Next Forza DLC Track and Cars?

  • Thread starter symo63
Race results are just a hot fix away, it's not like it would require a total rewrite of the game. It may not have come yet, if at all, but they have made changes to the game economy and DLC and other customer-pleasing efforts.
Gameplay wise it's great but lets face it it's not the Forza we grew up with and loved. They cannot get basic things right like race results, Distance times or Online setup to name a quick few....Have you tried finding paints in the game? It's like some twisted **** just to annoy you.

The things you listed aren't broken, they are annoying. Race results only in MP is weird, not being able to load tunes pre race in single player is annoying. Online setup and distance are just annoying, none of this crap has kept me from being able to play.

Broke would be the transmission adjustment menu, even that you can work around. Battlefield on PC, where hit boxes trail the actual player so you can get killed while behind cover is broke.
The things you listed aren't broken, they are annoying. Race results only in MP is weird, not being able to load tunes pre race in single player is annoying. Online setup and distance are just annoying, none of this crap has kept me from being able to play.

Broke would be the transmission adjustment menu, even that you can work around. Battlefield on PC, where hit boxes trail the actual player so you can get killed while behind cover is broke.
All the issues have certainly not kept me from playing im just about 300 hours in however If they sorted out these things it would prolong the life of Forza 5, Playing online with full damage and long races in public lobbies would be epic and should be what racing sims are all about. The worry i have is they have no intention of sorting all the issues with Horizon on the horizon and while that's not a T10 game it is a Forza game after all.

The broken part of Forza 5 is when it send you back to the dash...That is a nightmare and should of been fixed by now.
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It's been 6 months since release, and what I thought back then hasn't changed at all.
Forza 5 does feel more like a 30 minute e3 demo, than the great successor to Forza 4.

And Turn10 isn't doing much to change that. I get that.
Their vision of Forza 5 is clearly not the same as yours, or mine.
You said you prefer fixes over anything, sure I agree, I would be happy if they finally fixed the
reversed brake balancing, or the gear ratio glitch. And why can't we skip the finish race custscene?
The whole interface feels slow and delayed, it takes a good second to pop up the telemetry during test drives,
it was instant in previous games.
There are still the same unpaintable areas on the same cars, so much for rebuilt from the ground up.

But... in my opinion, the 5th game is missing the most important ingredient, that made the other games complete.
Tracks - Maple, Tsukuba, Suzuka, Sedona, Fujimi, Iberian, Infineon, Viejo, Mugello...etc.

Despite all of that, I still enjoy the game.
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Bull****ting? It's all over the net you clown. GTPlanet is the only place that does not have people speaking out against Forza other than myself.

You have got nothing to back up your daft arse claims, You dont want the game fixed along with ya wee crew who like every post you make :lol: Alot of us do want it fixed and are fed up of the bombardment of DLC...Weird as **** you cannot accept that. So far up T10's arse!
Prove it. Plain and simple. You're the one who made the claim, you back it up.

If it's all over the net, then it should be easy for you. Otherwise, you deflecting like this only shows you have no evidence. You have a problem with everyone here, then go to the forums you claim are full of posts addressing the issues you have.
You came up with no proof for your theory so im not going to the bother to give you proof...All you need to do is read the official forums and Forza 5 Facebook, It's really that simple. That's all im saying on the matter now to yourself.
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By the way, was anyone else expecting Nordschleife when T10 said
"we have good news for the hardcore fans...". Lol I know it's rediculous to hope for something like that.
Maybe with the 2 additional car packs, the season pass will be good enough value to justify a purchase, dunno.
I consider people that spend an extra $50 on a game to be hardcore gamers in that games community, so yes an extra two free car packs is definitely a nice thing for the "hardcore".

Season pass has been worth it, two free packs just make it that much more.

Not to mention the extra car packs for season pass owners with the track releases.
I consider people that spend an extra $50 on a game to be hardcore gamers in that games community, so yes an extra two free car packs is definitely a nice thing for the "hardcore".

Season pass has been worth it, two free packs just make it that much more.

