Not able to access GT7 - PSN issue?

Them having problems on a Friday evening sure is suspicious. Arma Reforger has been blowing up in popularity lately to the point that it's been getting ddos'd for a week now by Russians, I wonder if this is related? Or it could be some disgruntled employees who just got laid off this week. Hard to believe their servers just coincidentally **** the bed.
Glad I'm still able to enjoy the gargantuan amount of singleplayer content this game offers to be played completely singleplayer. Totally not a bone-headed move to make it online-only!
In their defense, outages like this seem to be incredibly rare, almost to the point of being improbable. But not impossible, as we can clearly see.
In their defense, outages like this seem to be incredibly rare, almost to the point of being improbable. But not impossible, as we can clearly see.
While true, it's also not the first time GT7 has seen an extended outage (whether due to PSN or their own service). It's just an own goal they could've avoided by allowing normal access to the game.
While true, it's also not the first time GT7 has seen an extended outage (whether due to PSN or their own service). It's just an own goal they could've avoided by allowing normal access to the game.
True, but I’d rather have to occasionally do something else than potentially open things up to cheaters/modders.
Nah, PD is downplaying this just as Sony is to make it seem less of an issue than it actually is…
PD servers seems fine from the looks of it, but yeah, "some users " is a understatement for sure.

For quick reference, my PS Plus LEGO Star Wars Skywalker Saga game just let me back in after 17hr, so a global resolution may be here or near.
Not Here yet, maybe Near, I'm able to get into GT7 Offline Mode now at least.
Sony and PD really likes to remind people how disgusting mandatory online games are. Will Kaz learn from this? No, because he’s just as greedy and out of touch as the next fella.

By the way, you know people are pissed when it headlines the public service news.
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Looks Sony fired one of the employees who knew which specific cables and wire to trip over on the way out the door....
Being front end engineers I'd imagine the damage could be a lot worse than tripping over and unplugging a cable....the thing that is a bit odd even if it was a big restore or roll back is the length of time, it would be unusual for network engineers and the dev ops team not to be able to fail over or roll back.

As they typically aren't transparent or do post mortems we won't know but an outage this big especially after learning the lessons previously is a bit strange
But guys….do you not want to admit that you enjoyed that thrill of talking to your family and friends for a couple of hrs today? This feeling sun and wind touching your face? This feeling of seeing real people, trees and birds on streets? Maybe this outage is a blessing? Some went on a date instead?
But guys….do you not want to admit that you enjoyed that thrill of talking to your family and friends for a couple of hrs today? This feeling sun and wind touching your face? This feeling of seeing real people, trees and birds on streets? Maybe this outage is a blessing? Some went on a date instead?
It's cold and peeing down. Daughter is ill and moody. Wife is busy doing stuff around the house and watching her shows on catch up and in sitting in my rig glass of wine in hand solemnly staring at

An abject lesson in why locking the entire game out as 'Online only' is such total ********.
Still can't understand why they can't let up have access to at least all the cars in quick offline races! How hard can it be? Just a bigger game size! That way you also test out some cars before you buy them!
Still can't understand why they can't let up have access to at least all the cars in quick offline races! How hard can it be? Just a bigger game size! That way you also test out some cars before you buy them!
I agree especially as the AI has full access to the cars or at least a much larger pool than we do. I'm pretty sure the AI can use all of Gr3 and 4 in offline mode
An abject lesson in why locking the entire game out as 'Online only' is such total ********.
I think people like defending decisions like this because they think by being nice they will get more of what they want.
I think people like defending decisions like this because they think by being nice they will get more of what they want.
I think it's a little more complex, there are certain features that definitely require an always on part. Most of the game "shouldn't" though.

What is interesting is I used to get frequently prompted when starting the game asking me save version to use console/cloud as they were out of sync.....

Overall a game should not be neutered to the point of being a demo because of network issues (or a players desire quite honestly)


Astro bot is actually quite good, and weirdly it downloaded an update before I could play it so some stuff is available but it looks like all the authentication/account side of things is causing the issues on the PSN side of things.
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