No current model car looks better than its prior generation.

  • Thread starter Duke
the 300m and new nsx are ugly. in the name of all that is good, holy and humane, please don't make positive comparisons
Did the R34 come out in the last 3 years? I don't think so. Since you didn't read my post, "u" have some troubles "urself" my friend.
Originally posted by LancerEVO Boy
the R34 came out in 2002 with an M-Spec so nahhhh :P :D
When was the R34 originally introduced? 1999. Does that qualify as "within the last 3 years"? No.

Case closed.
Originally posted by LancerEVO Boy
ur mad bc im wrong :banghead: :lol:
I'm mad because "ur" wrong? No. I'm amused because you're wrong. Do you even read what you write, let alone what anyone else writes?
Originally posted by LancerEVO Boy
u never specified last 3 years otherwise i wouldnt have said anything UH DURRR :P
"UH DURRR" yourself, son. As I said before, you didn't read my first post. It was even in bold type, too:
Originally posted by neon_duke
Thesis: Every car produced in the last three years looks worse than the version it replaced. Discuss.

There are exceptions to every rule and I have a few in mind. Very few. Lets see what you come up with.
Why don't you just quit now before I embarrass you further?
Kindly explain how I'm slow, when you are the one who has made every mistake in this conversation? This ought to be an interesting explanation. It might have something to do with the fact that you can't speak the native language of your home state. Were you born in America?

I repeat the advice from my last two posts.
Originally posted by LancerEVO Boy
all i said is ur slow..... if tahts to hard...wait ur slow

:rolleyes: O'Boy! Arent we lucky. A Binky-the-Clown-IQ'd poster.

Lets take this slow.
2003 minus 1 = 2002
2002 minus 1 = 2001
2001 minus 1 = 2000

2000 does not equal 1999. :dopey:

therefore, as the great Spanky Spangler said,

"You Lose!"

EDIT: Psych!
Originally posted by LancerEVO Boy
damn see u mods are assholes and retarded, bc u waist ur time makein stpuid comments.

Do you realise you mis-spelled 'you,' 'because,' 'waste,' 'your,' 'making,' and 'stupid?'

You also made grammar errors in the areas high-lighted in red.

And they're the stupid ones?
Originally posted by LancerEVO Boy
well stfu bc u obviously knew wut i meant and its slang dont act like u dont use it
You do realise that it's against the Terms of Service and you could get banned for using slang?

I bet you didn't.
I'm not mad because you're making typing errors, I'm mad because you were talking **** to a mod, and as much as I hate duke for all the warnings he' given me (;)), he's still a mod and should be respected.
Originally posted by LancerEVO Boy
well stfu bc u obviously knew wut i meant and its slang dont act like u dont use it

Actually, I don't. Intelligent people spell properly - it's just that simple. You can figure out what that makes you.
Originally posted by LancerEVO Boy
omg i dont want to spell things properly! i dont have time to...
Heh - it actually takes me a considerable amount of time more to spell like an idiot than to spell properly. Those are typing skills.

Or, as you might say...

heh it actully takes me mor time to spell dum than rite. tpyign schiklls rule