New PS3 Slim Owner

I'm not a troll. I want GT5 ever bit as much as you do and I hope it releases before the end of the year.

Ignore these idiots.

I've owned the 360 since launch and I also owned the PS3 for a couple of years and you do make some vaild points.

I purchased my PS3 for GT5 and recently I have started to spend alot more time on my PS3 than my 360. However you're right in what you say, Xbox live is still miles better and so is the controller.

We really need Sony to sort out the communication. Despite numerous firmware updates for the PS3 I still have to switch my 360 on if I want to chat to my friends whilst playing GT5P. What PSN needs is a party system like Xbox live because the way you interact with your friends on the PS3 is still very basic compared to Xbox live.

As for the PS3 controller, its crap compared to the 360. The left analog stick is in the wrong place, triggers are awful. This is why I have a G25 as I hate the PS3 controller. There is the Cross battle adapter you can buy that allows you to use the 360 controller on the PS3.
I did see that adapter in one of my gaming magazines. I wonder how good that would work. Doesn't matter though because I'll be getting my new Fanatec Turbo S wheel soon enough.

I'm hoping that the PS3 and GT5P will just keep me entertained and occupied until Forza 3 comes out. I hate getting excited for games that don't come out for months.

Just ordered my a copy of GT5P for $12.
I did see that adapter in one of my gaming magazines. I wonder how good that would work. Doesn't matter though because I'll be getting my new Fanatec Turbo S wheel soon enough.

I'm hoping that the PS3 and GT5P will just keep me entertained and occupied until Forza 3 comes out. I hate getting excited for games that don't come out for months.

Just ordered my a copy of GT5P for $12.

I've heard some good reports from my friends about the cross battle adapter.

Very wise move buying GT5P. It will take some time getting used to the physics compared to FM2 but you will be blown away with how fantastic it looks and plays.

As for Forza 3 im certainly going to buy it but I have to be honest and say this will only be a stop gap until GT5 is released. Still I cannot wait to play both games and have the best of both worlds.
I've heard some good reports from my friends about the cross battle adapter.

Very wise move buying GT5P. It will take some time getting used to the physics compared to FM2 but you will be blown away with how fantastic it looks and plays.

As for Forza 3 im certainly going to buy it but I have to be honest and say this will only be a stop gap until GT5 is released. Still I cannot wait to play both games and have the best of both worlds.

Lucky you, i cant have both consoles:(
Yeah, I also don't think I can play both during the same period either. I think it would quickly grow frustration trying to keep the different physics separate.
Ignore these idiots.

I've owned the 360 since launch and I also owned the PS3 for a couple of years and you do make some vaild points.

I purchased my PS3 for GT5 and recently I have started to spend alot more time on my PS3 than my 360. However you're right in what you say, Xbox live is still miles better and so is the controller.

We really need Sony to sort out the communication. Despite numerous firmware updates for the PS3 I still have to switch my 360 on if I want to chat to my friends whilst playing GT5P. What PSN needs is a party system like Xbox live because the way you interact with your friends on the PS3 is still very basic compared to Xbox live.

As for the PS3 controller, its crap compared to the 360. The left analog stick is in the wrong place, triggers are awful. This is why I have a G25 as I hate the PS3 controller. There is the Cross battle adapter you can buy that allows you to use the 360 controller on the PS3.

Amen to the controller part. I've owned both consoles since launch.
I couldn't believe Sony did not redesign the controller for the PS3.

That was right up there in the hieght of idiocy category with their marketing savy of undermining the priority release of GT5 in favor of GT on the PSP.
With Geniuses like that running things, no wonder they're losing a Billion dollars a year.

How many gamers on earth could be in exhilaratory anticipation of playing GT on a 2 inch screen with a directional touchpad?????

Go figure.
I've been a PlayStation owner since PS1, the big blocky one(i remember they used to make stickers for them in PSM), but back on topic (kind of) i found the transition seamless, like it flowedfrom the PS1(pre-analog) to Analog, and from there to Dual Shock, and then Wireless Dual Shock, because we have built-in physical memory that is rather hard to re-program after many years, so i think Sony did PlayStation enthusiasts a favor, by not fixing something that ain't broke, and allowing us to change platforms all while retaining our reflexes. I must add that the "lever" like RL2 "buttons" make it much easier to drive in Gran Turismo using the DS3 or 6A, i used to have to map my throttle and brake to the R Analog up and down, more comfortable but seriously affects "heel-toe" technique.

