Normal Car Cup

  • Thread starter psonefreak
I did it! The FC RX-7 can win the Normal cup - well, if the NSX isn't aboard, that is. And I also had a bit of luck that the TRD 3000GT qualified 5th on Grand Valley East and Deepforest, right in front of me. Here are some pictures I took, forgot to take a video. I tried to drive as clean as possible, no wallriding, cutting corners or any of that stuff and kept contact with other cars to a minimum - even if it wasn't always easy.
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It was the Efini III (or is it Infini, I really don't know). The GT-X probably won't make it, even though it only has 10 less HP.
P.S: Are the pictures in the album visible? I posted a link to it above.
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Mazda RX-7 Infini I through IV for the FC special editions, but confusingly early FDs were sold under the Efini brand rather than Mazda, as the Efini RX-7. Mazda at the time were spreading their cars across as many marques as possible, like the Eunos Roadster and Cosmo, Autozam AZ-1, Efini RX-7, M2-1001, and so on. Polyphony just put them all under 'Mazda' for simplicity!

It's good to see this challenge still thriving, it goes to show how interesting event restrictions can lead to many years of replayability. I've never been any good at GT1 so it's fun to watch what can be achieved.
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I guess Mazda was trying to emulate the success Toyota and Honda had with Lexus and Acura respectively. It didn't work out, obviously - and sadly.
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Yeees! First place overall with the 93 Legacy Wagon. Quite a few nice battles between me and the TRD 3000GT along the way.
Normal Cup - Legacy GT Wagon.jpg
Sorry that I don't make anymore videos, with my setup it's a bit difficult, but I'll find a way.
Does it count if I post pictures of the final results after each run like I did above?

P.S: I'm going to re-do the MA70 Supra run simply because I have failed to grab a screenshot at least. I will definitely do that now. Also coming next - Alcyone SVX run without NSX.
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For me it's okay, at least!
Furthermore what would be the point to lie or cheat? It's not like if the (best) game (ever) were more than 20 years old... :D

BTW: I just can't stand the screen recorders, that's why I use a good ol' acquisition card and my antediluvian PS2 :mad:

Edit: Alcyone SVX winning the Normal Cup? Simply a Grail for me :bowdown:
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Couldn't agree more with everything you just wrote!
BTW, here's the results from the MA70 Supra run. 1-2-1-1-2, although I had to quickly get on the racing line right from the start at CSR5 to prevent the Subaru from overtaking. Otherwise it was a clean drive.
Normal Cup Supra MA70.jpg
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It was not possible for me to win with the Alcyone - I gave up after not even getting pole on Autumnring Mini.
Here are the results from a run with the '94 WRX Sedan, which only has 220 HP - 1, 1, 1, 1, 2. It was difficult, though - I couldn't score a single pole position with it and I faced quite stiff competition from the other Subaru, the TRD 3000GT and the RX-7 A-spec. Luckily, however, they did fight a lot among themselves, too. Which gave me opportunities to pass them, especially at CSR5, Deepforest and SSR11.
'94 WRX - Normal Cup.jpg
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I reckon something slower could still beat the cup provided the nsx isn't there. Probably as low as a CA18 Silvia K's. Though it's tough as nails already not to get distanced by the others.
I couldn't get the NSX NOT to show up when I was with the Integra. I then tried running with the Alcyone SVX S4, the NSX wasn't there, but I still could only manage 2nd place overall, that slushbox in the SVX is really killing it - all that weight doesn't help, too.
Well, I personally couldn't win with either of these cars, but maybe someone here can and will.
It's not possible on the NTSC-J version, I've tried two times. You can win at Autumnring Mini with clean driving, but the rest of the races are almost impossible to win if one doesn't drive dirty or uses shortcuts/wallriding - and I'm not sure it will be possible even then. That's my experience, at least.
Not proud of this one at all: wall-riding, bashing, grass cutting, spinning out @ Deepforest Raceway, but it's a Legacy Touring Wagon GT-B against the NSX (PAL):

But, after doing this, I really wonder if an excellent driver wouldn't win the cup, against he NSX, with this very good Wagon.
Before I did my Prize car only challenge, I used the Viper GTS.
Always won the quali and race so a good chunk of money earnt.

When I did the Prize Car Only run, I used the Nismo 400R.
For the first 2 laps the NSX was just infront,
I over took it on the back straight of ARM.
Looks like it will be a fun race, currently paused it.
Screenshot 2020-12-27 17.36.54.png

ARM is more technical, GVE, CR5 will be a pain as these are more high speed, DF is high speed but has a small technical section, SSR11 is both high speed and technical, i can see myself gaining ground in the turns, but on the straights the NSX will beat me.
For the first 2 laps the NSX was just infront,
I over took it on the back straight of ARM.
Looks like it will be a fun race, currently paused it.
View attachment 980984

ARM is more technical, GVE, CR5 will be a pain as these are more high speed, DF is high speed but has a small technical section, SSR11 is both high speed and technical, i can see myself gaining ground in the turns, but on the straights the NSX will beat me.

You should be able to win all 5 races with the Concept Car, it is doable. You may only have to fend off the NSX from time to time, the other cars don't pose such a serious threat.
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Viper GTS. :mischievous:

This. I think I tried some other car than the Viper at some point, maybe I tried a Camaro or Corvette. But I could only beat the Normal Series in a Viper GTS.
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Someone should really attempt to win the Normal Cup Car with a Mazda Demio LX G Package.

I'll do it. And if I come here saying I'm a winner, then you'll all know I'm certifiably insane. :scared:
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300ZX non-turbo - 1,1,1,2,3, first place overall, no NSX, but the TRD 3000GT was present. No vid or screenshot, sadly.
Wow, that's cool! On the Japanese version?
I'm glad you did it, but I'm not so surprised; this car has an incredible "torquey" engine that runs well in the game, even without the turbine :)

Just for fun, a race I couldn't win a year ago: red NSX versus Lancer Evo III (also red :) ) at Deepforest Racing Way II

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Thanks! And yes, it was the Japanese version. The Z does go rather fast for a non-turbo car, but I disliked that 3rd gear was rather tall, I had to go into the red zone in 2nd before upshifting.

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