Not to mention the extra car packs for season pass owners with the track releases.

What about the guys that bought the 6 packs when they came out each month rather than the season pass outright, Why are they not considered "hardcore"?
I had a different picture of the "hardcore" in my head.
Maybe the guys that helped building up the franchise, giving feedback on the forums and so on.
What exactly are the "correct" fixes for Forza? You make it sound like the entire "hardcore community" (whatever that is) has agreed on it.

And I can't help but laugh about the issues you want fixed - I couldn't care less about all of them and it makes me laugh to see you getting so angry about them.
By the way, was anyone else expecting Nordschleife when T10 said
"we have good news for the hardcore fans...". Lol I know it's rediculous to hope for something like that.
Maybe with the 2 additional car packs, the season pass will be good enough value to justify a purchase, dunno.
What about the guys that bought the 6 packs when they came out each month rather than the season pass outright, Why are they not considered "hardcore"?

They are both hardcore and pretty dumb, I personal waited on any DLC until I felt it worth it.

Season pass has been available to buy since launch.

I've been playing following Forza since a year before the original game launched, hell I,m the 7th member to register to Forza Central.

McLaren has been too, you're talking to the guys who helped build the Forza Community.
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I've never heard of Forza Central before, Seems pretty dead for a built up Forza community...What happened to it?

Edit: Was FC the GTPlanet spin off?
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I've never heard of Forza Central before, Seems pretty dead for a built up Forza community...What happened to it?

Edit: Was FC the GTPlanet spin off?

Why don't you look on the internet, it's simple enough.
Alot of us do want it fixed and are fed up of the bombardment of DLC...

You've already had it explained to you that fixes and DLC are not related.

"Bombardment of DLC" has absolutely nothing to do with what you want from the game.

You came up with no proof for your theory so im not going to the bother to give you proof...

What was his theory again? Or was he simply questioning yours?

What exactly are the "correct" fixes for Forza? You make it sound like the entire "hardcore community" (whatever that is) has agreed on it.

I'd like to see this. What has been listed so far is stuff that could be improved for FM6, but isn't broken. Broken is something like the input lag in Shift 2, it made the game damn near unplayable.

Poor design resulting in inconvenience is all the stuff listed. Yeah, it could be better, but it's working as intended, so I doubt that T10 are seriously considering fixing it. They should be seriously considering improving it for next time, but it's just not worth it to make minor tweaks to an already released game. Bug fixes generally come out for showstopper stuff, not usability tweaks.
You've already had it explained to you that fixes and DLC are not related.

"Bombardment of DLC" has absolutely nothing to do with what you want from the game.

What was his theory again? Or was he simply questioning yours?

I'd like to see this. What has been listed so far is stuff that could be improved for FM6, but isn't broken. Broken is something like the input lag in Shift 2, it made the game damn near unplayable.

Poor design resulting in inconvenience is all the stuff listed. Yeah, it could be better, but it's working as intended, so I doubt that T10 are seriously considering fixing it. They should be seriously considering improving it for next time, but it's just not worth it to make minor tweaks to an already released game. Bug fixes generally come out for showstopper stuff, not usability tweaks.
You managed to get the game yet?
Ah, I wondered how long it would take you to pull that one out.

None of what I've said is dependent on me owning the game. Play the ball, not the man.

Pull what one out? You said you didnt have it a few days ago? Im wondering if you managed to get a hold of a copy yet.

Play ball? So that's what you's call it is it? It's certainly not play Forza 5 for you anyway is it! When are you getting it?
Leave the ball buy and play Forza 5!

I see. You're a troll.

You somehow believe that I shouldn't be allowed to take part in this discussion without dropping $600, money that I don't have. I haven't said anything about gameplay, all I've said is stuff about game design, which is as apparent to someone external to the game as it is to someone playing it.
I see. You're a troll.

You somehow believe that I shouldn't be allowed to take part in this discussion without dropping $600, money that I don't have. I haven't said anything about gameplay, all I've said is stuff about game design, which is as apparent to someone external to the game as it is to someone playing it.

