Yup. And that doesn't change the conversation in the slightest.
Exactly. I can agree to follow the laws, but it doesn't mean I am not allowed to disagree and voice my opinion. That is one of the things that makes America great, I can publicly call the government wrong without fear of my freedom or life.
(and yes, I would argue that morality/justice is not subjective)
While I agree, I bet that just trying to explain this idea to many would be a thread in itself.
I'll go as far as to raise the racial issue. If it was Lindsay Lohan that was involved in this it would largely be an issue of "youthful exuberance" after all the poor child isn't getting proper parenting.
You know, it is easy to pick up the latest white teen pop tart and use them as an example of white people getting off, but I really think this is a celebrity issue more than anything. Eddie Murphy and Bill Cosby have both been arrested for solicitation of prostitutes (one of them transsexual) with no prison time. LA gives ALL celebrities an easy time. If you want a somewhat fair comparison to Lohan let's talk
Steve McNair. I mean, he served a ton of jail time for.....oh wait.
But we, as a society, want to hang Vick by his testes.
We may have won equality on paper, but in practice...not so much.
We have black athletes charged with rape of a woman and they go to prison.
Oh, you must mean Kobe.....oh wait.
We have white atheletes charged with rape of a woman, and they lose their scholarships.
You must mean the Duke Lacrosse team. That was a pretty open and shut case of guilt right there.......oh wait.
We have white politicians propositioning young boys/men, and their reputation is tarnished.
You know, I am going through The Smoking Gun's Web site and having trouble finding all that many black politicians who are arrested at all. I am willing to guess that is because the number of black politicians is so low that you can't make a proper comparison here.
Now, before you think, I'm pushing aome racial agenda: Yes, I remember that OJ got off in the criminal trial, and Scott Peterson is on death row.
Bad Comparison. Scott Peterson is not a celebrity. Now
Robert Downey Jr is a white celebrity who HAS served jail time for drugs.
We could also talk about Michael Jackson, but I have no clue which side of the racial barrier he is on anymore.
But why does the entire thing have to be a media circus?
One: It involved dogs, so it tugged at our heart strings. Two: He plays football, which people are always trying to demonize with accusations of teaching violence to our children, and then Vick took part in a violent sport/activities. People jumped on it to point out that this is the kind of person we let our children admire when they watch football. Three: He was supposed to be a good guy, pretty boy, a good face for the NFL and that image was destroyed. This the same problem Kobe had, as he was the face of the NBA, a shining example of a great guy that made the NBA look good.
The only difference I can see between Vick and most other celebrity cases is that there were many other defendants that turned on him. If he had been the sole defendant this would have quickly disappeared and would have most likely ended in probation.
Honestly, the only celebrities that do a lot of time are the ones involved in shootings, unless they are Puff Daddy (wait, isn't he black?). And then these people are involved in an attempted or successful murder and do, maybe, a year. Wait, now that I think about it, what was R. Kelly's punishment? Anything? That was sex (and other things) with minors on videotape. He went to court and I never heard another word after that.
Honestly, there is no race card to pull here. If this had been Peyton Manning instead of Vick the media circus would have been bigger. But that is probably because Peyton Manning can actually throw a ball.