North Korea, Sanctions, and Kim Jong-un

It did work, this time:

Although nobody - least of all North Korea, from the sounds of things - seems to be sure exactly where it is.

"Yay, we launched a rocket!"
"Okay then, where is it?"
"Well, we're not sure, but since we can't find it anywhere and we spent 10 minutes a reasonable amount of time searching for it, it must be in space!"
"We reached space!!!"

Sort of sad that they can even launch something and yet be completely unable to prove that its anywhere. I guess any form of GPS with them is in archaic stages.
I read on Asahi(Japanese paper) website that it seems to have splashed down to a water off of Philippines.
I read on Asahi(Japanese paper) website that it seems to have splashed down to a water off of Philippines.

And there is at least the 4th failure to get into space. Well, at least this one got off the launchpad and lasted longer than a minute :rolleyes:.
And there is at least the 4th failure to get into space. Well, at least this one got off the launchpad and lasted longer than a minute :rolleyes:.

My bad. Another article(somebody on Yahoo JPN) says that NORAD confirmed that it did enter orbit. :confused:
I read on Asahi(Japanese paper) website that it seems to have splashed down to a water off of Philippines.
That was apparently part of the rocket boosters. It was supposed to fall back down to earth like that.
That was apparently part of the rocket boosters. It was supposed to fall back down to earth like that.
Yeah, the stories I read were all of the place. Some said it was the actual cargo/satellite, first stage, second stage, third stage.

If NORAD confirmed about the cargo entering orbit, I'll take their word for it.
Yeah it is just another satellite they want to put in orbit.

But why is everyone complaining about what N.Korea does with rockets.

It is no different from the U.S doing testing with their missile's.
But why is everyone complaining about what N.Korea does with rockets.
Because rocket technology is practically identical to missile technology. If North Korea have launched a satellite, then it means they have access to ballistic missiles.

It is no different from the U.S doing testing with their missile's.
The difference is that the United States is considered to be a trustworthy state. People will probably scoff at that, but just look at the way North Korea shelled an island in South Korea a year ago to prove Kim Jong-un's military audacity.

North Korea are widely suspected of pursuing a nuclear weapons programme. Now they have the ability to launch long-range missiles, and they worked with the Iranians to do it. You might feel comfortable, sitting beyond the reach of their missiles, but the Asia-Pacific is well withing their sights.

Would you trust them not to fire a nuclear warhead just to prove that they could do it?
The difference is that the United States is considered to be a trustworthy state. People will probably scoff at that, but just look at the way North Korea shelled an island in South Korea a year ago to prove Kim Jong-un's military audacity.

You might feel comfortable, sitting beyond the reach of their missiles, but the Asia-Pacific is well withing their sights

From what I heard the missiles can reach the west coast of the America.

As far as the U.S being trust worth is debatable but that is more suited to the America thread.
From what I heard the missiles can reach the west coast of the America.

As far as the U.S being trust worth is debatable but that is more suited to the America thread.
You still didn't answer my question: if North Korea had a nuclear device, then knowing that they now have the ability to launch a ballistic missile, would you trust them not to detonate it simply to prove that they could detonate it?
You still didn't answer my question: if North Korea had a nuclear device, then knowing that they now have the ability to launch a ballistic missile, would you trust them not to detonate it simply to prove that they could detonate it?

I don't trust any nation with a nuke.
I don't trust any nation with a nuke.
North Korea actually threatens to destroy other nations. Also, no one is threatening the existence of the United States Government. North Koreans are desperate.
North Korea actually threatens to destroy other nations. Also, no one is threatening the existence of the United States Government. North Koreans are desperate.

Desperate, and in the state they are in, they have very little to lose anyway. Add to that the fact that its a dictatorship that doesn't give a damn about what it's own citizens think. Pretty hard to compare them to other countries with nuclear capabilities. They have rarely been rational, even in negotiations that didn't involve nuclear threats.
North Korea actually threatens to destroy other nations. Also, no one is threatening the existence of the United States Government. North Koreans are desperate.
Just as the Good Ole USA threatens the Middle East Oh wait I mean any country that wants stuff we don't want them to have, So who's the biggest "Brother" here.
^The main difference is that our people don't starve while waving nukes at everyone else.

America maybe a Douche on the international scene, but at least our heads are screwed on right (somewhat :P).

That said, though it is highly hypocritical of us to deny any other nation nuclear capability, I'd rather nations with something to lose have them instead of nations that would not mind seeing the world burn (Batman reference!:drool:).

For instance, I'd rather Iran have nukes than N Korea. At least Iranians have something going for them in terms of regional influence and power. The North Koreans, on the other hand, are seen as stray dogs that may be rabid...
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How many homeless people and/or people far below the poverty line are there in the United States?

A Hell of a lot less than in Korea I would guess.

When Kim Jong Il went on his tours of asking for food from the Chinese and Russians, I think it's safe to assume poverty must be rife.

Edit: A quick wiki search says the poverty in USA is around 15% as of 2011. Not exactly catastrophic with the given population number we have, but also discerning.
Slightly tying in with the no foreign aid idea, which is quite popular amongst our more politicised members, there are plenty of needy folk in our own country who need charity and help before we start looking abroad.

Some of our respective peoples do starve while we dictate world policy. Surely that is of more concern than intimidating the sovreignty of other nations?
It is. It definitely is. But unfortunately the people at the top too often forget about the plight of the those at the bottom.

Even though I'm not at the top, I forget about the issues that people less well off are facing with from time to time.:ouch:

Great now I feel guilty.:guilty:
Edit: A quick wiki search says the poverty in USA is around 15% as of 2011. Not exactly catastrophic with the given population number we have, but also discerning.

Most of those in "poverty" here still have enough to make them rich in many other countries.
Trust me, after visiting India, poor people here have it much better.

But thankfully they ain't got nukes! The poor that is...
How many homeless people and/or people far below the poverty line are there in the United States?

The difference is they dont HAVE to starve. There is always food and aid available. Its their choice if they want to sit in an alley and shoot up or take the aid. I worked in public housing for a few years and it would blow your mind to see the food needy people are given.
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The difference is they dont HAVE to starve. There is always food and aid available. Its their choice if they want to sit in an alley and shoot up or take the aid. I worked in public housing for a few years and it would blow your mind to see the food needy people are given.

Yes, but it's equally sweeping to suggest that all homeless people are druggies with only themselves to blame.

Some people lose their jobs and houses. Then what? For some, they're out on the streets. Thank Christ for the milk of human kindness otherwise some of the poor buggers wouldn't ever climb out of that sort of rut.

But back on topic, I have to admit I'm concerned at North Korea's satellite launch, especially given that it allegedly traversed Japanese airspace.

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