Ever heard of a man named Richard Petty who used to drive light blue Road Runners and Superbirds? Guess not but it actually tells a lot.
nicely said. How about Dan Gurney , Roger Penske , Mark Donahue , Smokey Yunick , Carrol Shelby- ( real good one !!!!) going out on a a limb here (LOL) but I would say he's e legendary muscle car builder, Parnelli Jones , Bud Moore , Don Yenko , Jerry Titus , Jim Hall , Sam Posey , ( LEGENDS of American muscle car racing ),and there is many more to list. Why not pay tribute to these
icons of auto racing,and their machines. Who would not like to drive a Donahue AMX , Dan Gurney T/A Challenger , Bud Moore Mustang , Jim Hall Z-28 , through through a track like Laguna Seca,and relive the past. I
AM NOT dissing the European,Japanese,UK cars at all,I love them as much as the next guy,but my point is : bring on any other cars of that era,in the same class,not of American decent,and I think the results will astound you,This statement will probably raise some eyebrows,but that is why we are here, right ? ,it's a discussion forum,let's here them. OPINIONS , we all have them Not saying who is wrong or right or to point fingers at others to prove them wrong,it is just a matter of opinion.GT5 needs older,classic muscle to bring them to the fore-front of racing games.Powder Blue Richard Petty Superbird pounding around Daytona sends chills up the spine,love it !!!!!
