New Super Slim PS3 Might Be On The Way

  • Thread starter Robin


United Kingdom
United Kingdom
So a document has been filed to the FCC by Sony for a new revision of Playstation and because the model number is listed as CECH-4001x it means its a pretty major change so its likely to be a smaller, more efficient PS3 and may also come with a price cut.

The last time this happened was when a model known as CECH-3000 was filed with the FCC and that turned out to be the original slim. This all comes uncannily soon after Kaz was given an unusual looking PS3 as a leaving present.

I think its about time there was a new slim because the first one was hardly small, if anything it was slightly deeper and just shorter plus it looked god awful. Thoughts?

A few pictures, the first one is the new base of the 4000 series which looks very different to the slim (2nd) and much more like the original fat PS3 (3rd) as well as looking eerily similar to a PS2 base. Rumours are it might be unveiled at Gamescom.



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Will be happy if they make one, especially if temperatures are kept low (Keep a cooler head while TTing ;)). So far positive signs the case looks different so most likely it is a slimmer version.

The only thing left for me to do is complain to PD and Sony and make sure GT5 can be transferred with all replays in the game data. Tried tweeting but that has not worked so far.
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So a document has been filed to the FCC by Sony for a new revision of Playstation and because the model number is listed as CECH-4001x it means its a pretty major change so its likely to be a smaller, more efficient PS3 and may also come with a price cut.

The last time this happened was when a model known as CECH-3000 was filed with the FCC and that turned out to be the original slim. This all comes uncannily soon after Kaz was given an unusual looking PS3 as a leaving present.

I think its about time there was a new slim because the first one was hardly small, if anything it was slightly deeper and just shorter plus it looked god awful. Thoughts?

A few pictures, the first one is the new base of the 4000 series which looks very different to the slim (2nd) and much more like the original fat PS3 (3rd) as well as looking eerily similar to a PS2 base. Rumours are it might be unveiled at Gamescom.




those are blue prints to the original -.- why do you say, ive opened about twenty, and ive seen those pictures way before the first "slim" came out, yes i do believe it will be a super slim but judging by what i know its gonna look like a ps2 with a pop open disk top (hence why they renamed the eject disk to remove disk)
I'd rather keep the PS3 around for a while so I ain't gotta dump another grand ona console.
those are blue prints to the original -.- why do you say, ive opened about twenty, and ive seen those pictures way before the first "slim" came out, yes i do believe it will be a super slim but judging by what i know its gonna look like a ps2 with a pop open disk top (hence why they renamed the eject disk to remove disk)

What are talking about?! Read my post again, specifically the last paragraph. Also how on earth can you know what its going to look like and what the ejection system will be? The renaming in the menu's means nothing, it was to do with psychological phrasing.

If my fatty can last that long,

Many didn't, which is why people have had to pick up Slim's over the years.

I don't think its late at all to have another PS3 hardware revision, the PS2 had a new hardware revision about a year ago!
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A third revision? Aren't we somewhat close to the release of next-gen consoles already? :odd:

That's the reason. A new Slim will have less production cost and can increase the PS3 sells.

They want to increae the sells once again and convince new customer to own a PS3.

This doesn't affect the PS4.
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Will be happy if they make one, especially if temperatures are kept low (Keep a cooler head while TTing ;)). So far positive signs the case looks different so most likely it is a slimmer version.

I've been running my 1st gen slim PS3 without it's top cover for over a year, the fan only ran at slow speed all the time, no noise, and it's a lot cooler. It's easy to open up the top, when I turn it off, I only have to put the cover back easily, no need to screw it back. Have been running my PS3 for longer periods, sometimes for days, not even once the fan kicks up faster than the default slow speed.
I still can't believe how much heat got trapped inside with the top cover on, and causing over heating problems to some folks. Playing heavy games for hours like GTA IV, GT5, MGS4 is no longer a concern, the fan stays slow speed means the internal says in cooler temperature. The only downside is that every 3 months I have to take out the big fan, and clean up the internals from dust, easy job.
I've been running my 1st gen slim PS3 without it's top cover for over a year, the fan only ran at slow speed all the time, no noise, and it's a lot cooler. It's easy to open up the top, when I turn it off, I only have to put the cover back easily, no need to screw it back. Have been running my PS3 for longer periods, sometimes for days, not even once the fan kicks up faster than the default slow speed.

