Nurburging Tuner Challenge - Results & Prizes Announced! Page 19

  • Thread starter JackWilson
@ Jackthalad:

How literal is this?
Not very

There's 2 weeks + to the deadline, I'm willing to drive the cars enough to get a real solid lap in, but the phrase taken literally would mean at least 20 laps worth of distance per car.

A solid lap is all I mean really, I dont expect anyone to that many laps, they can if they want to though.

I ran 2-3 laps for my Nurb shootout, this having only 12 cars I imagine I can give them all a solid 5-10 runs/laps, so I'm wondering if that's enough or not, that's all. :)
That would be spot on, I will be giving them at least 5 laps each I think.

You want me to sign you up then? 👍:)
I can host the HSC as well when ill be done testing (will test tonight probably)
Great man thanks alot! 👍
Ok, so I think I'm almost done with my entry. It's not yet final but It's nearing completion.
The car is being shared now, it's the Lavender RX-8.
Good stuff man, look forward to trying this beast out, I think I will wait till it's complete though. ;)

Slightly off-topic but is anyone here good with spreadsheets?
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No problem mate :cheers:

Ive put the car on share for tonight (it is right now) for those that would like to have access, i will get it off tomorow when i'll get back from the job to finish testing, then it will be on share until the shootout ends,

Im liking the car so far! :)

my psn is GTP_Mike_Peperni
I'm afraid someone's going to have to build my tune and share it for me, my PS3 just got the blinking red light of death, and the Shelby wasn't on share. :(
I'm afraid someone's going to have to build my tune and share it for me, my PS3 just got the blinking red light of death, and the Shelby wasn't on share. :(

I'm on it. PM me your build, and I'll have it up on share within the next 24hrs (barring any traffic issue's ):dopey:
I opened my ucd today and right on top was an HSC so I changed the oil and tuned it up and put it on share.

Praiano's tune.
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Thx s2k2k3, ive put mine back on share as well, tried to get a clean time but couldnt, i have no focus tonight, will retry later in the week.
I will be hosting trackrippers tune. It is now on share 👍 (pray for the RLOD to pass over trackrippers PS3... so I can take the winged Series 1 off of share :P ):dopey:
Praiano's HSC back on share, testing done.

Next is the Shelby Serie one, thx Krenkme for sharing it. :)
Can't wait to check this.:):):nervous::nervous:, thanks.


No problem :) another fun car to drive! :dopey:

I will be away from the PS3 from july 21th to 28th, i'll be off work and will visit family, i hope everyone will have posted their car so i can test all of them, i forgot about that when i registered. :)
No problem :) another fun car to drive! :dopey:

I will be away from the PS3 from july 21th to 28th, i'll be off work and will visit family, i hope everyone will have posted their car so i can test all of them, i forgot about that when i registered. :)

The tune submission deadline is the 13th so all should be available no later than then.
You are right i had 27th in mind but it is for testers :crazy:
i guess i was just too lazy to look at the first page.
Eh, I'll need someone to help me host my car. It'll be sent to you by Roj (PSN VTiRoj/Rojjie), don't need to give it back or anything since he's duped one already. But yea, any help?
I'm going to send FR's tonight, so if you don't have either GTP_CSL or CSLACR on your FR and you're tuning for this, please open a spot.:)
It was a blast to drive :cheers:

Im done with the Shelby Serie 1, is the garaiya on share?

I'm not entirely sure myself if the car has been sent yet, chances are that it hasn't been sent yet though.
*Double Post!*

Here's the tune, last day posting ftw.

Autobacs Garaiya '00

Parts list (Anything listed is not used)
- Everything in the "Chassis" section
- Engine Stage 2 + 3
- Wing

Power Limiter: Until 500PP is reached

1st: 3.078
2nd: 2.282
3rd: 1.835
4th: 1.539
5th: 1.306
6th: 1.117
Final: 3.000
Max Speed: 112 MPH
Should read 180mph on the top right corner.

Inital: 7
Acceleration: 15
Braking: 6

Ride Height: 0/0
Spring Rate: 4.0/5.5
Dampers (Compression): 4/4
Dampers (Extension):3/3
Anti-Roll Bars: 2/1

Camber: 2.0/1.7
Toe: -0.20/0.00