NFS Shift(PC) VS GT5 [Graphic Comparison]

  • Thread starter okami11408
The first comparison; the GT version of the GT-R looks more photorealistic than the shift version.The lighting of the GT GT-R is better and looks more real the the Shift version

Second comparison; some as the first

Third comparison; dashboard in GT5p is not as sharp as the shift version. Shift wins.

Fourt comparison; difficult to say. They both look great. The color is slightly different in both picture.

Fifht comparison; Shift wins again.

Sixt comparison; the GT Audi TT version looks more realistic (IMO) than the Shift version. Although the GT version isn't as good looking as the black GT-R (GT version) in the first comparison.

Seventh comparison; Shift wins again. It seems that SMS knows how to programme sharp and crips looking dashboards.

Eight comparison; RX8 looks awfull in both, GT and Shift version.

Ninth comparison. GT version of the Audi engine looks more real than the Shift version.

Tenth comparison; same as the first 2 examples. GT version looks more real ==> lighting.

Shift is far from the truth :yuck: Just goes to show the poor quality work EA have done again.
EA didn't develop Shift, SMS did.

EDIT. Forgot to post these pics.

These are ingame screenshots of Blimey!game's project Ferrari. Most of the Blimey guys are now part of SMS, who developed Shift.

Look how real and good looking these screenshots are. They look even better than GT5's screenshots.

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SHIFT = too much bloom and a blurry mess!!!

I've played it on teh PC , gives me a headache :yuck:

honestly it doesn't look as good as the screenies
Is that a pic of a Ferrari F1 car from the 70's? It definitely isnt the F2007, which is right above it. I just noticed it has a H-shifter :lol:
They look even better than GT5's screenshots.
I disagree.
It looks great, no doubt, but the HDR is completely overdone (looks almost like a game from Codemasters :lol:) and its too soft. The overall look is very "gamey" imo.
One thing i have noticed is the difference in focus.

In the above pics taken in GT photomode, it seems to focus on the car and blur the background. In the NFSS pics it keeps everything in focus. It might just be because they are stationary and not moving like the GT pics are, but its still wrong, you can't take a photo like that with EVERYTHING in the exact same focus, its not possible, it looks 2D.

But when driving, the games are the opposite, NFSS blurs your surroundings to try and simulate the same sort of blur you get at high speeds, but GT doesn't blur at all (except in that 370Z cockpit bullshot). I think overall they look about the same, but some of those cockpit views of GT are really poor shots, so its not a good comparison, you need good shots of both. For a console game GT is miles ahead of it's competitors, but with much more advanced processing power along with more RAM and VRAM memory, PC games are always going to look a little better in gameplay. I need to see what shift is like on PC high settings in gameplay. Obviously if it is in 30fps instead of 60fps, there are going to be some minor details that are a lot better (Which is why GT photomode shots can sometimes look so real, the detail is higher than regular gameplay, hence the lower framerate)
Uh the GTR is in 4th gear, at 7,000rpm approaching 190 km/h the needle almost off the speedometer, nah that's wrong.Unless there is just four gears, then i guess that is how it drives.

The spedometer in the GTR and the 370z are JDM (Japanese Domestic Market) versions, not US versions, hence the 180kmh speedo. 180kmh = 112mph, the limit set on JDM cars. The GT-R if you recall can disable that via GPS on a Japanese race track. :)
The red EVO in GT has windscreen washers in the bonnet, NFS doesn't.
Main thing i notice which to me is quite a big factor is GT has a much lower drivers position than NFS, look at the level of the top of the steering wheel as a comparison to the dashboard.
The red EVO in GT has windscreen washers in the bonnet, NFS doesn't.
Main thing i notice which to me is quite a big factor is GT has a much lower drivers position than NFS, look at the level of the top of the steering wheel as a comparison to the dashboard.

Maybe when testing the driver height, they used different height drivers? It makes sense, Japanese men are on average shorter than your usual American (of European descent).

Just a thought. No racial stereotype reinforcement intended.
I like Shift's pics better.

By the way, I find lame that people seem to compare only graphics. Honestly, what's the point of it if everyone will say "GT5 has better graphics!"?
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look how real and good looking these screenshots are. They look even better than gt5's screenshots.

Untouched ingame Gran Turismo 5 Prologue Screen :)


I guess it's up to one's personal tastes to decide which looks better. Personally I like GT's style and I know they will always pay attention to the details and PD usually creates the most life-like looking cars and tracks.

Until I see a screenshot that looks better then the following link GT5 is the car racing graphics king in my book

The red EVO in GT has windscreen washers in the bonnet, NFS doesn't.
Main thing i notice which to me is quite a big factor is GT has a much lower drivers position than NFS, look at the level of the top of the steering wheel as a comparison to the dashboard.

Glad to see others notice this. I've been long criticized for claiming that GT5P gives the view of someone around 5'6".
No disrespect to KY & his team, i just hope that GT5 doesn't become a game of mainly pretty graphics, shoddy sound files, basic physics engine like GT5P.The PS3 can manage more than that ( my gut feeling anyway ).

Hardly a basic physics engine
Uh the GTR is in 4th gear, at 7,000rpm approaching 190 km/h the needle almost off the speedometer, nah that's wrong.Unless there is just four gears, then i guess that is how it drives.

It's doing 109mph in 4th at a little over 6000rpm. What's wrong with that?
Untouched ingame Gran Turismo 5 Prologue Screen :)


I guess it's up to one's personal tastes to decide which looks better. Personally I like GT's style and I know they will always pay attention to the details and PD usually creates the most life-like looking cars and tracks.

