Maybe you should write a congressman and tell him women should be allowed to fight on the front lines in war?
Not sure what the connection is between war and football, but if women prove capable, then why not?
While not having been in the military, I would be willing to guess that if a man proves incapable of fighting on the front lines, then he gets pulled off the front lines and reassigned somewhere else, just a guess though.
Theres some things that women just shouldn't do. Being on the same field as 6'5" 270lb football players is one of them.
Why are there things that women should not do? Is it because you have some notion that women are not capable of doing many things men can? Yes, physically, women cannot be as strong or fast, but that matters how in being a ref? Have you seen many of the guys that ref in the NFL? Not exactly the pick of the litter physical specimens.
I have no problem with women NBA refs, or MLB, or soccer. But in a contact sport like the NFL? No way. Of course women can officiate as well as men, but Im worried about their ability to take an accidental hit.
Do you want to see a woman getting knocked down like this? I certainly dont. I think it's highly irresponsible by Goodell to allow this. Think of the possible headlines for the NFL "Female ref leaves game with bloody and broken nose and concussion."
Why would I want to see any ref man or woman knocked down like that? However, occasionally getting hit, knocked down, or worse is an occupational hazard. If a woman understands that and is still willing to work, provided she is capable of performing the job, then there is absolutely no reason that the NFL should not allow her to work.
Aside, the guy in the third video should not even be a ref, at least not until he gets himself in better shape. He looked like he was struggling just to move in closer to the play.