Never thought about that. Think I may do this tonight.
The fat ps3 runs much cooler standing on its side. It has vents to allow more heat to escape when used standing up. My fan almost never goes into turbo mode when in this position.
The new wii is coming out soon I assume a new Xbox soon after and I heard a new ps4 after that. However what is there really to add to a ps3 to make a ps4? It literally has everything and only thing more you could add would push it straight into the computer department.
That's the reason. A new Slim will have less production cost and can increase the PS3 sells.

They want to increae the sells once again and convince new customer to own a PS3.

This doesn't affect the PS4.
Wait a sec. So, if someone just bought a new console, a PS3 SuperSlim, doesn't that make it kinda less likely that that person is going to shell out for another Sony console within the next year? I know that I wouldn't make a major investment with the next generation of consoles being released within a timeframe like that... I suppose that's why we've usually seen consoles getting a facelift roughly halfway through their life cycle.

I mean, I do have a suspicion as to why Sony might want a third revision of the PS3. With the Wii U definitely being released earlier than the PS4 and the next Xbox possibly doing something similar, they might want to have something 'new' on offer. However, this would only make sense if the PS4 was released quite a bit later than the competition. Dunno whether that's that's going to happen, though.
Did you know that the primary heat source of both fat and slim PS3 is from the PSU at the back ? The big fan provides cooling by circulating air inside and help the heat exit the machine, but the rear PSU is actually behind the fan box exhaust - the main problems, it gets very hot even after half hour of running, removing the top cover guarantees cold air circulate freely and heat dissipates quickly, this applies both to fat and slim PS3.
I never run fat PS3 without the top cover, but if it can be removed like the slim one, I don't see any reason not to, especially if heat is an issue due to high ambient temperature. A drastic measure would be applying new thermal pad and paste on the CPU and GPU. I might do this next year, the factory thermal pad and paste as I've heard is not good enough for long term use.

Let's hope the new slim have external PSU like the old PSone
The fat ps3 runs much cooler standing on its side. It has vents to allow more heat to escape when used standing up. My fan almost never goes into turbo mode when in this position.

If you can put it in this position. I don't have the ability to stand it up with my shelving.
The new wii is coming out soon I assume a new Xbox soon after and I heard a new ps4 after that. However what is there really to add to a ps3 to make a ps4? It literally has everything and only thing more you could add would push it straight into the computer department.

That't not true. USB3.0, CrossVoiceChat, better CPU, GPU, RAM, better OS, and much much much more.
Here's my two cents about what Sony may do with this:

Sony will release this super slim PS3 next fall, giving people who haven't tried a Sony console, or people who thought it was too expensive, top performance at a cheap price (my guess is around $200).

Therefore, when the PS4 does come out (2015, 2016?), Sony has a massive fan base eager for this console, mostly because of this investment of the PS3 Super Slim a few years earlier.
Wait a sec. So, if someone just bought a new console, a PS3 SuperSlim, doesn't that make it kinda less likely that that person is going to shell out for another Sony console within the next year?

No. for example:

Person A: didn't buy a PS3, because he has a console already. A cheap Super Slim PS3 will gain auttention.

Person B: Want a PS3 , but couldn't afford it. He can buy the Super Slim.
Will not buy a PS4, because the price is to high.

Person C: Owns a PS3 and will buy the PS3 Super Slim because he is a Sony Fan.

A could be convinced to buy a PS4 if he likes the PS3 Super Slim.
B will not buy a PS4
C will buy a PS4.

