Mohamu only now I had a chance to watch your videos...been pretty busy lately
But I can see that I've hit your rear bumper and spun you in the downhill chicane
Sorry for that but believe me when I tell you that in my perspective(don't know if lag or me driving in the cockpit view made me misjudg our distance) I never hitted you
Either way I feel you should take my winning points and Me being disqualified for careless driving:tdown:
Anyway about video assessement of one's mistakes there is a problem I don't have a camera (nor I intend on buying one) and your footage only shows your race
at Donigton (1 lap) for instance someone cutted trought the grass and rammed me off the track(I've tried watching on your review mirror but you're already to far away
) luckyly Jay watched but it was a mere coincidence I could easyly not have any proof