New GT5 footage shows improved detail and textures

  • Thread starter GrandCobra
How do you know the textures are improved?

They're just different.

And i'm sure PD didn't leave much headroom to include damage, so i'm sure the textures are even poorer when quality is concerned.

Less sterile is the phrase you were looking for.
I've just been thinking about this again and I might be completely wrong but...

KY said they were striving to redefine the racing game and given his previous record I can believe that, if it's not bs then there's something we've not seen yet and I think it could be living evolving racing environments. From rubber and tyremarks building up on the tarmac and kerbs/curbs and clods of dirt being thrown up as the tyres chew up the grass verges to cones and barriers being knocked out of place and marks left on walls and barriers as the cars suffer some of the most realistic damage seen in a game shedding parts of bodywork around the track. Add in dynamic weather with patches of standing water, drying racing lines and crowds that put up their brollys and along with the physics and graphics that's made the GT games what they are (the AI may need fixing a bit though) you take racing games where they've never been before and where it'll take years for anyone else to come close.
Include 3D and headtracking into that and go all out for online play to top it all off.

I may be dreaming but they've been up to something for the past five years and whatever it is they've been keeping it well hidden and it would explain KYs laughter when asked about skidmarks.
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Thanks man, never seen that before... So for me it´s some new news... looks nice

And old news means a few months old... And not an 1 day old news...
How is that old news when the GT academy finals are now?
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I knew it, no one follows the news thread. :lol:

The problem with the news thread is that it's fine for nerds and geeks who spend all their life in front of a computer, but mostly useless for people with a life away from a VDU.

Nice find OP, thanks for bringing it to the attention of a wider audience.

How do you know the textures are improved?

They're just different.

And i'm sure PD didn't leave much headroom to include damage, so i'm sure the textures are even poorer when quality is concerned.

Less sterile is the phrase you were looking for.:

What? They look more realistic, less sterile as you put it, therefore they are "improved" are you going to try and argue they look worse?

He didn't say they were higher quality, just that they look "improved"
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I think you need to see the textures on identical corners in order to make a clear comparison. Still looks good though.
Isn't it obvious from the immediate trackside scenery, the mountains in the background, the tree line, the way the corner snakes around, and even what is in the rear view mirror that those two pictures are from identical corners? :confused:
Isn't it obvious from the immediate trackside scenery, the mountains in the background, the tree line, the way the corner snakes around, and even what is in the rear view mirror that those two pictures are from identical corners? :confused:

Then there's the shape of the fence directly in front going over a bump and the building/structure behind it.
Then there's the shape of the fence directly in front going over a bump and the building/structure behind it.
Exactly... Regardless of how the map looks at the top, if anybody thinks that those two corners are not the same point on the track, they need their eyes testing!
Exactly... Regardless of how the map looks at the top, if anybody thinks that those two corners are not the same point on the track, they need their eyes testing!

Is it because of the map? both maps show the car at the chicane at the bottom of the hill, the GT5 shot shows a second car coming up towards the final turn.
Absolutely EPIC. Best thing about GT5 i've seen so far! Nice to know they've made improvements

That looks awesome, the colours looks so vibrant after the dull ones in GT5P

Really nice... I know why I'm still waiting for GT5 instead of not caring.

The upgrade to lighting is incredible. They have finally fixed whats been bothering me about GT5P for the longest time. Everything looks fresh and vibrant.
Are all these responses about the blurry photo's or from some other source?
Those picture are poor quality, even the speedo is hard to read.
The video that the picture is from has terrible lighting, it was most likely the TV setting.
It goes as far as not actually seeing the track surface, be it too dark or too light and needs correcting in the contrast department, at least.
How do you know the textures are improved?

They're just different.

Less sterile is the phrase you were looking for.

I think different is the word.
I don't like the look of the top photo, some do.
If I wanted it to look like that (vibrant) I could just change my TV settings.

Why don't we wait for some actual video card videos (or official) and only look at the (official) released photos for comparison?