I mean, I do have a suspicion as to why Sony might want a third revision of the PS3. With the Wii U definitely being released earlier than the PS4 and the next Xbox possibly doing something similar, they might want to have something 'new' on offer. However, this would only make sense if the PS4 was released quite a bit later than the competition. Dunno whether that's that's going to happen, though.

PS3 Super Slim will compete with the Wii U. Especially in the Holiday.

But Sony knows that the PS3 can't compete with the new Xbox.
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Let's hope the new slim have external PSU like the old PSone
With all the heat issues, that would be the best option, I agree.
That't not true. USB3.0, CrossVoiceChat, better CPU, GPU, RAM, better OS, and much much much more.
Wouldn't that make it a PS4?
Here's my two cents about what Sony may do with this:

Sony will release this super slim PS3 next fall, giving people who haven't tried a Sony console, or people who thought it was too expensive, top performance at a cheap price (my guess is around $200).

Therefore, when the PS4 does come out (2015, 2016?), Sony has a massive fan base eager for this console, mostly because of this investment of the PS3 Super Slim a few years earlier.
Dunno about the prices where you life, but I could buy a 320GB Slim off of Amazon for 219€ right away... If Sony does want to just sell loads of consoles, they'd have to settle for a lower price.

Second, the "massive fanbase" thing... Well, it didn't work very well with the PS2 to PS3 transition and it's going to be much harder to pull it off if there's much more powerful (read: next-gen consoles) to compete with for multiple years.
Person A: didn't buy a PS3, because he has a console already. A cheap Super Slim PS3 will gain auttention.

Person B: Want a PS3 , but couldn't afford it. He can buy the Super Slim.
Will not buy a PS4, because the price is to high.
If he's got an Xbox or Wii, then maybe, yes. Otherwise, I'd say the chances are farely dim at best. Given that the PS3 has gotten pretty cheap already. But, anyways, offering a simple Slim with, say, a smaller hard drive (80GB, for example) would do the trick just as well, without the added development costs, of course. This obviously goes for someone who can't afford a PS3 currently, as well.

I'd say that Person A would also be possibly considering one of the competing next-gen consoles, as well. That's a pretty big factor when talking about a hardware revision right now. Such a thing is pretty great to do for a company when you're on equal terms with the competition - it becomes more of a desperation move when you're competing with a newer generation of hardware.

Person C: Owns a PS3 and will buy the PS3 Super Slim because he is a Sony Fan.
If both of us are going by the same definition of "Sony fan", than s/he'd buy it outright, agreed. But that sort of person would probably buy anything branded with a PS badge, anyways :lol:

A could be convinced to buy a PS4 if he likes the PS3 Super Slim.
Just to point this out: Wouldn't it be much more useful to just make the PS4 a good console? Everyone who's got a slight bit of insight on the topic should know fully well that buying a console solely based on the quality of its predecessor is going to be a very shaky foundation for a decision.

I can only speak for myself, but I'll be damned if I'm ever going to do such a thing again :lol: Then again, I've got to work for my money myself nowadays, as opposed to when the PS2 was first released - that change inevitably ended my fanboy days :lol:
PS3 Super Slim will compete with the Wii U. Especially in the Holiday.
I highly doubt that. Different target audiences, for one. Also, Move never seemed to make as much of a splash as Kinect and the Wii did.

But Sony knows that the PS3 can't compete with the new Xbox.
That's why I'm considering it a desperation move. Draw as much attention away from the competition for as long as you can - especially if you can't offer a comparable product.
Dunno about the prices where you life, but I could buy a 320GB Slim off of Amazon for 219€ right away... If Sony does want to just sell loads of consoles, they'd have to settle for a lower price.

Second, the "massive fanbase" thing... Well, it didn't work very well with the PS2 to PS3 transition and it's going to be much harder to pull it off if there's much more powerful (read: next-gen consoles) to compete with for multiple years

In the U.S., a PS3 slim is $300...I'm not sure how to convert that into Euros, but a 1/3 of the price drop seems logical (to compare, a Wii is $200 now).