The PS3 Slim, is a natural progression, as seen in PSone, and PS2 Slim, but i just wish they'd release the Slimmer one in the first place, but i guess it's Bid-ness as usual for Sony.
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I've played on both consoles for quiet a fair bit and in my opinion, the ps3's controller is just fine. Infact, I don't want them redesigning it. Perhaps its because I'm use to it from the ps1/ps2 days, but I prefer it over the 360 controller. Of course, this is only one saying so, but I'm sure there are others. So no, Sony wasn't dumb for keeping its design. In the end its only a matter of preference, and the majority happens to be fine with it.

Also yes. JakeCourtney, if you're into simulation for real, you might want to get GT5P for now. There is some learning curve to learning GT5P's new professional physics. I'm thinking if you want to enjoy GT5 on the get-go, then you should. GT5, I heard from Gamescom people, has updated physics over GT5P too though, but they're only slightly different and very similar.
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I'm failing to see why I'm suppose to be a troll. I'm not trying to start an arguments here over anything.

There are just some people here who love to witch hunt for trolls. I think it helps reinforce their feelings of righteousness to "know" that what they care bout so much is important enough to attract trolls.

Enjoy your PS3 now while you wait, and that fanatec wheel should work with it too so get your GT5p on!
Pre ordered gt5p.... why not just bought the game the same day you supposedly bought the ps3 slim...


Oh snap..that's bad.
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No way the ps3 is "lacking exclusive games".

It has more. Man all that xbox brainwashing must of worked on some. To say something so silly is ridiculous, but to each their own i guess.
Pre ordered gt5p.... why not just bought the game the same day you supposedly bought the ps3 slim...


Oh snap..that's bad.

Hmm... I ordered the PS3 Slim from Dells website and they are out of stock right now. I'm suppose to get it before or on October 1st. Thus the reason why I'm in no hurry to get the game. Plus I found the game real cheap on ebay.

Are you guys jealous that I have both systems or what is it?
Hmm... I ordered the PS3 Slim from Dells website and they are out of stock right now. I'm suppose to get it before or on October 1st. Thus the reason why I'm in no hurry to get the game. Plus I found the game real cheap on ebay.

Are you guys jealous that I have both systems or what is it?

And that statement is where you failed, in your first post, you said you had bought the ps3 slim and it is "now" sitting in your closet.

Now your saying you ordered your slim, and you are supposed to receive it October 1st.

And you ordered it from Dell website... Which sells computers and computer accessory's...


damn that's bad...
Are you guys jealous that I have both systems or what is it?

Many of us own PC rigs, Xbox, PS3s Wii, we just dont create threads and complain about them.

And SONY has lack of games? Last time I check I own more PS3 games over Xbox 360, sure 360 has more games.. but many of them are super crap and super short..
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Only game that I will ever play on PS3 is GT5... I recommended a lock on this thread way back. Anyway, I'm still failing to see how I'm a troll seeing as I'm only providing my opinion as to which system I prefer.

You act like I'm some fan boy or something? I doubt a fanboy would go out and buy the other system.

Who said I was complaining about the system anyway?

Is there a section on the forum where I can mention 360 and PS3 in the same thread? or how about GT5 and Forza in the same thread without anyone getting butt hurt and calling troll?

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The 360 controller is worlds better in my option. It just feels better for me.

Do you really want to get covered in tar and feathers? xbox controllers are uber weak.

-no motion detection
-you can only use 4 per console (sucks for fifa or nhl games).
-only the triggers are pressure sensitive (sucks for people who use the default gt layout).
-you need a separate charger for the battery
-you cant use a 2$ usb cable to charge it.

