No Seasonal Event Races in's pissing me off (and it's over 9000~!!!!!!)

  • Thread starter Jayson619
Just out; GT5 has Seasonal Races; currently as of this post it's a Super GT 600pp race. But GT6 Seasonal Events has always been (and to some, annoying impossible) Time Attacks. Yeah events are nice and grateful but I seriously prefer there be an event like what GT5 is having now; races against the AI with bigger rewards we can farm for every time we win so as to upgrade and buy our cars in the game.

Time Attack? No thanks for me. Yeah I know they are for the serious player but spare a thought for the casual, those without space and budget for a steering wheel and those who can't handle without aids!
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Once GT5 seasonal races end in may and then we might get GT6 seasonal races but we have to wait and see.

Come May nobody will care any more, all PD are doing now is alienating paying customers by trying to force those unwilling/unable to grind to pay absurd amounts of money for virtual currency. My advice, go back to GT5 as you will have much more fun, for a few months at least.
Totally agree, I was in the hope that maybe finally this week we would get some seasonal races but yet again we get more boring, hateful, dull as ditch water so-called super laps. I have no trouble completing them, sometimes in a very high position but they are just boring. They would be fine as a stand alone event every 2 or 3 months but this is getting extremely irritating now. I would love to hear an explanation for this from PD.
Totally agree, I was in the hope that maybe finally this week we would get some seasonal races but yet again we get more boring, hateful, dull as ditch water so-called super laps. I have no trouble completing them, sometimes in a very high position but they are just boring. They would be fine as a stand alone event every 2 or 3 months but this is getting extremely irritating now. I would love to hear an explanation for this from PD.
Perhaps PD can not have GT5 seasonal races and then have GT6 seasonal races going at the same time and it might be a bit confusing for them and that why we got all the Time Trials.
What I've found is that I only pick this game back up when these Super Lap races come up. After I complete them, I might pop in a monkey around, maybe grind at one of the races a little more, but in the end I feel bored. Seasonal races like they have in GT5 had me interested and while they were mostly games of chase the rabbit, it still payed out handsomely. I'd rather earn money that way instead of spending hours upon hours grinding away to maybe get 7 million, or spending a ridiculous amount of money to just buy the same.
I'm fed up with these stupid time trials. I used to look forward to Thursdays new set of races. Now it's "what kind of crap is PD dishing out today"? I guess I'll just run the races in career mode and hope for the best. PD has put little effort into GT-6 (aka.GT-5.2) and it shows. Is this our punishment for exploiting the credit glitch?
If its the case that they cant run seasonal races on both GT5 and 6 then why not alternate them every week? Keeps everyone happy then.
If PD actually listened to the community we would not have GT6 we would still be on GT5 and they would be working in the back ground getting GT6 set for the PS4, which would not be a bad thing IMO, but we have to look at reality they do what they want and we just have to deal with it if we want to continue to play GT5/6 we will at some point get A-Spec seasonal races, we will end up with B-spec in career mode, and we will get charged DLC in the future, the MTX for credits will go to the way side after a little while or the cost will come way way down to where it's tempting to buy some credits. At this point I can earn more credits in the game per hour than hours of work it would take to pay for credits. So for me there is zero interest in buying credits. why spend my hard earned money on a disposable item that costs more per hour than I make in RL?
I don't think PD did the math correctly on the price structor of the credits in the game. People in the world may make 20 to 50 usd per hour but after you factor in living expenses there disposable income per hour is only a few dollars in most cases. (i'm pulling all the following out of my rear end but will real world context and experience)
Lets say you make $35 usd per hour, that's a nice $4,200 month. ya?
State a federal taxes and SSI are on average 30% combined off your check.
Taxes = $1,260
so Now your at $2,940 USD take home
Retirement lets say you have 5% taken after taxes so you don't have to pay later.
minus $147 USD per month.
Insurance for a single person is normally about $150 a month for medical dental and vision.
So this means your very nice $4,200 a month income is a take home of $2,643 per month.
Rent lets say your in average C.O.L part of the country and in a SO-SO part of town so rent on your single bedroom place is $500 a month
Internet is $55 (after taxes and fee's)
tv is $95 a month
food is $200 a month (you like to eat healthy)
Car payment $250
car insurance $75
School loans and CC debit $1000 a month
So your disposable income per month is $461 USD.

so that factors at a rate of $3.84 per hour earned that you can spend how ever you want.
Obliviously these numbers are different person so that disposable income is going to be different for each person.

