NTX MOTORSPORTS - Update - Its been quite some time

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I think Beerzy has pointed out most of the problems and good points of these two shots so i won't say much, apart from that I really like these two shots, especially the second one, I love the glow ( I think thats what its called) on it, it looks like a foggy morning I remember at Cadwell Park (my local Race circuit) with my Dad.
A marshall was driving to his post in a legacy (same colour) and was going too fast!, he locked up and reversed it neatly into his spot:lol:

Sorry about me dragging on!!,anyway its always great to see people experiment with things and i hope to see more shots just like (and maybe even better) this.👍



p.s sorry i missed your 22B update(I do like it by the way)
Nice work on the latest update, the 2nd shot is great, it really has a sense of emptiness to it, the car looks all lonely out there on it's own!
Nice work on the Honda, Nuno. I really like the blur and the noise you added. Good light too.

The Audi lost a bit if the light it had, even the tailpipes became almost invisible.

Both good shots, mostly the Audi one.
Superb, Just superb:tup:, you have really done a great job on these NTX:tup:, you have edited the Accord shot just perfectly, the noise and blurring has improved this shot so much:tup:
You have also done a great job on the RS6 shot, it looks much better than before you have smoothed out the problem areas that were on this shot before.

Here is another update, nothing fancy...but I was inspired to do a little of "2.0" shots...so I hope they are good (of course not as good as those 2.0 shots that are made by the Gods of GTP). Enjoy and comment:)

They are both great shots - the first one gives a great sense of on the edge driving:eek:(controlled of course - it is Quattro of course!:D) but it is the second one which caught my eye the most:odd: I love the luminous glow the car gives off:tup: you have done a great job on cleaning the car also:tup:
Keep up the good work Nuno!👍


p.s Congratulations on 2000 posts & 100 pages:cheers:
Wow, very nince indeed!! 👍

You're improving your 2.0 skills a lot lately.
1st shot I like of course because I have one almost like that of the same car in the same color (only taken at G. Valley) on my HD, looks pretty cool too. The way you captured the car makes it look like the tyre on the outside is actually bending and gripping on the limit. Very well caught.

2nd shot not only is pretty good as it is extremely well edited, definitely my favorite.
All the tones of the image combine well, the blur is very smooth and natural, the car looks just awesome with incredible light all around, but especially on the front, which seems to glow due to a direct light source, as do the side mirrors.
Very nice, buddy.

I love it! :cheers:
:drool: Lovable greatly has always. You never cease to amaze me. Both shots are very, but very cool.

I don’t know if this is good or not, but your shots have something in common, they have a common style. I think it his cool, because, it dictates your personality. You look like a very calm person. 👍
:drool: Lovable greatly has always. You never cease to amaze me. Both shots are very, but very cool.

I don’t know if this is good or not, but your shots have something in common, they have a common style. I think it his cool, because, it dictates your personality. You look like a very calm person. 👍

Calm...hell no...I´m a nervous guy...I wish to be calm one day...when I die and go the bottom of the earth.:lol:
Thanks for stopping by.👍
Great photos of the Audi; the lighting adds for a good effect and the higher conrast of the second photo proves a welcome addition.
Thanks for your words guys:tup:
Now...this update his something "new"...to me. I used some zoom blurs in the 1st two shots...among other tools...and in the last shot I used motion and lens blurs.
I must say...that in the Subaru shot I was looking for that kind of effect, meaning..."strong wind" comes against the car, giving a feeling that the "wind" goes in more than one direction. Hope U understand.
So enjoy...a new era will begin in this gallery:)

I just have one thing to say: Amazing! :eek::drool:(no more words , this one resumes them all)

Ok, actually I have two things to say. What happened to the Subaru Front?? It looks empty with no symbol and stuff, it looks like it was swallowed by something....:indiff:. In spite of that detail: ****ing Amazing!!! 👍
Wow, now that's a very nice work, you're definitely stepping up A LOT on your shots quality and the amount of work you put in them. 👍

I don't really like the Evo much, seems a bit 'dead' and the camera distortion makes it kinda weird. Not bad, just weird.

But the other 2 are really great. Love the angle and the mood of the Viper great shot indeed. The camera is a bit too tilted, but the sense of power you get is great, very strong image. Excellent work on the tones too.

The Impreza is high level too, the mature tone of the car's paint also adds a great mood to the shot, and nice work on the cleanup as well. Door lines seem good, and reflections are cool as well.

I think you're gonna surpsise a lot of people on this tournament. Good luck, bro! :cheers:
the colours are great in all of them, the viper looks a bit over contrasted though. with the subaru, the motion blur on the road looks good. but, the blur you used on the fencing behind the car draws my eye towards the rear of the car and the wall behind the car.
havnt been here in a while, so ill just start with your latest :P I like the oldschool look about them, it looks like youve taken the shots on a PS! or an earlier console but the dodge is very glitzy and nice, very nice blur on that and great detail on the car!

Welldone! i think the best is the viper, the rims finish it off :P
Cool photos, the Viper looks specially nice but with a bit rought edges. I have to say, the Le Mans PMC and Zexel Skyline entries are the best I remember from you lately 👍

Thank U very much guys...your words are important to me!!!👍
One more update, Integra Type R!!! Enjoy:)

once again, or per usual, the colours came out very well. i like the third one the best. the first has a good sense of speed, but, the back round seems a bit empty. there doesnt seem to be a focus point on the second as the entire car seems to be effected by the gt4 blur or, what has happened to me a few times, you focused on a part of the car that doesnt get registered as being a part of the car ... which is the best way i can put it.

the third has it all imo 👍
I’m going to start quoting my other words from your previous Works. It is just plain awesome. I love that “drawing” car on the panel, and the pictures are all very but very more than great. 👍