New Super Slim PS3 Might Be On The Way

  • Thread starter Robin
The fat ps3 runs much cooler standing on its side. It has vents to allow more heat to escape when used standing up. My fan almost never goes into turbo mode when in this position.

It doesn't actually run cooler in the vertical position, its a common misconception and also not all that good for the Blu Ray drive. If you look at the top vents half of it is covered by the grey disk drive casing making it useless.

Wait a sec. So, if someone just bought a new console, a PS3 SuperSlim, doesn't that make it kinda less likely that that person is going to shell out for another Sony console within the next year?

It depends on the price, its likely to be quite affordable and so won't feel like a massive investment compared to those who bought the PS3 at launch for example so it wouldn't necessarily put them off dumping a wad of cash for the next gen console in a couple of years.

Plus there are people just old enough to be wanting a console now, people replacing busted PS3's, people who can now afford one etc etc.. Just like with ongoing PS2 sales today.
In the U.S., a PS3 slim is $300...I'm not sure how to convert that into Euros, but a 1/3 of the price drop seems logical (to compare, a Wii is $200 now).

Secondly, you do have a good point, especially with so much hype around the Wii U and the successor to the 360.

There's hype around the Wii U? I haven't heard much about it. To me, it's kinda pseudo-hype because it feels like most hardcore gamers, and thus gaming sites, are done with Nintendo after the Wii. The Wii was a great concept, but it's a concept they can't repeat again because their target audience isn't going to fork out twice as much money for a new, Next-Gen system when they can get the old system for less. And, Nintendo has a "kid-friendly" persona, at the moment, which, they need to change in order to compete and calling their new system "Wii U" isn't helping.

And from what it sounds like both Sony and Microsoft already have developers working on new games for their new systems, so I don't know why people are all "The PS3 can't compete with the new Xbox." 1. PS4 is on the way. 2. Sony said they're not gonna release their system last this time around. And since MS and Sony DON'T consider Nintendo a competitor anymore, that means the PS4 will be out before the Xbox Next is. So, if anything, the Xbox can't compete with the PS4. Remember how exclusive titles Sony has compared to the Xbox...I'm sure some of those devs and some third party devs (*coughrockstarcough*) are keeping Sony and probably MS informed about the release dates of the new systems.

To be honest, it's evident that the new system will probably be releasing next year. And it's not just the rumors. I mean, Microsoft is trying to get Halo 4 and Forza Horizon out the door before the end of the year. Those are two very good "Play these while we finish our next system that we're not gonna screw up this time around" games. And Sony's about ready to release a slim version of the Slim? Yeah, sounds like Everyone's looking to the next gen systems. Makes me wonder if Team Ico's The Last Guardian got turned into a next gen title.
^You posted an Xbox is dead thread ages ago.
So forgive me if I don't buy your views.
Sony could convince Person A that the PS3 is a good product offers good exclusiv games for example.
Exclusives have been such a non-issue this generation, in my opinion... There's about four or five franchises per console and, all things considered, neither side seems to be much better than the other. If they want to convince people that the PS3 is the way to go, they should've secured proper support for third-party exclusive titles - which isn't gonna happen as long as the market is split 50/50 between the Xbox and the PS3, anyways.
Sony want Person A to realise that the PS3 is better than they thought. The PS4 will gain more auttention.
Again, that didn't work with the PS2. The PS2 had increidble attention (market share of around, what, 75%?) and the PS3 still wasn't off to a great start - that's why I'm pretty sure that this isn't the greatest idea ever.
Why is it not possible to make a good PS4 after Sony release a cheaper Slim Version?[/qote]
It's not impossible by any means, nut Sony aren't exactly rolling in the dough right now, so directing ressources towards another PS3 revision instead of the PS4 is something I'd be wary off. Especially if they don't want to release their console last again.