How this breaks down to the buying money in the game;
500,000 cr for $4.99 USD so 1.299 hours of work or 4 races 24 minutes 0.4 hours (see below)
1 mil cr for $9.99 USD so 2.601 hours of work or 8 races 48 minutes 0.8 hours
2.5 mil cr for $19.99 USD so 5.205 hours of work 18 races 108 minutes 1.8 hours
7 mil cr for $49.99 USD so 13.018 hours of work 50 races 300 minutes 5 hours

lets say you farm credits using like the wind on SSRX
1st place 140,400 cr for 4 minutes of track time plus 2 minutes of menu/load time so 6 minutes per race
1.44 mil cr per hour earned.

I think oncce PD relises this face that we can earn more than double the rate of credits we can buy for, one of two things will happen, the payouts will go down. (i hope not) or they will significantly reduce the price of credits.
What bothers me the most is that PD doesn't provide the cars for the time trials. Really, I don't want to buy a tuner car, but to not do it, means cr. lost. Unless the car costs more than the payout (incl. sale of the car) of course. Then I'll leave it be. Even if not having a gold will bug me to no end.
I don't think PD did the math correctly on the price structor of the credits in the game. People in the world may make 20 to 50 usd per hour but after you factor in living expenses there disposable income per hour is only a few dollars in most cases. (i'm pulling all the following out of my rear end but will real world context and experience)
Lets say you make $35 usd per hour, that's a nice $4,200 month. ya?
State a federal taxes and SSI are on average 30% combined off your check.
Taxes = $1,260
so Now your at $2,940 USD take home
Retirement lets say you have 5% taken after taxes so you don't have to pay later.
minus $147 USD per month.
Insurance for a single person is normally about $150 a month for medical dental and vision.
So this means your very nice $4,200 a month income is a take home of $2,643 per month.
Rent lets say your in average C.O.L part of the country and in a SO-SO part of town so rent on your single bedroom place is $500 a month
Internet is $55 (after taxes and fee's)
tv is $95 a month
food is $200 a month (you like to eat healthy)
Car payment $250
car insurance $75
School loans and CC debit $1000 a month
So your disposable income per month is $461 USD.

so that factors at a rate of $3.84 per hour earned that you can spend how ever you want.
Obliviously these numbers are different person so that disposable income is going to be different for each person.

How this breaks down to the buying money in the game;
500,000 cr for $4.99 USD so 1.299 hours of work or 4 races 24 minutes 0.4 hours (see below)
1 mil cr for $9.99 USD so 2.601 hours of work or 8 races 48 minutes 0.8 hours
2.5 mil cr for $19.99 USD so 5.205 hours of work 18 races 108 minutes 1.8 hours
7 mil cr for $49.99 USD so 13.018 hours of work 50 races 300 minutes 5 hours

lets say you farm credits using like the wind on SSRX
1st place 140,400 cr for 4 minutes of track time plus 2 minutes of menu/load time so 6 minutes per race
1.44 mil cr per hour earned.

I think oncce PD relises this face that we can earn more than double the rate of credits we can buy for, one of two things will happen, the payouts will go down. (i hope not) or they will significantly reduce the price of credits.

What are you talking about??? The thing to do is NOT BUYING A SINGLE CREDIT WITH YOUR HARD EARNED IRL MONEY AT ALL, UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCE...Simply boycot that MTX crap completely...Payouts in game isn`t that bad after all...In Super licence You get OK money...
@light driver that was the point of the post. showing that with even with the slowest farming races in the game (now that the RB standard champs are out) you can not make the buying more cost effective than grinding.
I'm with you Jayson619, I'm not a fan of the time trials or even drift trial they had in GT5. I bought this game with hope of at least every other week looking forward to a race. I understand having the TT, but what about the users like us? I hope somehing huge is coming shortly or I will loose interest. And this is the only game I play at the moment. I'm now at the point of using SRF to knock out the gold and move on. Not what I was expecting when I got this game at all.
@light driver that was the point of the post. showing that with even with the slowest farming races in the game (now that the RB standard champs are out) you can not make the buying more cost effective than grinding.

lol yes I know the purpose of Your post was to debate against MTX :cheers: And my purpose was to not even debate it, just f..k it :lol:
What bothers me the most is that PD doesn't provide the cars for the time trials. Really, I don't want to buy a tuner car, but to not do it, means cr. lost. Unless the car costs more than the payout (incl. sale of the car) of course. Then I'll leave it be. Even if not having a gold will bug me to no end.

