It's hardly unquestionable proof at this point.
That is certainly true. Heck, no proof is truly "unquestionable". However, I believe there is such a thing as healthy skepticism. Then, there is "I have been burned before and refuse to believe again" type skepticism.
Maybe not you SlipZtrEm, but I think we are witnessing a lot of the latter type. Everyone is shy, and not wanting to trust anyone. It's no longer healthy skepticism at that point. It's some type of psychological barricade that is put up by that person.
All of this is just my opinion of course, but think it is safe to assume this is not a mistranslation or made up. It is real, makes sense, and fits.
And again, the report was more confirmed, than denied by Sony.
Maybe they used that word because Translator-san was the one who said it in English, but ultimately Kaz was the one who said the statement, only in Japanese.
Well, in Journalism (for the most part) a professional translator is the person. Essentially, you treat them as if they do not exist. Personally, I think Kaz knows what he is doing and answers questions vaguely. Then we are left to wonder what happened to the translation. When really, it is exactly what was said.
Plus, I don't think there is much of a chance for mistranslation in this case. The question that was asked and the following answer are pretty straight forward.