No women are shown in GT5 (Only the lady of “Portraitist” trophy)

  • Thread starter ANKORA
That's because you're taking it seriously. :dunce:
Honestly "men" that can't laugh at these jokes are the worst, FFS you don't need to defend women every second of the day, you're ironically demeaning women with your own attitude of acting like any joke like this can't be funny and needs to be silenced.

Women are capable of taking a joke, give them some credit you sexist.💡! :lol:

BTW, my GF thinks it's funny as well. Surprise! :P

It would have been funny, but I've only heard it a million times that it starts to just get beyond annoying, just like " that's what she said" and "your mom" jokes.
It would have been funny, but I've only heard it a million times that it starts to just get beyond annoying, just like " that's what she said" and "your mom" jokes.
So for all those reasons, you decided to use a 20+ year old Peewee Herman line?

That makes sense doesn't it?:dunce:
Come on chaps, whats with the PC police. People are still allowed to make jokes and whether or not you find it funny is totally beside the point. Women dont need defending and quite frankly its embarrasing to read blokes trying.
Come on chaps, whats with the PC police. People are still allowed to make jokes and whether or not you find it funny is totally beside the point. Women dont need defending and quite frankly its embarrasing to read blokes trying.

I'm not defending anyone, the joke just isn't funny..
Well many of us and our girls disagree.
Last I checked humor was not always agreed upon, no need to bash the jokes like it's the end of the world, is there?
Hmm odd argument....

Back on topic, Has anyone completed a license? When you do a woman waves at you from outside of your car wearing a white waterproof? Check if you do not believe me :)
That's because you're taking it seriously. :dunce:
Honestly "men" that can't laugh at these jokes are the worst, FFS you don't need to defend women every second of the day, you're ironically demeaning women with your own attitude of acting like any joke like this can't be funny and needs to be silenced.

Women are capable of taking a joke, give them some credit you sexist.💡

Oh my, you're so "macho", you can take a joke. Get off it; I didn't say it needed to be silenced, I said it wasn't funny unless it was irony (which apparently it was).

I never said women couldn't take a joke, but your inability to read means the joke's on you.! :lol:

BTW, my GF thinks it's funny as well. Surprise! :P

Yes, it is. Hilarious that it ever happened. I bet your "girlfriend" is just too scared of starting you off on some opinionated rant. By the way, did you ask her why she thought it was funny?

I wonder if the reaction would have been different had it been a common "joke" about race. 💡
Griffith, we get it. You don't think it's funny. Frankly, a majority of us don't care. I bet you hate Mel Brooks movies and Bill Burr comedy as well.
Thank you for expressing your opinion. I disagree with it, but that gives us the right to be individuals. In the future, though, it'd be nice to express your opinion as just that Rather than trying to pass it off as fact, which you clearly are doing.
Are we really going to keep hashing this out?

Back on topic, Has anyone completed a license? When you do a woman waves at you from outside of your car wearing a white waterproof? Check if you do not believe me :)

Correct you are!!
Griffith, we get it. You don't think it's funny. Frankly, a majority of us don't care. I bet you hate Mel Brooks movies and Bill Burr comedy as well.
Thank you for expressing your opinion. I disagree with it, but that gives us the right to be individuals. In the future, though, it'd be nice to express your opinion as just that Rather than trying to pass it off as fact, which you clearly are doing.
Are we really going to keep hashing this out?


I actually applauded your use of irony. :dunce:
People complain about everything these days, as the last few posts show. What ever happened to "sticks and stones can break my bones but words will never hurt me"? I just don't understand how women or men for that matter could get offended by "go back to the kitchen" or something along the lines of that. Actual sexists/racists who are open about it are hard to come by these days, because if you actually are a sexist/racist, society will reject you. I have noticed that kids seem to be making jokes singling out certain ethnicities/sexes more than in the past. I take this as a sign that people are becoming more accepting of others. For example, at school, I hear racist/sexist jokes all day. Not many get offended because they know it was meant to be a joke. If you think about it, "racist" jokes are more directed at racists rather than the race itself, laughing at how racists believe the absurd steryotypes about others. When I get a Jew joke directed at me (yes I'm a Jew), I laugh and shoot a joke back about their ethnicity. Adults these days don't understand this because they lived through the time just near the end of the big civil rights movements where maybe their parents were racists but schools were teaching acceptance, and in order to fully achieve this, all people must be "the same" and you couldn't even bring up the subject. Racism was a serious issue which could cause tempers to flare at any time.
Why not Kaz hires Sabine Schmitz? Instead of that AMG Academy thing, we could learn a thing or two to her about the Nurburgring!