Nintendo wants more core gamer and the PS3 Super Slim will have a cheaper price compared to the Wii U. They'll compete. Sony throws a stone in Nintendo's way with their holiday plan.
Yeah, Nintendo's branching out to get more core gamers, true. Talking about core gamers, though, what core gamer didn't already get their this-gen consoles? Aside from that, I'd say that there competing as much as the PS2 and the Wii did - probably even less than that.

For example: Not the official price. They didn't announced them.

Wii U: 300-350$
PS3 Super Slim: 150$
PS3 Super Slim + Vita Bundle: 350-450$
I'll go with the Canadian prices someone else postet, but that'd be a meager fifty bucks cheaper than the current PS3 Slim - I'm not really convinced that that slight difference would be enough to open up enough of a new market that developing another hardware revision would make sense.

Like i said. Sony know that only a PS4 can compete with the new Xbox. And i think both companies can deliver their new console if someone announce the new console.
You mean like the infamous "I can produce the PS3 any time." phrase?

They'll just wait and milk the cow with their current console.
That's the vibe I'm getting from a SuperSlim PS3, at least. An attempt to do that, though, and I'm still quite sceptical about it.

Don't get me wrong, I'm just being critical of their business decisions lately. I've been critical of what Sony's been doing for a while now, and looking at their financial situation, rightfully so.
The reason for this is simple - production cost.
Unless they're changing the actual hardware, I'd think that a new model won't allow Sony to cut the production cost by a large margin. It still needs the same CPU, GPU, RAM and BR drive as well as some sort of relevant HDD...
There's hype around the Wii U? I haven't heard much about it. To me, it's kinda pseudo-hype because it feels like most hardcore gamers, and thus gaming sites, are done with Nintendo after the Wii. The Wii was a great concept, but it's a concept they can't repeat again because their target audience isn't going to fork out twice as much money for a new, Next-Gen system when they can get the old system for less. And, Nintendo has a "kid-friendly" persona, at the moment, which, they need to change in order to compete and calling their new system "Wii U" isn't helping.

And from what it sounds like both Sony and Microsoft already have developers working on new games for their new systems, so I don't know why people are all "The PS3 can't compete with the new Xbox." 1. PS4 is on the way. 2. Sony said they're not gonna release their system last this time around. And since MS and Sony DON'T consider Nintendo a competitor anymore, that means the PS4 will be out before the Xbox Next is. So, if anything, the Xbox can't compete with the PS4. Remember how exclusive titles Sony has compared to the Xbox...I'm sure some of those devs and some third party devs (*coughrockstarcough*) are keeping Sony and probably MS informed about the release dates of the new systems.

To be honest, it's evident that the new system will probably be releasing next year. And it's not just the rumors. I mean, Microsoft is trying to get Halo 4 and Forza Horizon out the door before the end of the year. Those are two very good "Play these while we finish our next system that we're not gonna screw up this time around" games. And Sony's about ready to release a slim version of the Slim? Yeah, sounds like Everyone's looking to the next gen systems. Makes me wonder if Team Ico's The Last Guardian got turned into a next gen title.
I don't quite get your opinion, really. I mean, fine, it's your opinion and I'll respect that, but:

Your post makes me feel as if you're trying to say that Sony did everythign right and is on a good way, while you're creating some sort of scenario that makes Nintendo in particular look quite bad. Just to remind you: Sony is facing severe financial trouble right now, and they've been in a troublesome situation for a few years now. Nintendo, on the other hand, has, for the first time in 30 yeasrs(!) not been making profit in 2011 - so, yeah, I find it hard to put more faith in Sony's business decision than into Nintendo's.

Also, Sony's spokesmen have said a lot of stuff about what they want to do, can do, or will do. I've already mentioned the phrase about being able to produce the PS3 at any time, for example. So, I'll believe stuff like that when it happens, not a second earlier.
And from what it sounds like both Sony and Microsoft already have developers working on new games for their new systems, so I don't know why people are all "The PS3 can't compete with the new Xbox." 1. PS4 is on the way.

