Next season of the Photomode Tournament - Starts 4 June

  • Thread starter NTX

Choose your date...

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Porto, Portugal
Well guys I´m doing this thread to see your opinions about the new date to start the Photomode Tournament.
There are people that wanna start earlier, others I decide to put a poll with possible dates to start the Tournament.
So please choose your option, and if U wanna leave other opinions feel free to do that:tup:
Don´t forget that the Tournament will start with the Qualifying Round.
For me it is earlier... i love joining the tourneys and to see what other people come up with.
I don't understand why people want to wait so long.. i'm in examweek right now and i still manage to create shots etc..
Crap, I voted wrong, I was in a hurry and just clicked away. I want it to start earlier, I really want to get into it this time since last time I backed out before the first round.
So to let U guys know, if I get 10 or more votes in any of the options, the Tournament will start on most voted option.
So far earlier than 11 June is winning, and if that date wins, it will be most certain that the Tournament start June 4.
I just realised that I voted for the wrong thing. Any of those dates are fine with me as long as it doesn't start before the 3rd of June. I can't wait to show off some of my skills I have developed recently.
I didn't vote, because honestly I don't mind when you start. I am a patient guy. :D
Great work on the last Tourney by the way NTX, you did a really good job. 👍
I are Drift2xs...:lol:
Good to know U are interested mate:tup:
I are Drift2xs...:lol:
Good to know U are interested mate:tup:

Haha, yep it is me. Decided a name change was in order since there are so many Drift names out there, wanted something more unique. 👍
And yes, I am interested as always in the Tournament. I might enter PMC this time. :dopey:
I have not voted yet. I need a break now because I worked a lot of hours lately in the competitions and tournament so my mind have to rest now :D. Then, I don't know what to say about the starting day for the next...

I definitely want it to start earlier as I have an exhibition coming up in June so I'll be away in London for a few days and then I'll be busy after that. So the earlier the better for me really!

I'm aiming to get past the 2nd round this time too. :lol:
My summer vacation starts 20th June but I'm going to work then, the whole summer so it's unclear wether I'll be even able to enter :scared:

Anyway, I haven't voted, I'll just take it as it comes 👍
Danmm im to busy again.... but 18 sounds good. evryone got a time to relax and come up with a fresh mind.

ps. I will be out this time though :(
No offence but if you need time to clear up your mind you're not that much of a creative GT4 photographer.
NTX, I was wondering about the next season of the tournament, don't you want some theme ideas?

I thought it would be cool to have people throwing in their theme ideas, usually some awesome themes come up. You'd of course decide to use whatever themes you wanted, but it still would be good to have more to choose from.
Just a thought. 👍
I really would like to have another shot at it, but i think i need time to improve my photo skills.
Yeah...he was on a computer a school not at his home. He is still having probelms at the moment with his internet.
So...earlier than 11 June has reached ten votes first (Loon and Speedster said that their votes were to the earlier 11 June option), so if nothing happens to me, the Tournament will begin next week, with the qualification round...if U guys wanna a qualification round of course:tup: ready to compete:)
So the new Photomode tournament starts tomorrow then? If so, that's fantastic news 👍
And also, 1: Today I managed to fix my internet
2- Tomorrow is a public holiday
3- I'm fired up! Send me a theme already 0_o! :mischievous: :lol: