No Shave November

  • Thread starter Otaliema
Oh yes, she has a wonderful full beard :lol::lol:
I bet she does 👍 Thank you on the support @hallow. I make no assumptions on gender online, made a (&@ of myself too often.
Oddly enough, I don't shave for months at a time, but just happened to trim last night. Wrong month?
Bah just a fresh start 👍 Thank you for the ongoing support.
I just realized it was NSN when I shaved this morning.
See above its just a fresh start for NSN.

Gentlemen can we agree to disagree on the jokes and smart alack responses and not turn this thread in to an argument. Thanks.
I've decided to participate, albeit, unofficially. Because it is expected of me that I shave I'm going to see how long I can go before anyone mentions the fur on my face. My wife will no doubt mention it within the next few days but I think I could go a week or two before anyone at works says anything.

Last shaved on the 8th so I'm a few days in so far and I have very noticeable growth.
I've never officially taken part in this, but I donate in support of those who aren't cursed with a thin Irish beard. I only ever need to shave roughly once a week, but I'm not a fan of how it grows in, and the girlfriend doesn't like it much either. I've also got an awards show to attend in a week, so I'd rather be clean-shaven for it, anyway.
@Otaliema Do you have a page setup on that No-Shave November website? If you provide a link, I will make a donation to it. If not, will make a general donation instead. 👍
I do not have a page set up. I would rather people donate to their local groups or make general donations.

I've never officially taken part in this, but I donate in support of those who aren't cursed with a thin Irish beard. I only ever need to shave roughly once a week, but I'm not a fan of how it grows in, and the girlfriend doesn't like it much either. I've also got an awards show to attend in a week, so I'd rather be clean-shaven for it, anyway.
Thank you for the support in spirit. That's really what NSN is about. Not shaving is just a visual.
had to shave because interview. Meh. :(
That's a good reason to shave. 👍 best wishes for the interview.

I've decided to participate, albeit, unofficially. Because it is expected of me that I shave I'm going to see how long I can go before anyone mentions the fur on my face. My wife will no doubt mention it within the next few days but I think I could go a week or two before anyone at works says anything.

Last shaved on the 8th so I'm a few days in so far and I have very noticeable growth.
Thank you for growing support. Look forward to seeing how long it takes.
I'm trying No Shave November for the first time because my facial hair tends to grow back pretty quick every time I shave :sly:.
Ain't that what you are doing? Anyway gave a straightforward answer on how you can show your support which is mentioned in FAQ, make of that what you will.
Which leads back to you being too literal, because that was not a serious statement. You're just too monotone with your post'.

Bah just a fresh start 👍 Thank you for the ongoing support.
A #2 trim on beard is what I consider a "shave" :lol: It doesn't get much lower then that for me. While donating at the time is somewhat hard for me, it doesn't take away from the fact. With all my joking aside, My girlfriend's mother as well as my late grandmother has gone through the paces concerning this, so I'm all for it. Although, it's not particularly hard, as I don't shave often anyways. :lol:
I've discovered over the past year that my face gets fuzzy super quick. So I'm kinda looking forward to seeing how I look after a whole month of no trimming, now that I have the excuse.
Yep, yep. I wasn't able to do Movember last year due to school not permitting me to do so due to clean shaven rules, but seeing as I'm a senior this year and don't have school through November I'm currently taking part. 👍 For the first time I'm letting my mo grow as well (I like to grow out my facial hair as it makes me look older).

Before you say, I'm 16, so I'm doing pretty damn good. :P

Not to crap on @Otaliema's fundraising mission (kudos for going straight to a charity and skipping the middle man), but it seems that this charity drive is a rip-off of Movember, hence the awkward name. Like most charities, this one seems to be about cancer awareness, while Movember is for men's health in general.
Not to crap on @Otaliema's fundraising mission (kudos for going straight to a charity and skipping the middle man), but it seems that this charity drive is a rip-off of Movember, hence the awkward name. Like most charities, this one seems to be about cancer awareness, while Movember is for men's health in general.

You sayin' he ain't no Mo-Bro!? :embarrassed: :D
You sayin' he ain't no Mo-Bro!? :embarrassed: :D
:lol: No shave-bro doesnt quite have the same ring to it.

I was a Mo-bro for a couple of years, but stopped for two reasons - My mo growth was terrible, and it reached a point where it was really hard to get sponsors because everyone was doing it, so they had all sponsored 'someone else'. Gets disheartening when the only two sponsors on your page are your mum and your girlfriend. I was pretty happy that a campaign that didn't involve pink and breast cancer awareness got big though.
I just let my hair grow this month and my gf has to accept that. I already have a monthly donate plan rolling for the Kankerfonds here, so really no need for sponsors.
Not to crap on @Otaliema's fundraising mission (kudos for going straight to a charity and skipping the middle man), but it seems that this charity drive is a rip-off of Movember, hence the awkward name. Like most charities, this one seems to be about cancer awareness, while Movember is for men's health in general.
I hear ya. Over the pond here we only have one men's health awareness its something with a beer. I wasn't aware of Movember as it doesn't get coverage over here. But it sounds like a good thing. Just like breadth cancer runs here. But in general cancer is a indescrinment killer. It didn't care if you're 6 or 60 male or female.

The only reason I'm not shaving this November is because I'm in hospital.
I hope it's nothing too serious and speedy recovery.
Sadly, I have a full beard (though it is short) so I cannot really do the whole no shave thing. But I will try not to shave 'tash and trim beard for the rest of the month... but most importantly we should all donate a little to a cancer research charity. @Otaliema Looking forward to seeing the fuzziness become a manly beard ;) And respect to you for doing your bit for charity!
Sadly, I have a full beard (though it is short) so I cannot really do the whole no shave thing. But I will try not to shave 'tash and trim beard for the rest of the month... but most importantly we should all donate a little to a cancer research charity. @Otaliema Looking forward to seeing the fuzziness become a manly beard ;) And respect to you for doing your bit for charity!
I MIGHT get a full beard in 20ish years. All my mom's brothers had the same type of stash and goatee till their late 50's when it suddenly came in fully. :odd: So what you see is all I'm going to get, it will just get longer, but will curl up so it wont look longer.
You as well thank you for supporting charity 👍
I'm a week in but my face is really itchy so I'm going to shave the beard and keep the moustache. That counts, right?

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