Nilo's Power Tuning Garage for DS3 Drifters!

  • Thread starter Bodyguard
I had a go at making a tune for the 135i Coupe '07, which turned out to be a great car! It had some real power issues (just like the Z4), but everything else about it was perfect. From the looks to the chassis, this car was made to drift, I just wish it could have had a more powerful engine. I explain more about this at the end of the tune, but here is how you can get your own drifting 135i:

Upgrades: All besides Chassis Reinforcement and Titanium Racing Exhaust; use a Semi-Racing Exhaust instead.

Aero: 0/0

Turbo: Mid RPM


1st - 4.465
2nd - 3.120
3rd - 2.245
4th - 1.716
5th - 1.485
6th - 1.268
Final - 3.077
Max Speed - 155mph


Torque - 0/10
Accel - 0/25
Decel - 0/20


Ride Height - -20/-20
Springs - 12.0/12.0
Extension - 5/5
Compression - 5/5
Anti-Roll - 1/1

Camber - 2.5/2.0
Toe - 0.00/-0.10



Final Specs:


Extra Info:

This car was great fun to drift, as it had the luxury of big Mercs, while retaining the sportiness that we all love; this car shuddered with force while drifting. This car was such a joy to drive, I just wish it had more power. If this car had perhaps 100-200bhp more, it would be on my top 5 best drift cars. My final thoughts on it are ones of disappointment, as this car is so nearly a brilliant drift car. What this car really needs is a good engine swap, perhaps from the 5 series. Polyphony Digital, are you listening? Overall, it is a great beginner car; I would recommend it to all new drifters. If you're looking for a challenge though, this isn't the car for you.

Cheers, Nilo.

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I've recently been using the 430 Scuderia '07 car for racing at the Nurb, so I thought to try it as a drift car too. It has over 600bhp, so why not? It has now replaced the 599 as my favourite ever Ferrari :)

Upgrades: All besides Chassis Reinforcement and Titanium Racing Exhaust; use a Stock Exhaust instead for the great sound!

Aero: 0/0

Turbo: N/A


1st - 3.637
2nd - 2.472
3rd - 1.796
4th - 1.368
5th - 1.077
6th - 0.907
Final - 4.300
Max Speed - 193mph


Torque - 0/10
Accel - 0/40
Decel - 0/20


Ride Height - -5/-5
Springs - 9.4/9.4
Extension - 5/5
Compression - 5/5
Anti-Roll - 1/1

Camber - 3.5/3.0
Toe - -0.05/-0.10



Final Specs:


Extra Info:

This car's transmission felt very weird, as it was originally set up for racing. I also had many issues with grip, issues that I did not have with the original F430. After twiddling around with the suspension, though, I have more or less fixed those issues and am now in possession of a very fast and good looking Ferrari drift car (very few people can say that xD). I never spun out with this car, so I guess it could be considered an easy drift car. I'd love to hear your opinions on it and see whether it is a difficult drift car or not.

Cheers, Nilo.

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As promised, here is the Evora '09 tune. This car is what got me into drifting, so I absolutely adore it. It is definitely not perfect, though, as it only has 450bhp. It is extremely light, but 450bhp will not get any car to drift well. On a separate note, this car has the best transmission I've ever used.

Upgrades: All besides Chassis Reinforcement and Titanium Racing Exhaust; use a Sports Exhaust instead, as it makes the car sound awesome!

Aero: 0/5

Turbo: N/A


1st - 3.598
2nd - 2.514
3rd - 1.876
4th - 1.465
5th - 1.196
6th - 1.022
Final - 3.777
Max Speed - 155mph


Torque - 0/60
Accel - 0/5
Decel - 0/20


Ride Height - -10/-10
Springs - 10.0/10.0
Extension - 5/5
Compression - 5/5
Anti-Roll - 1/1

Camber - 5.5/6.5
Toe - -0.10/-0.20



Final Specs:


Extra Info:

The Evora has a special place in my heart, as it captures the joys of motorsport. It is a beautiful car that sounds amazing and is not over-priced or over-rated; combine that with my love of Lotus and you get a great cocktail. In all seriousness, though, this car couldnot drift with 450bhp. I was surprised I could even keep it sideways with that little power, but it turned out better than expected. If you are desperate to drift this car, then this tune will greatly help you. Otherwise, find something with more power; 450bhp does not cut it for any car.