I know. I said "The PS3 can't compete with the new Xbox, because it's true and someone said they may release the PS3 Super Slim to use it as a competition because they can't make a PS4 so early.

I know that the PS4 is on the way .

Look what i said:

Like i said. Sony know that only a PS4 can compete with the new Xbox. And i think both companies can deliver their new console if someone announce the new console.

They'll just wait and milk the cow with their current console.

Xbox will be dead? Of course we know everything. from the PS4 and new Xbox :rolleyes:

The exclusiv games on PS were in this generation better, but we don't know more than 3-4 Next Gen games.
We can't say something about the new Xbox or PS or the exclusiv franchise.
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Concept fan art from GAF.
I wonder if they will do what Microsoft do regarding storage, sell a cheaper model with flash storage and one with a higher capacity HDD. If they do, they might make a model with something like 16GB or 32GB internal flash memory. Microsoft should do a hardware revision soon like Sony too. I wonder if they will integrate the PSU into the Xbox 360.

I've been running my 1st gen slim PS3 without it's top cover for over a year, the fan only ran at slow speed all the time, no noise, and it's a lot cooler. It's easy to open up the top, when I turn it off, I only have to put the cover back easily, no need to screw it back. Have been running my PS3 for longer periods, sometimes for days, not even once the fan kicks up faster than the default slow speed.
I still can't believe how much heat got trapped inside with the top cover on, and causing over heating problems to some folks. Playing heavy games for hours like GTA IV, GT5, MGS4 is no longer a concern, the fan stays slow speed means the internal says in cooler temperature. The only downside is that every 3 months I have to take out the big fan, and clean up the internals from dust, easy job.
Thanks for the advice, but I think I will keep the top cover on. It is really warm days, the heat is a bother. I don't play that much and most of the time in the year in England it is cold so it isn't that much of a problem ;). I tried to upgrade to 3rd gen of the Slim model, it was quieter and ran cooler but the problem was my GT5 game data replays did not transfer over so I ended up selling it.
Concept fan art from GAF.

And he came to that conclusion from only seeing (like the rest of the world) a drawing of the base? :lol: I swear some people must be psychic :rolleyes:

Also where are people getting this flip top lid idea from? It's 2012 and we have super thin laptops which slot load.... people, stop living in 2004!

Yes I know its a concept but boy people don't have an imagination.
It did. Which is why people think that it might be a flip top like the PS2 Slim, because you can't really eject a disc from that :P
As a wrote earlier in this thread I read online that the menu name change was something to do with psychological phrasing because eject sounds like a more complex task than remove. I know it may sound silly to techy types but there's a whole industry dedicated to subliminally making things easier to do just by the wording. Microsoft did something similar after Windows Vista because people were getting confused between Eject and Safely Remove.

Although its not totally out of the question that they may use a flip top lid its highly unlikely because that type of technology is totally redundant and a slot loading drive, a technology which once costed loads, is now common place and cheap. Look how thin and cheap the Wii is and it has a slot loading drive.
I doubt the word 'eject' would be repudiated because people are unfamiliar with the word. :)
According to dictionary reference 'eject' originates from the Latin in the 1550's, older than the word 'disk' which originates also from Latin but in the 1650's, so if they were to change any word it would be disc/disk rather that eject. In either case you would have to be past your 400th birthday to start getting confused over the word 'eject'. And even then using your basic knowledge of Middle English Latin you would get the idea of what the word implied.
Perhaps to avoid mental confusion by the non 'techy'* Sony should have put on 'Ejectus Discus'?

*Techy being the informal word for techie, origin 1980-85. Please use the formal word in future or I will get psychologically phrase inhibited.

I'm no expert I just used internet..
Put simply, Sony wish to sell the ps3 for many years to come, just as they have done with the ps2 which still sells well today. Bring costs down and continue to sell alongside the PS4. If anything this is a sign that ps4 is on its way.
I think we will see the new PS3 Super Slim as a part of the 10 years plan. Meanwhile Sony releases the PS4 and support both.