Until I see a screenshot that looks better then the following link GT5 is the car racing graphics king in my book

Glad to see others notice this. I've been long criticized for claiming that GT5P gives the view of someone around 5'6".

They both look great. It always bothered me that PD made the tires too skinny on the F1. I don't know how they screwed this up, but it really distracts me. Anyone else notice this?
Wow. Just wow. WOW!!!

OMFG how good can PD be? A 2 year old code, running in a 3 year old graphics card and the graphics are only slightly worse and sometimes even slightly better than a month old code running on a few months old graphics card.

Look at the quattro and at the R8. WTF??? THEY LOOK BETTER IN GT5P?

And that lambo headlight?

Now that... that makes me speechless... just... :bowdown:

And by the way, these images beg for better quality. They have too many compression artifacts.
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Glad to see others notice this. I've been long criticized for claiming that GT5P gives the view of someone around 5'6".

I prefer the low driving position, it's more sporty. I drop seats down to their lowest position when i have the choice. Lower centre of gravity for better handling. Seats right on the floor is the best.
I prefer the low driving position, it's more sporty. I drop seats down to their lowest position when i have the choice. Lower centre of gravity for better handling. Seats right on the floor is the best.

When I'm ghetto cruising listening to a R&B beat I drop the seats down low. However I usually prefer to be up high as I can see what's directly in front of the bumper better. There's a tricky exit to a local burger king that's a mess trying to get out of in a Dodge Stealth because of it's low driving position that makes it hard to see where your quarter panels and bumper are
how good can PD be? A 2 year old code, running in a 3 year old graphics card and the graphics are only slightly worse and sometimes even slightly better than a month old code running on a few months old graphics card.
That's what I was about to say. Yes, a few Shift shots look a little better, but in motion Prologue looks deceptively real, and plays fantastically. And yes, on hardware which is now technically outdated.

And to think, GT5 is going to be even better still? Yes, bow down. :bowdown:
GT5 looks like it has better lighting effects, but Shift looks to win in the textures department. As far as the cars go, GT5 wins, but overall I'd have to give it to Shift.
The first comparison; the GT version of the GT-R looks more photorealistic than the shift version.The lighting of the GT GT-R is better and looks more real the the Shift version

Second comparison; some as the first

Third comparison; dashboard in GT5p is not as sharp as the shift version. Shift wins.

Fourt comparison; difficult to say. They both look great. The color is slightly different in both picture.

Fifht comparison; Shift wins again.

Sixt comparison; the GT Audi TT version looks more realistic (IMO) than the Shift version. Although the GT version isn't as good looking as the black GT-R (GT version) in the first comparison.

Seventh comparison; Shift wins again. It seems that SMS knows how to programme sharp and crips looking dashboards.

Eight comparison; RX8 looks awfull in both, GT and Shift version.

Ninth comparison. GT version of the Audi engine looks more real than the Shift version.

Tenth comparison; same as the first 2 examples. GT version looks more real ==> lighting.

EA didn't develop Shift, SMS did.

EDIT. Forgot to post these pics.

These are ingame screenshots of Blimey!game's project Ferrari. Most of the Blimey guys are now part of SMS, who developed Shift.

Look how real and good looking these screenshots are. They look even better than GT5's screenshots.

Those have been downscaled though, so while he may not have touched up the shots, a lot of the imperfections are lost. Have to compare full 1080 shots for a true comparison.
Well, knowing that GTPSP has exhaust flames, there is no doubt in my mind that GT5 will have them too. :)

Wel, GT4 had them too, and they didn't show any in GT5P or any of the latest GT5 screenshots. I think they may have been lost... I.e. I don't think we'll see them in GT5, which imo is a big shame. Exhaust flames, reverse lights and skid marks, is it too much to ask? Basics PD, basics... I bet NFS has skid marks?
I bet NFS has skid marks?

yep. And they stay there, you see them next lap round. Plus you get tyre tracks where someone has gone through the grass. I really like that. And lingering tyre smoke and dust clouds. And debris from off track excursions 👍
yep. And they stay there, you see them next lap round. Plus you get tyre tracks where someone has gone through the grass. I really like that. And lingering tyre smoke and dust clouds. And debris from off track excursions 👍

Too bad Shift is a piece of .....
In some pics Shift looks better, in other pics GT looks better. Although some are GT5P pictures. And I played Shift on a very good pc, and GT5P on my SDTV (widescreen of good quality, but still doesn't come close to HD), and I prefer GT5P. I'm not a big fan of pc graphics anymore. Yes, pc graphics can and many times look sharper but that's it. It lacks a soul and warmth that console graphics have. It's hard to explain but I see it many times with multiplatform games. So I would go for GT's graphics anytime instead of Shift's graphics on a monster pc. And the real comparison has yet to come: Shift's gameplay vs GT5's gameplay. Both games look good, but Shift's gameplay won't stand a chance against GT's.
Why on EARTH would PD decide to not include exhaust flames, when GT4 had them... I remember fondly playing with photo mode in GT4 to get shots of my car whilst it had flames coming out of the exhaust(s)...

I also haven't noticed glowing brake rotors in GT5P and I really hope these haven't been lost as well. Surely they will appear in the final code, if the previous game that was released a long time ago had these features.
If they can not do glowing brake rotors right PD should dump the idea. In Forza 2 every freaking mazda demio lights up the brakes like a plasma torch.