NTX MOTORSPORTS - Update - Its been quite some time

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Sweet tone and sweet blur. The DC5 is a very beautiful car to take some photos, and I was pleased to see how you didn't overdodged the highlights with excessive contrast. This is a very usual issue but you're not a noob hehe.

I should advice you once again about locking the aspect ratio when using the free transform tool in Photoshop. All logos in the tourney and presentations have a defomed look that doesn't help to maximize the quality of all work.

It's very easy, simply remember to mark the "chain logo" in the upper bar of Photoshop after slecting the free transform utility. I guess you use it... so that's all you have to do.

The lighting on all of your Integra shots are great, they really suit the car well. The first one looks very epic and has a nice feel to it that I can't quite put my finger on. The lighting on the rear end of the car is spot on too.

But the other two look a bit blurred to me, like the car has been over-softened or something. If they were as sharp and as well lit as the first one they would be stunners, as they are they're just pretty cool shots that could do with a bit of sharpening IMO. 👍
Thanks for your feedback people:D
Now...one more update, with a car that haves a lot of style...hope U enjoy this Amuse S2000!!!

Nice...I really like that color on the car but it needs some attention to get it to look clean. You did a some nice work:tup:
I just love the last shot the most, because of the mood and the lighting. However, one thing I like a lot in the last shot is the sky.
Hey Nuno!, sorry I missed some of your updates!, I love the 2nd Integra Shot & the panel in which it is presented.👍

As you update more your photoshop skills are improving well, these shots have a great mood and show a great sensation of speed-especially the 2nd one:tup:


Once more its good to see your support guys!!:D
Now a small update to show. First shot is a drifting Opera Perfomance 350Z, hope U guys like it!! The second its a remix from LDS Integra Type R...hope U guys enjoy it too. Thanks to LDS to let me remix it:)


LDS Original Shot
The Opera is really cool, but that blur don’t seem quite right…

Has for the Integra……..tcha tcha tcha tchããã….words fail me, :eek::eek::drool::drool:it is more than amazing…+REP:tup:
That cleaning, that reflections, the edition...perfect 👍
Thanks for your feedback so far guys.
I also wanna post here my NC Competition entry for week 9.

Update time. Now presenting the Camaro SS...so enjoy and comment:)
Thanks once more for all your support guys 👍



man your shots have taken a whole new persona/style lately. it's so much different from what i was used to. and that's a very good thing! kudos for all the great work you've shown here lately!!!
A very peaceful environment. And the colors match perfectly within the elements of the Picture (I don’t even know what I am saying). 👍
My favorites are the last two ones, but they are all very cool.
Well here is the birthday update (Yeah I´m getting old fast :lol:).
Its my second birhday here on GTP, hope I can spend more of course, lets see if GT4 popularity survives at least another year.
Enjoy my "special" day with the RUF RGT!!!:D

Happy Birthday, have good time, and don’t think I forgot your present. It is coming right up.
Has for the update, great update 👍. I love the last one, it is so real and clean…looks like GT5… 👍
The first one is a bit too blurred for me, but I like the Second shot. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the rest of your birthday today.
Happy Birthday man! i'm gonna work on a birthday present update for you :D the update though is a bit blurry for me like everyonelse said, but it looks a bit like an illusion. 👍
it's like a scene from a movie, waiting for something to come up.
hi baby ... I love your last update, those photos are amazing! congratulations for winning another competition, u are the best!! Keep doing that good work. Kisses for my love :)
Happy birthday and I hope to see you next year too, with GT5 in our hands!! :lol:

Pics are a bit glowing, but it's nice to see you trying to innovate 👍
Well, thanks to all for coming to my birthday :lol:
Now, lets return to the normal days, with another update. Enjoy the Dodge Viper GTS, the beast of the streets!!👍

Blimey Nuno these are brilliant!, I love the look of the second one it looks cartoony - which is cool!:cool: I love the presentation of the panel too:tup:


Well, it is a very cool update, but the car is a bit too blurred IMO.

But I love the angles and the sense you give it to them, not speaking, although, of the panel that is very, but very cool. 👍