Im not in game right now but I believe that all the cars are gift cars from career mode. If not I think they did provide the car (AMG Vision(s), M4, Hornet, FT-1,etc...)

Feel free to correct me if I an wrong, just trying to help you save some credits...
Umm, unless something changed after I dumped GT5. Which I admit was pretty early in the game, probably too early. But as I remember weren't those seasonal "races" not much more than the same old boring rolling roadblock overtake challenges that the entire GT6 career mode is based around?

There's no reason why there can't be both though. Frankly, with the career as sparse as it is, and no permanent online LB's there is little to do in this game (biggest reason I dumped 5 after two months). The seasonal section could do with loads more events of all types. What I'd really love to see is a Autolog/Rivals style LB where you can select individual ghosts to race against. Either friends or top of the board drivers and race them...getting paid for every lap and higher and higher bonuses as you beat higher ranked players.
Im not in game right now but I believe that all the cars are gift cars from career mode. If not I think they did provide the car (AMG Vision(s), M4, Hornet, FT-1,etc...)

Feel free to correct me if I an wrong, just trying to help you save some credits...

Maybe it's just me, but I like to treat my gift cars as collectibles. The only service cars I use are ones I buy myself.
Maybe it's just me, but I like to treat my gift cars as collectibles. The only service cars I use are ones I buy myself.

Ok. Ah thats great, and how does that apply to me trying to help someone save their money? Or how does that apply to him and his issue?
Ok. Ah thats great, and how does that apply to me trying to help someone save their money? Or how does that apply to him and his issue?

Because if someone is like that, then they will have to purchase the car to use in the time trials anyway, rendering the "all the cars are gift cars from career mode" part of your reply moot. I'm not claiming he is, but I'm just raising the possibility.

Also, yes, the required cars are career mode gifts. However some, like the Lancer Evolution TT have variable entries, so the one you received may not be the one you would like to go with.
Because if someone is like that, then they will have to purchase the car to use in the time trials anyway, rendering the "all the cars are gift cars from career mode" part of your reply moot. I'm not claiming he is, but I'm just raising the possibility.

So I'm not being confrontational about it. However you quoted my post...


If he is worried about the payouts and not having the cars. I somewhat understand his frustration.

However if he has the cars and he is collecting them (0/0/0) and still refuses to use them, even if only, for the seasonals. Then he (or anyone) should not complain about PD providing the car (they did provide the car!)

I mean are you suggesting that if he has the car in his garage but doesnt want to use it, because of collection purpose only-PD should still provide a car? And should everything in the game be given on a red carpet?

Still, not seeing how it applies?
So I'm not being confrontational about it. However you quoted my post...


If he is worried about the payouts and not having the cars. I somewhat understand his frustration.

However if he has the cars and he is collecting them (0/0/0) and still refuses to use them, even if only, for the seasonals. Then he (or anyone) should not complain about PD providing the car (they did provide the car!)

I mean are you suggesting that if he has the car in his garage but doesnt want to use it, because of collection purpose only-PD should still provide a car? And should everything in the game be given on a red carpet?

Still, not seeing how it applies?

Well, I mean he means that the car is provided solely for use in the event and not for keeps, then I don't see an issue. If one expects to be given one to use and keep it afterwards, like any of the update cars (e.g. the new Corvette Stingray or the second AMG Vision GT), then that is asking for too much. Anyway, I don't wish to argue. If it bothers you that much that I quoted you, then I apologise.
Well, I mean he means that the car is provided solely for use in the event and not for keeps, then I don't see an issue. If one expects to be given one to use and keep it afterwards, like any of the update cars (e.g. the new Corvette Stingray or the second AMG Vision GT), then that is asking for too much. Anyway, I don't wish to argue. If it bothers you that much that I quoted you, then I apologise.

It didnt bother me. No apology needed. I was just trying to help him save some money. But it just seems like there is complaint after complaint after complaint about PD not catering to everyone's needs.

Im done with this.
There's a "new" Seasonal on GT5 released in the last day or two. I say "new" but as you all know that means recycled. However, I had more fun completing the those 5 GT5 races than I did with the 3 new GT6 TT's. Obviously this is just IMHO.

I've read lots of posts where people allude to putting together a petition. If anyone really wanted to do that I would be willing to do the leg work. It might not do a bit of good, but I imagine it can't hurt to try. There are a lot of people on this site so PD might at least feel the need to reply and tell us if/when we can expect some new content other than TT's and Superlaps. Just a thought.

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