Cheers, Nilo.

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yo Nilo, you got the Blitz Skyline tune? oh and im thinking of trying that c63 also. thanks and i hope to see you on the track so we can let em smoke.
yo Nilo, you got the Blitz Skyline tune? oh and im thinking of trying that c63 also. thanks and i hope to see you on the track so we can let em smoke.

Hey slidewayz,
I'm working on the tune as we speak. I expect it will be uploaded by today or maybe tomorrow, if photos take a long time. By all means, try the C63, it's a great drift car!
After I get the Blitz tune written on GTP, I can just send the car to you, if that's what easier. Tell me what you think.
Cheers, Nilo.
Hey slidewayz,
I'm working on the tune as we speak. I expect it will be uploaded by today or maybe tomorrow, if photos take a long time. By all means, try the C63, it's a great drift car!
After I get the Blitz tune written on GTP, I can just send the car to you, if that's what easier. Tell me what you think.
Cheers, Nilo.

That's great. I already have the blitz skyline, so it really wouldn't be any easier. just hit me up on PSN when you've got the tune done. Cheers, Adam
My other account got banned ,but thank you for the tune.ill report back to you to see how it handles.
Thx bodyguard for recommending ur thread. I did happen to buy a sliva i think s15 and that sucker want to get sideways but i do still wanna try and drift my honda teg. I dont think many people would wanna or even think it would work good but it dose put out some good power and sounds clean iv pitched it in some good slides but can never hold it... i know its cuz its a ff but still wanna drift that s.o.b. if u get time you think you could try and find a good setup? If not thx anyways.
Thx bodyguard for recommending ur thread. I did happen to buy a sliva i think s15 and that sucker want to get sideways but i do still wanna try and drift my honda teg. I dont think many people would wanna or even think it would work good but it dose put out some good power and sounds clean iv pitched it in some good slides but can never hold it... i know its cuz its a ff but still wanna drift that s.o.b. if u get time you think you could try and find a good setup? If not thx anyways.

Hey GreekGod,
sorry to break this to you, but FF cars can't be drifted. If you want to truly experience drifting, you will need to practice with your silvia. If you want, I can write up a tune for the S15 Silvia, but the Integra simply is unable to drift.
If you absolutely can't bear the thought of not drifting your Integra, though, try the following steps:
1. Put ride height to max
2. Put spring rate to lowest
3. Put camber to max
4. Put toe to lowest

I would not recommending this setup, as it is for an FF car, but if you really need to drift it, there you go. Feel free to request a Silvia S15 setup.
Cheers, Nilo.
yo Nilo, you got the Blitz Skyline tune? oh and im thinking of trying that c63 also. thanks and i hope to see you on the track so we can let em smoke.

Here is the Dunlop ER34 Skyline '07 tune, as requested by "slidewayz95":

Upgrades: All besides Chassis Reinforcement.

Aero: 10/20

Turbo: Mid RPM


1st - 3.739
2nd - 2.234
3rd - 1.467
4th - 1.148
5th - 0.949
6th - 0.817
Final - 4.072
Max Speed - 186mph


Torque - 0/7
Accel - 015
Decel - 0/15


Ride Height - -10/-10
Springs - 8.0/7.5
Extension - 7/7
Compression - 7/7
Anti-Roll - 1/1

Camber - 3.5/4.5
Toe - -0.15/-0.10



Final Specs:


Extra Info:

This D1 Skyline was surprisingly fun to drift, despite the massive amount of grip! The gears are a tad too long for me, but I thought it would be easier to learn to drift that way. If you plan on entering corners sideways, though, you should be prepared to enter 2nd gear. This car liked exiting corners, since it was so stable. Overall, this tune is aimed at Beginner-Intermediate drifters, and I think it was a success.