Secondly, you do have a good point, especially with so much hype around the Wii U and the successor to the 360.
Wouldn't that make it a PS4?

Of course. I think he said why people want/need a PS4. The PS3 offers everything and thats not true.

I'd say that Person A would also be possibly considering one of the competing next-gen consoles, as well. That's a pretty big factor when talking about a hardware revision right now. Such a thing is pretty great to do for a company when you're on equal terms with the competition - it becomes more of a desperation move when you're competing with a newer generation of hardware.

Sony could convince Person A that the PS3 is a good product offers good exclusiv games for example.

I bought a PS1 and a Xbox 1 after price droped. And now I own a PS2, PS3 and 360.

Sony want Person A to realise that the PS3 is better than they thought. The PS4 will gain more auttention.

Just to point this out: Wouldn't it be much more useful to just make the PS4 a good console?

Why is it not possible to make a good PS4 after Sony release a cheaper Slim Version?

I highly doubt that. Different target audiences, for one. Also, Move never seemed to make as much of a splash as Kinect and the Wii did.

Nintendo wants more core gamer and the PS3 Super Slim will have a cheaper price compared to the Wii U. They'll compete. Sony throws a stone in Nintendo's way with their holiday plan.

For example: Not the official price. They didn't announced them.

Wii U: 300-350$
PS3 Super Slim: 150$
PS3 Super Slim + Vita Bundle: 350-450$

That's why I'm considering it a desperation move. Draw as much attention away from the competition for as long as you can - especially if you can't offer a comparable product.

Like i said. Sony know that only a PS4 can compete with the new Xbox. And i think both companies can deliver their new console if someone announce the new console.

They'll just wait and milk the cow with their current console.
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That't not true. USB3.0, CrossVoiceChat, better CPU, GPU, RAM, better OS, and much much much more.

You really gonna pay another like $600 for the same thing only runs a tiny bit better?
I'm guessing this will be as cheap as they can possibly make it and they'll sell it alongside the PS4. I doubt current PS3 owners will find anything of value here unless they want second PS3s for around the house or want to play GT5 in triple monitor mode... Now I'm interested, oops.
I'm guessing this will be as cheap as they can possibly make it and they'll sell it alongside the PS4. I doubt current PS3 owners will find anything of value here unless they want second PS3s for around the house or want to play GT5 in triple monitor mode... Now I'm interested, oops.

Maybe I can recreate that crazy setup that Forza 3 had with 3 TV's and
The reason for this is simple - production cost. Sony have no need to further enhance the Playstation name by releasing this new model. It is known around the world and has all the brand recognition it will ever need. Right now here in Canada the 160GB model is selling for $199 (CDN on par with USD). So to say this is an attempt at a new marketing campaign by Sony is ridicules. Say this thing sell for $159, how many people in developed countries are going to jump for joy and say "Yay, now I can finally afford a PS3"? None! You're not going to tell me those few coins are preventing people from initial purchase, if so I hope they know that games don't always come cheap.
These are the people out to buy a PS3 in the worlds most developed countries:

1. Kids that have just turned 6 yr. old that will bug their parents about wanting the console.
2. People who've had their PS3 crap out on them.
3. People who aren't gamers per say, but simply opt for a PS3 for BluRay, online streaming and gameplay for guests.
4. The VERY few who've not made the leap to PS because they just owned the X360 instead.

Now the other thing of course is that the rest of the world who haven't necessarily been able to enjoy next gen consoles (let alone the previous gen) ie. South America, most of Asia, few Middle East and African countries, are markets that are of particular interest to Sony. Millions upon millions of potential buyers, so this Super Slim is vastly important to them not due to actual sales which are happening anyway, but the production costs.

I could easily the PS3 lasting well past 2016, no matter how soon the PS4 hits markets. Now the only major problem Sony could have with this, is if there is a design flaw and lots of them start failing. Hopefully these will be tested through and through before release.