I like to see videos just as much as the next person, but how can we really compare/judge anything factual from them?
I watched the latest video posted 10 or more times and can't really see what people are going on about..??
I'm sure the grass and flowers in GT5Prologue moved also.
The debris is new, though it is hard to spot in the video, but something is happening.
The dirt inside the corner concept is not new, it wasn't in Prologue, but it was in GT4.
I think most people mistake that whatever was in GT5P will be in GT5 and the same people have either forgot what GT4 has or never played it much.

Go on and keep arguing though as it's entertaining, for some.
But to keep on going on about "You don't think they're the same corner?"
is not needed.
He has not responded since that question, let him answer your question.
Ridiculing is not needed here.
Absolutely gorgeous.... the asphalt texture is amazing.. i can feel it... the skidmarks around the track gives a more realistic feel for the experience itself.

It shows a lot of progress compared with prologue...

now let-me see it with wet surface and some water splashes... :)
You don't think they're the same corner?

Hmm, I'm confused now. I said they were different corners because I was looking at the maps - which clearly show the car at different points on the circuit. But from having looked closer at the actual screenshots they appear to be at the same point/corner. Odd. Maybe I'm mistaken.
Hmm, I'm confused now. I said they were different corners because I was looking at the maps - which clearly show the car at different points on the circuit. But from having looked closer at the actual screenshots they appear to be at the same point/corner. Odd. Maybe I'm mistaken.

I see your mistake.

Though the pictured cars are at the same spot on the track, there is another car ahead (arrow) of the newer version.
The picture is too blurry to see the correct (red dot) marker.

It's the picture.
The comparison pictures are very good.. I love the 'mud' edge, it seems to have depth and I'm all for this kind of improvement..

Now lets compare that to Forza 3's fuji speedway.
oh wait, lol

There is no dought in my mind that GT5 will be the best looking racing game ever.
Hmm, I'm confused now. I said they were different corners because I was looking at the maps - which clearly show the car at different points on the circuit. But from having looked closer at the actual screenshots they appear to be at the same point/corner. Odd. Maybe I'm mistaken.

In the top picture, the driver car marker on the map is just at the treeline in the distance and hard to make out.

The arrow you likely think is the driver car (triangle) is not.
I wish that Indy track will be improved like Fuji!!!It makes me cry when I see those trees in TT demo :(((
Sadly I don't see any difference between Indy in last vids and Indy from TT demo.
(ughhhh that english.....)
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I don't like the look of the top photo, some do.

It seems to me that most do and only a few don't.

The dirt inside the corner concept is not new, it wasn't in Prologue, but it was in GT4.
I think most people mistake that whatever was in GT5P will be in GT5 and the same people have either forgot what GT4 has or never played it much.

Why judge a current generation game by a last generation game? GT5P is closer to GT5 than GT4, you assume too much about what other people think.
New build of Fuji vs GT5 Prologue, if you can't see the differences you need glasses :)
Much denser and better grass and the white/yellow Dandelions off course, and that curb is actually 3D now and sticks up


I wish that Indy track will be improved like Fuji!!!It makes me cry when I see those trees in TT demo :(((
Sadly I don't see any difference between Indy in last vids and Indy from TT demo.
(ughhhh that english.....)

All track will have same graphic quality , don't worry!!!!
Cloud pattern is different too. You can see that the grass is a different shade, and the roughed areas near the curbs. More texture detail in the sand pits. Even that green matting on the curbs is different, plus some more muddy/dirt areas and one new section on far mid left near the railings. On the right side there are more orange bits and a long white structure that appears to go over the road.
And the extra tyre marks off course

Would you believe they added an extra power line tower on the distant far left mountain? :dunce:
A few extra trees in that middle, and some are a lot taller than before.


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It seems to me that most do and only a few don't.

I'm OK with that.
Whether it's sterile or muddy looking, I'll be fine with it.
Are you OK with the fact that I don't like the muddy look?
I would hope so.

judge a current generation game by a last generation game? GT5P is closer to GT5 than GT4, you assume too much about what other people think.

I would rather not compare it to what is basically a demo.
I think you could agree that plenty of detail was left out of GT5P, especially track detail.

That is why I brought up GT4.
I would think such details in GT4 will be in GT5 and possibly improved.

I would assume that anyone who doesn't know that kind of detail doesn't know much about GT4, especially if they compare it to Prologue.

What I don't assume is what GT5 will be like compared to Prologue.