast differences between a website like MGT and an application. So there are restrictions that applications cannot yet get around. I'll do my best though. Hope you all like it.
Android Only for now. If its successful i may have a friend port it to apple products. The only requirement is android 1.6 or higher and preferably enough space on your phone to run an app thats going to be roughly 10mb when finished. Would like to make it smaller, but as all who play this game know, theres alot to cover.

I'd love to see it come over to Apple products as well, I know I'd download it if it did.