I think we will see the PS4 in 2-3 years. Announced in 0,5-2 years.
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I doubt the word 'eject' would be repudiated because people are unfamiliar with the word. :)
According to dictionary reference 'eject' originates from the Latin in the 1550's, older than the word 'disk' which originates also from Latin but in the 1650's, so if they were to change any word it would be disc/disk rather that eject. In either case you would have to be past your 400th birthday to start getting confused over the word 'eject'. And even then using your basic knowledge of Middle English Latin you would get the idea of what the word implied.
Perhaps to avoid mental confusion by the non 'techy'* Sony should have put on 'Ejectus Discus'?

*Techy being the informal word for techie, origin 1980-85. Please use the formal word in future or I will get psychologically phrase inhibited.

I'm no expert I just used internet..

Hey I just read what I read, no need to be smart about it!
Missed my chance to point it out the first time that "concept art" was posted on the previous page, but it just looks like a PS2 Slim with a rounded top...
Missed my chance to point it out the first time that "concept art" was posted on the previous page, but it just looks like a PS2 Slim with a rounded top...

Yes, I didn't know that someone posted before me but all good.
Looks like what I mentioned earlier of potential 16GB flash model might be true, remains to be seen if it will be flash based memory but I think it will be. 16GB, 250GB and 500GB are the three capacities available for this model.

First impressions, it looks like something I would imagine as alien looking tech :lol:. If it is only a RSX die shrink to 28nm, then there is definately room for a slimmer version of this in the near future.
Looks like what I mentioned earlier of potential 16GB flash model might be true, remains to be seen if it will be flash based memory but I think it will be. 16GB, 250GB and 500GB are the three capacities available for this model.

First impressions, it looks like something I would imagine as alien looking tech :lol:. If it is only a RSX die shrink to 28nm, then there is definately room for a slimmer version of this in the near future.

I think I found my portable PS3.

Still, I don't think that the 250 and the 500GB SKUs will be flash based. Simple reason is that there will be some that will want to upgrade their HDD to a 750GB one. Whatever it is though, I have found my portable PS3 for travel.

One complaint though, not enough USB ports.
I think I found my portable PS3.

Still, I don't think that the 250 and the 500GB SKUs will be flash based. Simple reason is that there will be some that will want to upgrade their HDD to a 750GB one. Whatever it is though, I have found my portable PS3 for travel.

One complaint though, not enough USB ports.

I was just mentioning 16GB being the one that might be flash based.

I think there will be a more portable PS3 maybe within a couple of years though but this will do for now I suppose. Question is, have they managed to die shrink the Cell? Power supply rating would suggest not but going by CECH-3000 model, it may not show the true picture. At the moment it looks like just more integration / shrinking of motherboard components and die shrink of RSX to 28nm or maybe Cell 45nm and RSX 28nm combined. Sony thinking behind this, is to keep costs down and make the PS3 still look fresh in the market by the looks of it. If there is a die shrink of both the Cell and RSX, I will most likely buy it. If not, I will wait until they do.
According to that source it will support bluetooth and WiFi 802.11b/g.

Uh... You do know that's a standard feature from the original fat PS3's, correct? But hmm, a 190W PS3, I don't think that drop would indicate that they are using a 28nm process for the RSX chip. I think the wattage drop is part of getting rid of the eject mechanism for the blu-ray drive.
Just saw those leaked images, it does look legit because its totally believable that it would look even cheaper and uglier than the previous slim :lol: Doesn't actually look that much smaller, now around the size of the fat PS2.

I had a feeling they would take styling cues from the PS3 Nasne DVR attachment and it turns out I was right (if its real obviously). Ridged plastic is soooo early 2000's :sly:

I think the wattage drop is part of getting rid of the eject mechanism for the blu-ray drive.

We don't know how it ejects yet, there's still no evidence its a manual operation. If it is, boy have they gone low rent! I reckon that top cover electronically slides to the left when you press eject button, like you get on some fancier budget Hi-Fi's.
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