Cheers, Nilo.

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man, idk if its me, but that tune is waay to easy to spin. needs more downforce or something. or could it just be me?

I think it is our styles of drifting that differ, as I thought it had too much grip. Try lowering camber, raising downforce or stiffening springs. But remember, less grip = more smoke.
yeah il give that a try for sure, btw would you mind posting the srt10 viper tune, i just bought one and really want to get her ripping.
yeah il give that a try for sure, btw would you mind posting the srt10 viper tune, i just bought one and really want to get her ripping.

Here is the Viper SRT10 Coupe '06 tune, as requested by 'slidewayz95':

Upgrades: All besides Chassis Reinforcement and Titanium Racing Exhaust; use a Standard Exhaust instead.

Aero: 0/0

Turbo: Supercharger


1st - 3.811
2nd - 2.580
3rd - 1.810
4th - 1.378
5th - 1.128
6th - 0.950
Final - 3.070
Max Speed - 193mph


Torque - 0/10
Accel - 0/45
Decel - 0/20


Ride Height - -25/-23
Springs - 8.0/9.0
Extension - 5/5
Compression - 5/5
Anti-Roll - 1/1

Camber - 0.5/0.0
Toe - -0.05/0.05



Final Specs:


Extra Info:

This car is my second most powerful drift car, making it extremely dangerous to drive; with that 915bhp, it definitely shreds rubber. This Viper drifted quite well, until it got to the straights. On Tsukuba, at least, it gathered far too much speed and would not brake in time, making it quite annoying. Besides that small issue, though, it drifted well! I found that the car was very versatile and stable, especially on the transitions. Special note to 'slidewayz95': you previously mentioned that my tunes have lacked grip for your style of drifting. This car is extremely smoky and lacks grip, so you may not like it. I personally found it really fun to slide around in, however it is all up to personal preference. I'd love your thoughts on it.

Cheers, Nilo.

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it sure does lack grip, but then again its a lot easier to drift than the chevelle, in my opinion. I think i may just have to put a little downforce on it, so im gonna give that a try.
another thing thative noticed in your tunes is that the weight balance is off. i always set the balance on my cars to 50/50, so that may have something to do with the grip issues. I dont know for sure, but thats my opinion.
another thing thative noticed in your tunes is that the weight balance is off. i always set the balance on my cars to 50/50, so that may have something to do with the grip issues. I dont know for sure, but thats my opinion.

Weight balance varies per car and I find that it even gives each car a personality. If a car really needs a ballast, I'll make sure to give it one. For example, the Lotus Evora and Merc SLS AMG are both heavier at the rear, however I adore both those cars (although I did put a ballast on the SLS). In my opinion, a car needs to be lively and interesting to drift, otherwise I just get bored; one of the ways to make it interesting is give it something crazy. This can be anything, from a 'floppy' tune, to a wonky weight balance. If you do not agree with my car preferences, feel free to adjust the tunes; after all, a tune created by me will almost never properly suit you, due to the many different drifting styles that people have. If you want a quick guideline on weight balance tuning, here it is:
Weight at the front makes the car more stable (less twitchy, easier to drift, nicer to drift, more angle)
Weight at the back makes the car grippier (faster, less oversteer, less angle)

dang that one was quick. il give it a try and get back to you as quick as i can.

