New GT5 Android app in development. Taking Requests.NEW SCREEN SHOTS.

  • Thread starter TheRedStig
If any of you know an Iphone dev get them in touch with me. My friend has a ton on his plate right now. It wont take much i imagine to port since i have most the heavy lifting done so far.
Get in touch with Milhouse, the man behind Many people use it already to track their cars, paints, suits, etc. If he can allow you access to the database through certain APIs, you'd have half your app done already, and many people would be less annoyed by not having to re-enter everything ;)
I've searched Android market but its not on yet, I would be more than happy to test it, running ginger bread on desire hd.
It's just nice to see an app developed for android first instead of the overrated, underpowerd, outdated iphone4
It's just nice to see an app developed for android first instead of the overrated, underpowerd, outdated iphone4

I had to live with the original iPhone for two and a half years. Even jail breaking it didn't help it.
It's just nice to see an app developed for android first instead of the overrated, underpowerd, outdated iphone4

Come on! The iPhone is soooo UNDERRATED. Don't hate. The iPhone is so much more simpler and user friendly than an android. You probably haven't even used an IPhone 4/4S.