My take on this is what’s the point? There’s no skill in that either.
Gt Sport has it right, for a simgamsimcadearcade whatever it is. Equal playing field for all.
In real life, the situation is opposite the to what the most fair choice is in an online environment.
Would it make any game better to have the game, lose, then have to perform the tedium of google search, then go back in put in those setting and lose less?
For a lot of us, we want to hop in and race. No bs, no google search, no driver installs, third party enhancement apps, tuning cars, for many of us this is recreation. We want plug and play, because the fun part is the playing...For some of us like me that is.
Plus, KNOWING, ABSOLUTELY KNOWING, that the car setup under bop is the same as the one used to set a top ten time is GREAT.
I tried one of the often espoused sim games and was looking at leaderboard times like wtf. Of course these all require tunes.
Just gimme a car capable of doing the time and let me find the way. I’m not here to be Encyclopedia Brown doing detective work wondering if it’s me or the care. In GT Sport, the answer is ITS ME I AM SLOWER T A LOT OF PEOPLE. But, at least it’s not the car.