Nissan skyline fan club

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Originally posted by RazorGTR
nice background image and I like the roll over images sweetas. Ummm none of the links worked though :(

lol thats beacuse they dont lead anywhere yet...I've only gotten the main page done. next is the flash intro and other pages then I can load content :D
Oh hahahaha doh! Raz bangs his head on the desk really hard. Gee I guess you wouldn't get me confused with Einstine about now huh?
Originally posted by RazorGTR
Oh hahahaha doh! Raz bangs his head on the desk really hard. Gee I guess you wouldn't get me confused with Einstine about now huh?

well einstein couldn't tie his shoes or comb his hair or do basic addition and subtraction but was still very adept at can be the einstein of skylines ;)

P.s you spellen einstein wrong :lol:
hahah I know! Well considering I am a toolmaker/robotics tec/designer spelling isn't really a major requirement lol Look at Doctors. If you can read their signature you should be a rocket scientist!
Originally posted by RazorGTR
hahah I know! Well considering I am a toolmaker/robotics tec/designer spelling isn't really a major requirement lol Look at Doctors. If you can read their signature you should be a rocket scientist!

then I guess I'm considered a rocket scientist because reading doctors handwriting and signatures is part of my job :lol:

I work in a pharmacy and If I didn't learn how to read what they are writing there would be quite a few dead people...

you'd think that if their sloppy writing could possibly kill someone becasue I can't read it and give someone the wrong thing that they'd learn to print... some of em are typing em out now (thank god)...and were working on a new system in wich I don't have to type em out anymore all I do is scan it and it sends it off to a processing center and they type it out and deal with the insurance so my job is only going to get easier and the pay is still going up.
Hahahah True! Have you thought about working for NASA?
Have you ever considered a trip down to little ol New Zealand? One week here and you may have a change of heart about going back. Take you to some of the Skyline meets, that and they are about 2 times cheaper here, and outside of Japan we have the highest consintration of them :)
Getting back more on topic, the Skyines Downunder Car club is having a dyno shoot out challange in a couple of weeks. They have put out an open invitation to other various local car clubs. Should be a bloody huge day. Again I will see if I can be more successful in getting my hands on a digital camera for the day and take some photos. If not I may have to pick up one of those cheap desposable ones. Cobraboy as mentioned I would be willing to come pick you up this time, you just have to drag ya bum out of bed early as I have to be at torque by 8:30am so would need to pick you up no latter than 8am.
Originally posted by RazorGTR
Hahahah True! Have you thought about working for NASA?

yeah...when I was six...I wanted to be an astronaut :lol:

Originally posted by RazorGTR
Have you ever considered a trip down to little ol New Zealand? One week here and you may have a change of heart about going back. Take you to some of the Skyline meets, that and they are about 2 times cheaper here, and outside of Japan we have the highest consintration of them :)

I really want to make a trip down there! when is the best time? winter, fall, summer, spring? how hot or cold does it get there? I'm a desert rat I like it when it's hot and I absolutley hate the cold (60 is cold for me lol) well unless I'm snowboarding. hows the snow down there? also what season is it there right now? In Arizona we have only really have 2, summer and winter. anyway If I do end up going I'll probably go with 1 or 2 friends and bring tons of money for skyline stuff and my digital camera with like 200 extra batteries so I won't run out. I'm not sure when I'll be able to go but If I do I'll tell you in advance.

hey would it be cheaper to legalize a skyline from NZ? lol maybee when I graduate I could buy a flat in NZ and use it as my vacation home...somewhere on the beach...and close to a tuner shop..;)

how much is a R34 in NZ? and a flat? by the beach! lol.
The best time would be your winter. We've got tons of beaches here and even NAKED ones lol, though I don't go to those. Winter is warmer than there in AZ. While over night we may dip into the low 40's the day time will reach 60's or higher but it is a different type of air here. We get a lot of humidiity here so it may feel cooler than it is or a whole lot hotter than it is.

R34's? About $35-$40k USD. R33's about $20K USD. Housing is expensive when you consider what you would pay there but living in Auckland is expensive anyways. I live about 4 min from two tuners, 10 min from two more and 25 min from 3 more so plenty to choose from. You could by a flat here for about $50k or so USD.
hmmmm....not bad...I've been looking at some pictures of NZ and it looks really beautiful especially the mountains. Raz you live in auckland right? do you live in the city or the suburbs? I would like to live somwhere in the suburbs. Somewhere close enough to stores and tuners but close to wide open places where I could run a skyline or go paintballing and travel to the mountains to go snowboarding. The development where I live now has nice properties with parks and huge grassy areas that are managed by a homowners association. They also have parks for kids to play in and stuff like that.
So are you going to do a dyno run? Or do you help the guy that runs it (John, Steve??? I can't remember).

Oh yeah, I checked with my parents and they said I can go, so it's all sweet. Did you get my Enzo email?
Yep I got the mail. Na not putting my up as I have't done anything since the last dyno run. So just helping out on the day. Also they are talking about a cruise afterwards if you're keen.
Very interesting article. I know most of it but not all the technical information. I still believe that some of it is speculation, though the actualy content seems extremely believeable.
I knew and have argued with others that the JGTC put so much restictions on the GTR's it wasn't funny. Such as intake restrictors, 2wd restriction, and boost restrictions. As you could imagine how unfair it would be. Now they are so restricted they really are not as competitive. Shame it would be nice to see an even playing field.
they are all guessing. Nothing has been written into stone yet. There is only speculation and interpretation. forums like that have so much crap on them I can't be bothered even joining them.
Well actually since I all of a sudden have developed an electrical gremlin, Raz swears here alot, I could be going to the next step. If I have to replace the airflow meters will do so with Z32 ones. Since it will require me to have bigger injectors, those and the turbos will be done also. since that will increase the power output to well 500hp the clutch will need to be done, so the twin plate goes in.

Ouch big bill of over $5,000!

Final output will be a complete taredown and rebuild for 600hp reliably. That will also include the OS Giken gearset to handle the torque. All up should be on about the $25K range and the car will be a rocket for the street. Should see 10's on street tyres at the strip, and 0-60mph in 3.3 - 3.4 sec.