New Need For Speed: Shift GTP Racing League - Season I (Manny Challenge)

  • Thread starter addictions
Thanks man I was pretty impressed with It myself :lol: even more so with your reaction.
It's a shame I went off a few times with my own mistakes.
I think the adrenalin pumps more on tight short tracks It's so close all the time.
I was really happy with nobody getting DC's last night, Probably one of the best nights racing we've ever had.

Yeah great move from both of you guys:tup:👍👍

Agreed I guess less people is playing the game,so probably the servers are less overloaded even on Saturday nights:), great news for us:tup:

And after last night races,even with cars with the same class and drivetrain,therefore very simlar , how can someone state the cars all feel and sound the same:crazy: since when You drive in the limit one can really notice the diferent levels of grip between cars and even suspension and torque are so diferent...

On a diferent subject:

That how diferent the same event looks from diferent perpectives...after seing Jay's video I was sure it was Mohamu's fault ,but after seing from his perspective I was under the impression it was a racing incident without fault from neither racers and if I was in Mohamu's shoes viewing what he viewed I would also kept going...:dopey::dunce:

I think that is one of Manny's legacy to this league-besides his great and cleanest racing- was the wisdom with he always delt with these situations:tup:

At this point we all know each other pretty well and know for sure none of us will take advantage from situations that in our screen looks one's fault 👍
but as this example clearly proves we don't see the same event in the same way so we all have to give each other the benifit of the doubt and know when other driver overtakes us in a way we don't feel that proper,maybe he didn't felt it the same way:grumpy:
These are the flaws we all know are inherent to the online game code...but we have to live with them because despite all problems this is still a fun game to do close online racing,and every Saturday we have very pleasent moments



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Mo thats mental as your video clearly shows me sideways and quite out of control where as on mine It doesn't look that bad.
And from your view anybody on here would of pulled the same move.
It just goes to show how different things look from view of others But I think the game copes with It quite well saying as all of us live thousands of miles apart (apart from me and Hog) so take into account inernet speed It handles really well I think.

So I'm sorry for my bit of attitude Mohamu. It's been said loads In the past, But we all have to keep our cool when accidents happen as 9 times out of 10 It's the fault of the game more than anything.

(Note to myself)The above statement above Is also a reminder to myself.
Thanks Arvore:D You were awesome last night! In the 3rd race your car was faster than mine. Just a little bit, but it was enough. Well done!👍 it was perfect!
Thanks Arvore:D You were awesome last night! In the 3rd race your car was faster than mine. Just a little bit, but it was enough. Well done!👍 it was perfect!

Thanks Shark:tup::)
Yeah I think for the first time I got one of my OWN tunes right:dunce::) I got the gears setted perfectly for maximum accelaration( the 6th gear was almost over reeving when I reached the two straights breaking zones so I've squeezed that Mégane to the Kingdom come:crazy::sly: but it was the thoughest of tasks to catch you:tup:👍👍
Mo thats mental as your video clearly shows me sideways and quite out of control where as on mine It doesn't look that bad.
And from your view anybody on here would of pulled the same move.
It just goes to show how different things look from view of others But I think the game copes with It quite well saying as all of us live thousands of miles apart (apart from me and Hog) so take into account inernet speed It handles really well I think.

So I'm sorry for my bit of attitude Mohamu. It's been said loads In the past, But we all have to keep our cool when accidents happen as 9 times out of 10 It's the fault of the game more than anything.

(Note to myself)The above statement above Is also a reminder to myself.

Ther is no need to say sorry my friend!

If I would be in the same situation, I think i would be angry a bit too, but I have to remember every time that this is just a game and after the last weeks problems and this short time what I spent racing with you guys, I know everybody is fair and gentl and don't want to push somebody out directly! (even if everybody wants to win 👍)

I hope we'll have a lot more great races in the future too!!
s to win 👍)

I hope we'll have a lot more great races in the future too!!

I know we'll have lots of great races on here, There's a lot of great drivers on here, And It makes for some great racing.
This is a little off topic but I thought I'd share It with you guys.

This happened to me on friday, Twice now In 6 months.

There are some foul disgusting people in the world, there should be a law put in place that any one at risk of needle puncture in there line of work would be giving semi plastic plated gloves like they used to at my old workplace.
There are some foul disgusting people in the world, there should be a law put in place that any one at risk of needle puncture in there line of work would be giving semi plastic plated gloves like they used to at my old workplace.