XBOX controller is an epic fail. I think I liked the 1st gen sega saturn controllers better :-P

Its only redeeming quality is that it has a convenient jack for a headset. The jack still kinda sucks since it only works with extra special xbox live headsets.
Exactly, xbox controllers are so over priced as well.

Xbox 360 Wireless Controller
With NO RECHARGEABLE KIT! PLus 12 buks for that!!

PS3 DualShock 3 Wireless Controller

5 buks more but you can recharge it out of the box, pressure sensitive, as well motion controller build in.

Xbox is like apple, over priced accessories..

not to mention HDD for Xbox..
XBox 360 Hard Drive 60GB Live Pack 99.99 USD!

You got to be real sucker to buy accessories for Xbox..

It cost me 70 dollars with delivery for 180 GB HDD with 7200 RPM not 5200 RPM that Xbox uses.. how lame. !

Put your big boy pants on.. Time to see whats better system..

Not to mention HUGE failure ratre.. No wonder the are more Xbox out there because each person BUYS 2 or 3 because 1st one breaks down!
I thought Sony had more first party (exclusive) developers than Microsoft and Nintendo combined.
They might, they certainly have tons more first and second party than MS does. And most of these are the games I want. LittleBigPlanet, Metal Gear Solid, Uncharted, Ratchet & Clank, Gran Turismo... I could go on and on. Other than very few 360 games, which I couldn't even name right now, the 360 library feels like a PC library, and I'm just not a PC game fan anymore. Plus I hate the 360 controller, hate the reliability - my second controller was bad out of the plastic too, and I haven't had any trouble with any Playstation or peripheral but my PS2 broadband adapter.

I just don't care for the MS toys or their pay-for-play service, which is why I have five XBox games and one 360 game, but 16 PS3 games.
First off you never buy 360 accessories retail, unless you want to get raped in price.

I've had lots of RROD's, but I'd buy a new 360 every month if I had to because they have the games I want to play and Xbox Live is unmatched.
First off you never buy 360 accessories retail, unless you want to get raped in price.

I've had lots of RROD's, but I'd buy a new 360 every month if I had to because they have the games I want to play and Xbox Live is unmatched.

As i've said many times. If the PS3 had Xbox live then this would be the ultimate console.

My own personal view is when I purchased the 360 in Feb 2006 since then its been the better console to own from a gaming perspective. However last year I said to my friends that within the next 2yrs the PS3 would become the console to own. We are now starting to enter this period and the likes of Unchartered 2, GT5, Mag, GOW III will see the PS3 become dominant into next year. There is no doubt the momentum is with Sony this xmas and MS must be looking at the PS3 exclusives and thinking to themselves "how on earth did we allow this to happen".

I have throughly enjoyed my time with the 360 but in recent months it seems stale with little progression. I always knew a time would come when my 360 is never used again and this is becoming ever closer. Once GT5 is released I cannot see any reason to switch my 360 on unless the communication isn't sorted for GT5.
I play Halo 3 or Gears of War 2 .. both are killer games, but online still has LAG!
I play SOCOM with 32 players, Resistance 2 with 60 players.. and guess what NO LAG!!!

Not to mention GT5P has way way way less lag over FM2 .
I play Halo 3 or Gears of War 2 .. both are killer games, but online still has LAG!
I play SOCOM with 32 players, Resistance 2 with 60 players.. and guess what NO LAG!!!

Not to mention GT5P has way way way less lag over FM2 .
Indeed GOW 2 is a shocker for lag although must of the reason is down to the very poor network code. The Rainbox six series was very similiar and im sure im right in saying RB6V2 used the same game engine as GOW 2 (unreal engine).

As for GT5P suffering from less lag than FM2 is debatable. Both these games use P2P whereas some PS3 games have dedicated servers. I personally haven't noticed much lag on both games but I tend to be selected as the host on GT5P due to my fast upload connections.

When it comes to lag its often difficult to tell if its down to the network code or players connections or sometimes both. This is why a few months ago I made a thread on here trying to help UK members get a better broadband connection. I sincerely hope I don't encounter someone trying to host a room of 16 on GT5 with an upload speed of only 448kbps!!

The best game I have known for lag free gaming and excellently written network code has to be COD 4.