But I agree with a previous comment about the androgynous nature of the avatar - Danica barely looks different with her helmet and race suit on than most of the other drivers (excluding Tony Stewart).

Also, I doubt they could spare any polygons to add to the avatars to differentiate them more. They couldn't even put enough polygons on half the cars (I wanted an E46 as a premium car)!
All PD needs to do is add two bumps to the chest and increase rear size of the avatar and voila you have a female avatar :lol:
I was making photoshoot of my championship race in cote d'azur when I remembered this thread.
Checked the pool area, and those girls are gone...

Firing all the employees at GT Auto and replacing them with females would be nice. If girls were washing my car and changing my oil I'd definitely be visiting GT Auto more often! :dopey:
Good point bro..

As far as I know there are several female drivers name for b-spec. So its not bob, but barb (for barbie) ?

I thought you were referring to Barbra.:dunce:

Why on earth would there be women in GT5? There's no kitchens in the world of Gran Turismo.

:lol: Girls do a lot of other things then stay in the kitchen silly:dopey:
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Add the option to change between male and female avatar. And stop there. Theres no more need for women in GT5. And I don't mean to be mysoginist, I just think that GT5 is there for the CARS. The avatar and the blonde wife in your license tests is a nice detail, and you could have a female avatar with a husband to cheer you, or nobody if girls feel uncomfortable with it which I believe is likely.

Also, why should they add female drivers? No offense, some of them have been great like Michele Mouton and Lella Lombardi, but no woman is really a significant figure in todays motorsport. There are no female Vettels, or Jeff Gordons, or Seb Loebs. Danica is a swimsuit model with a huge mouth and a juicy contract and...well, theres Milka Duno...and Sussie Stoddart, and Katherin Legge, and that's about it. And of them, I believe only Danica has won a major race. I don't know for sure about Milka Duno, and the last thing I knew Stoddart and Legge was that they were consistent back-grid material of the DTM.

Really, I have nothing against women. I just don't find a reason why they should be in GT5 just because they're women. What's the point really?

EDIT: Ohh!!! I remembered two other major woman in motorport, or at least car culture!!! We could have ringmistress Sabine Schmitz and Vicki Butler-Henderson. But not because they're women, but because one is an absolute legend at the 'Ring and the other is also a professional racing driver with her own car show 👍. Because woman is no valid argument to include people in GT. Because talented racer is a valid argument.
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Really, I have nothing against women. I just don't find a reason why they should be in GT5 just because they're women. What's the point really?

I need a digital girlfriend to go with my digital lifestyle. Cuz how else am I gonna digitally score? I gots the digital bank roll, digital whips....
Also, why should they add female drivers? No offense, some of them have been great like Michele Mouton and Lella Lombardi, but no woman is really a significant figure in todays motorsport. There are no female Vettels, or Jeff Gordons, or Seb Loebs. Danica is a swimsuit model with a huge mouth and a juicy contract and...well, theres Mika Duno...and Sussie Stoddart, and Katherin Legge, and that's about it. And of them, I believe only Danica has won a major race. I don't know for sure about Mika Duno, and the last thing I knew Stoddart and Legge was that they were consistent back-grid material of the DTM.

Don't worry, nobody knows for sure about Milka. :rolleyes:
I fail to see why there should be female drivers if not drivers at all, i really don't care for my "driver" as i focus on the enjoyment of driving. You bought the game to drive cars, not to dress anjd enjoy your driver or something.

Gran fashionismo, the real dress-up simulator?

Ehmm, might just me though.
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firing all the employees at gt auto and replacing them with females would be nice. If girls were washing my car and changing my oil i'd definitely be visiting gt auto more often! :dopey:

I'm not surprised at the lack of women in the game. After all, despite playing the game for over a year, I haven't seen a single kitchen in GT5 yet.

Sorry for the very sexist joke, I had to say that. :sly:
Have you noticed that there are not women in GT5? Well, there is only one blonde lady that you can see in Bern, license tests, and sometimes at the opening of the game in our pit, but that’s it.

Yes, I know this is a “E” rated game, but girls on the crowd that cheer us should be good, and pit girls are an important part of races.

I will go farter, why women can not create a female avatar? or why we are not allowed to get a female B-Spec Driver.

I do not want this to sound like complaining. This is only an observation. I love GT5 with all his pros and cons, and barely has gotten out of my PS3 in a year, but… What do you think? Have you seen other lady in GT5?

I agree and I am a male!

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