We use Turtle skin gloves that are double skinned on the palm and fingers but when a needle hits them square on they still penetrate. Any thicker and you wouldn't be able to bend for fingers at all.
Addictions you should go for a Hepatitis B bloodtest mate (though I hope you have had inocculation for it in your kind of work) :yuck:
Addictions you should go for a Hepatitis B bloodtest mate (though I hope you have had inocculation for it in your kind of work) :yuck:

I went on Friday altho I'm immune to the inoccultion I had a double dose on friday. But I also had a double dose in December which didn't take effect.
After racing on Saturday and reading the posts hear in the forum I want to say that I couldn’t be more proud of my fellow competitors for the quality of their game. I don’t think I can rate any higher the fun I had and the expert abilities that you all showed. Starting from the back row in the first 2 races and an unfortunate incident in the first turn of the third race I had to come from behind then as well I couldn’t have been any happier. My videos are soon to follow but once again guys “ what a class act “

PS: wow Jay I am rocked by what happend to you I'll say a prayer........Lefty.......
Man, too bad i missed it, that time is just too early in the morning for me. Being on the west coast in the U.S. makes it hard to make these races, by the time you guys are racing, I'm in dreamland. I think your racing started at 6 in the morning.
Yo Fresh: FYI
I also am on the west coast and the races don't start until 1:00 Pm PST in the afternoon not 6:00 AM in the morning, for what it's worth.
Thanks Lefty I'm sure everything will be fine. I'm not really a religious person but a prayer won't hurt.

Seth when do you fancy doing a trial then?
Guys we're all the cleanest racers...look what pros do to each other(even team mates) with million dollar cars in real life:


and after seing this SHIFT almost feels real:

Heck We're more civilized than these guys ,thats for sure:)
How dare you called yourself like that !!!! You are not civilized, you are not even a racer. Those guys knows how real race is done. I've never heard from them anything close to lazy "sorry guys for..." Oh that's just wrong. Learn from them how to race or overtake in difficult conditions because for sure you don't know how. Maybe if behind you would be a demanding sponsor and contract for millions of $$ then you'd stop act like spoil 40 old child and act like real man who knows how to seas the opportunity. But when we all play video games it's easy to say ohhh we are more civilized that they are. Well you are not that bright as for your age, they had sponsors who will not hesitate to replace then with someone who had balls. That difference between real life and video game. So don't point fingers at them because you are no one in compare with race drivers. That's my word of defence for them.

Well thats your opinion I guess you're entitled to have one...luckyly You're not a league member,who that post his aimed I guess you don't have to put up with mine uncivilized driving:lol: ,me for the other end seem to be forced to put up with your opinions about my driving and personallitty despite don't asking about them:confused::irked:

Funny thing I don't remember knowing you or even racing you...but I guess you form opinion based on wild guesses...I leave to other league members,people who I really like playing with to judge the veracity of your words...:yuck:
Yo Treky: WTF
I don’t know who you think you are but I know a little something about trading paint for real and until you can show some kind of touch with reality as in maybe a video or a photo of you even at a real race or standing next to a real race car let alone in one driving it your observations are just BS in my book, because in real life "you couldn’t tie my shoes" bub. As far as anyone in this legue goes, I think they show more class then a lot of people that I have raced against for real, so how about jumping in so you could show us how clean a racer you aren’t.

++++++++++++++++++++++++ LEAGUE VIDEO+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

PS: Here is a view fron the rear heading towards the front from the first race
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How dare you called yourself like that !!!! You are not civilized, you are not even a racer. Those guys knows how real race is done. I've never heard from them anything close to lazy "sorry guys for..." Oh that's just wrong. Learn from them how to race or overtake in difficult conditions because for sure you don't know how. Maybe if behind you would be a demanding sponsor and contract for millions of $$ then you'd stop act like spoil 40 old child and act like real man who knows how to seas the opportunity. But when we all play video games it's easy to say ohhh we are more civilized that they are. Well you are not that bright as for your age, they had sponsors who will not hesitate to replace then with someone who had balls. That difference between real life and video game. So don't point fingers at them because you are no one in compare with race drivers. That's my word of defence for them.

No comment...:crazy:
Sounds like a post by.. (we know who I'm thinking on..)
Great racing last night guys 👍 I actually won a race :)

yea not kidding nice work mate i was trying too.

as for the arvore video yea mate that's our touring cars for you very close fast and hair raising actions i love it.

And treky were all entitled to our opinion and to be honest i think you have jumped the gun a bit on what arvore said and yes we are more civilized than that but only due to us not having that meany people on track at one time, i guarantee it would be worse that that if we did have all these racers on at one time.
I think arvore more than understands the pressures that real life pro racers have to coup with after all were pritty much all avid racing fans so we understand the racing world well and jumping on people's opinions like that will get you no friends on this website there are certain way to get your opinion across and that is respectively.

EDIT nice video lefty such good sound and quality mate well done.

EDIT 2 sorry again to all of you i took out in race 1 muhamu lefty and addictions and any more that i took out looking at lefty video i was all over the place, the problem was my G25 settings were set to to much turning lock and too little steering sensitivity meaning i had to really throw the wheel around like a turn and a half just get round corners and in turn this meant i kept turning too much and cutting corners and under steering off track sorry again guys.
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Lefty sorry about the nudge on lap 14 or 15 which ever. With you and Jav fighting for position just slowed you both down. Thought I had the time to beat you to the turn by going up the inside.

Fasty don't worry about It. It was only a tap, Just goes to show we can still do the side by side thing even on the tightest tracks.

Touring Cars Is the best form of motor sport on Earth.