I already had an SRT10 Coupe tune, so all I had to do was write it up. The same goes for any cars that you see listed in the OP (Opening Post, or first post). Feel free to request as many cars as you want, especially from the OP :)
Also, in GTP we don't like to write posts one after the other, so just try to be careful when writing up a post straight after your previous one. Perhaps you could try editing your first post? Many people have been banned for reasons such as these, so just be careful.
Cheers, Nilo.
yea ill keep that in mind for future reference, oh and im thinking of trying that f430 scuderia tune also. the viper drifts awesome.
I am thinking of making a drift tune for the Nurburgring, however I am stumped as to what car I should use. Any ideas? I would like something over 1,200kg with over 500bhp and preferably FR. Perhaps something JDM, because they have decent grip. Any suggestions are appreciated and the person with the best idea will have their name in the tune!
Cheers, Nilo.
A Tom's Chaser maybe, or a Supra? Or a GTS-T Skyline.

Actually, the FR Skyline is a car that I've been thinking of doing for a while now. The Supra sounds promising, too...
However, I am not a fan of the Chaser.

Thanks for the feedback! If I like the GTS-T or Supra for the Nurb, I'll include your name in the tune!
Cheers, Nilo.
Can you help me with a tune for the BMW M3 GTR, and the SVT cobra.

I believe I have tunes for both of those cars, however they can't be released until Tuesday or Wednesday. I'm currently on holiday, so I can't view my tunes. I will have the tunes written and posted by Wednesday afternoon maximum.
Cheers, Nilo.
Can you help me with a tune for the BMW M3 GTR, and the SVT cobra.

Hello jwd, I sincerely apologise for the late response. It took me ages to get settled in after travelling. I've also been re-learning the wheel, which set me back a bit on time. Anyway, here is the tune for the BMW M3 GTR '03.

Upgrades: All besides Chassis Reinforcement.

Aero: 0/0

Turbo: N/A


1st - 4.466
2nd - 3.121
3rd - 2.274
4th - 1.787
5th - 1.485
6th - 1.268
Final - 3.507
Max Speed - 155mph


Torque - 0/10
Accel - 0/30
Decel - 0/20


Ride Height - -10/-10
Springs - 10.0/9.5
Extension - 6/6
Compression - 6/6
Anti-Roll - 1/1

Camber - 2.5/4.5
Toe - -0.10/-0.10



Final Specs:


Extra Info:

This car has the classic BMW problem: too little torque. It is not a big issue, as it slides quite well, but I wish it had more torque. This car is at its transmission's sweet spot, as it increases its RPMs quite quickly while still managing to get you around the corner. The gears aren't too long, but they aren't too short either. I don't mind this car, but it's not special; it needs more torque to be a really special car. This reason is why I tend to not drift BMWs, they are just not torquey enough to be fun. This car is a pretty good build, though; it feels decent to drive.

Cheers, Nilo.

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hey Nilo, can you post the 88 IROC-z concept tune?

Hey Adam, here's the Camaro IROC-Z Concept '88 tune that you requested.

Upgrades: All besides Chassis Reinforcement.

Aero: 0/0

Turbo: Supercharger


1st - 3.258
2nd - 2.123
3rd - 1.586
4th - 1.172
5th - 0.956
Final - 3.230
Max Speed - 155mph


Torque - 0/5
Accel - 0/20
Decel - 0/20


Ride Height - -25/-25
Springs - 5.0/3.9
Extension - 4/4
Compression - 4/4
Anti-Roll - 1/1

Camber - 1.0/2.5
Toe - -0.05/0.00



Final Specs:


Extra Info:

This car was surprisingly good, especially since it is a concept. I expected this to handle like the 135i or the Z4, but it was quite nice. I was quite suspicious of the engine at first, but it churns out a lot of torque, so I'm happy with it. The IROC is a very promising car that I will be continuing to develop and tune, as I think that it can be a great competition car. I don't understand why so few people use it online, though...
Overall, this car was a great success and a nice surprise.

Cheers, Nilo.

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I may have to try one of your tunes even though i never go over 550bhp on any of my cars. i can you hook up a tune for the BMW M3 '07? I want to see how your tuning compares to my own style :D