Nissan skyline fan club

  • Thread starter MG era
i have got photos, but no scanner.
i might be able to get some photos from a digital camera, from a mate but that might not happen for aliitle while (i dont see him much)

BTW radicool02 i wasnt speeding up then slowing down was i (and prolly looking like a idiot), because i was watching my boost gauge to see what rev's it jumped once the factory two stage boost actuator uped the boost (i wasnt flooring it at all only easing up the revs btw)
Originally posted by VIPERGTSR01
i have got photos, but no scanner.
i might be able to get some photos from a digital camera, from a mate but that might not happen for aliitle while (i dont see him much)

BTW radicool02 i wasnt speeding up then slowing down was i (and prolly looking like a idiot), because i was watching my boost gauge to see what rev's it jumped once the factory two stage boost actuator uped the boost (i wasnt flooring it at all only easing up the revs btw)
Thats cool be sure to post some up when you get some pics. Actually i think i might take some more of my bros R34 GT-T
Hey razor, my birthdays coming up, Any good websites I can buy skyline stuff from? The US doesn't have jack, the only thin i could find was a 10ft poster by bfgoodrich an a shirt from motorex... Any help would be great :)
Originally posted by RazorGTR
what's you budget and model preference?

model preference: R34, or anything that says skyline GTR or has the GTR logo. The list is mainly for people at work so around the 20-30 USD range :) I really want a hat or non ricy shirt, all I can find are these skyline shirts that are all riced out like this:

I was wondering if I could become a member of the Nissan Skyline Club. To prove my knowledge, I will explain what the ATTESA 4WD system is:

The ATTESA system is actually very interesting, in that it is extremely versatile. The system, in effect, makes the Skyline a rear wheel drive vehicle by transferring about 90-100% of available torque to the rear wheels during a standing launch.

However, the front wheels engage when there is a lack of traction (thus making the torque distribution about 40/60, though I don't have exact numbers).

This creates a rather interesting effect when a Skyline launches. First it spins the rear tires untill grip is lost, which is when all four wheels engage and it creates a fluid, powerfu launch.

This system is, in my opinion, what makes the Skyline so great
Originally posted by NISMOskyline
I was wondering if I could become a member of the Nissan Skyline Club. To prove my knowledge, I will explain what the ATTESA 4WD system is:

The ATTESA system is actually very interesting, in that it is extremely versatile. The system, in effect, makes the Skyline a rear wheel drive vehicle by transferring about 90-100% of available torque to the rear wheels during a standing launch.

However, the front wheels engage when there is a lack of traction (thus making the torque distribution about 40/60, though I don't have exact numbers).

This creates a rather interesting effect when a Skyline launches. First it spins the rear tires untill grip is lost, which is when all four wheels engage and it creates a fluid, powerfu launch.

This system is, in my opinion, what makes the Skyline so great

It goes to 50/50 :P

lol yeah you can join, no knowledge necessary, you just have to like skylines :D

Originally posted by NISMOskyline
Thanks, now my name makes sense :lol:. Oh, do I need to change my sig? [/QUOTE

If you want to, here it is:

[color=blue*Proud member of the [b*[url=*NISSAN SKYLINE Fan club[/url*[/b*[/color* Have a Skyline Question? Ask the experts at the [url=*Nissan Skyline Fan club[/url*!

Just change all the * to ] :D
Originally posted by skylineGTR_guy
Originally posted by NISMOskyline
Thanks, now my name makes sense :lol:. Oh, do I need to change my sig? [/QUOTE

If you want to, here it is:

[color=blue*Proud member of the [b*[url=*NISSAN SKYLINE Fan club[/url*[/b*[/color* Have a Skyline Question? Ask the experts at the [url=*Nissan Skyline Fan club[/url*!

Just change all the * to ] :D

Thanks a lot, man. I will not soil the reputation of the mighty red emblem.......:lol: J/K
Hey, what color do you guys think look the best on a GT-R. Meaning if you could get any color for your GT-R what would it be.

For the R32... i would pick Black
For the R33... I would pick White
For the R34... Its no doubt the mighty Blue.
For the R32... White
For the R33... White
For the R34... Bayside Blue.
R32: Red (I dont think it is a factory color, but it looks good anyways)

R33: Black or Purple

R34: Of course, Bayside Blue (though black would also look good)
R32 Siliver *without a doubt*
R33 Purple
R34 Athletic Silver

The reasons I don't like the white or black is it hides the body lines terribly. Unless you can see them in person pictures don't show it as badly. They look almost like a normal skyline.
Gunmetal to me is fugly as heck. I hate that colour without a doubt and are common as pimples.

The rarest color is the Burgandy R32 1993. Only 50 produced in that colour and the next rarest is the 1992 Silver (mine) which only 78 were produced. It was the first year of the facelifts.
the reason i like white is because it highlights some points like the tail lights, head lights etc. i dont like burgandy because you cant see the the red tail lights well. i do agree that white does hide some body lines, like the pumped gaurds
I want my GTR back !!!!!!!!!!

I miss it so badly. Still in the pannel shop getting some damaged fixed that happened a long time ago and quite a few small dents and scratches done. Only can afford to do half the car at this moment but the front will be done at some stage also.

Hopefully have it back tomorrow.