Well i would never find myself in the Pcars section or AC section telling people what the devs have done right or wrong about their game design without actually owning and seeing for myself as well as playing it.

You really should jump on Forza 5 it's a great game despite it's many flaws.
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Well i would never find myself in the Pcars section or AC section telling people what the devs have done right or wrong about their game design without actually owning and seeing for myself as well as playing it.

Point me to where I've said what they did right or wrong.

I've been explaining to you basic stuff, like why DLC and bug fixes are not dependent on one another, and why systems that are working as intended are unlikely to get patched unless they actually break the game.

Also, you seem to be under the assumption that not owning the game = not playing the game. You may want to be careful with that one.

I don't have $600 to spare (let alone the extra I would want for a wheel as well), so I won't be jumping on FM5 any time soon, regardless of how great a game it might be.
Point me to where I've said what they did right or wrong.

I've been explaining to you basic stuff, like why DLC and bug fixes are not dependent on one another, and why systems that are working as intended are unlikely to get patched unless they actually break the game.

Also, you seem to be under the assumption that not owning the game = not playing the game. You may want to be careful with that one.

I don't have $600 to spare (let alone the extra I would want for a wheel as well), so I won't be jumping on FM5 any time soon, regardless of how great a game it might be.

How is the distance/split time working as intended as you put it?

What about when you get booted to the dash? When you break the game... surly getting booted out of multiplayer races into the dashboard is pretty broke or when searching for a tune and again booted out of the game into the dash? No way in hell can you and the others on here claim that is working as intended.
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...and should be what racing sims are all about.

Oh. This train of thought.

I doubt you'll get it now - you haven't yet, despite many people saying it in as plain English as possible - but your views =/= everyone's views. You've been asked numerous times to back up your claims, and you've ignored them at best, or resorted to the schoolkid approach of "nuh uh, you do it!" at worst. Either put up, or shut up.
Oh. This train of thought.

I doubt you'll get it now - you haven't yet, despite many people saying it in as plain English as possible - but your views =/= everyone's views. You've been asked numerous times to back up your claims, and you've ignored them at best, or resorted to the schoolkid approach of "nuh uh, you do it!" at worst. Either put up, or shut up.

It's amazing how upset all of you guys are getting over my views on Forza :gtpflag:

Not sure if you play PC sims but online racing is exactly what they are about! Console owners still sadly hang on for that mundane career mode.
How is the distance time working as intended as you put it?

I never noticed any time or distance measures to other drivers. What seems to be the problem?

What about when you get booted to the dash? It's supposed to do that?

Seems unlikely, doesn't it?

There's three options:

1. They know about it, are trying to fix it but haven't been able to do so.
2. They know about it, but are busy giving you the finger instead of fixing it.
3. They don't know about it.

How reproduceable is your crash to the dash? Does it just do it randomly, or can you trigger it at will? If so, how? Naturally, you will have tried the hard reboot "fix".

It sucks to have a game that crashes. To be fair, it doesn't seem to be only Forza that does it.

There's more like that all over the internet. BF4 and CoD seem to be prime offenders as well.

That would seem to imply that it's something with the Xbox 1 rather than the game itself. Maybe it's hardware, maybe it's software. Maybe it's some aspect of the X1 that these games use that they haven't been able to find a workaround for not using yet.

The gist of it online seems to be that there's a memory leak that gradually consumes all the RAM without a hard reboot, but I've seen people still have problems with various games even trying that fix so it's possible that there's more than just that one issue.

Given that you probably know all this already though, why turn it into a crusade against T10? Chances are that if it's hardware/firmware that's the problem, there's nothing they can do about it. So why complain that they're making DLC instead of fixing a problem that is likely unfixable unless your name is Mike Rosoft?
The reason why you have never noticed it is due to it not working. The option for it is in the menu to turn it on or off...

Dice patched B4 long ago it no longer drops to the dash, No idea about COD i dont play it. Many of us have the problem with Forza and so far no one has found any answers and T10 have not acknowledged it's an issue.

No.2 sounds about right...They have our money.