I just checked in on this race and I can't believe what it has turned into. I have to say, I would be furious at this point if I had actually formed my team, and trained for months, only to have it come down to just 4 teams in the race before even hitting the halfway mark. Also, more importantly, my other drivers who are not on GTP would be far more annoyed with me for wasting their time.... Kudos to all who stay in till the end, and "WTF!?!" to everyone else. After seeing how most of the teams have not taken this seriously and the miniscule amount of effort put into streaming it and screening the teams, I am infinitely pleased now that my team did not make it in. 👎 Everyone who HONESTLY put their time and BEST effort into this, deserves better than what it has become.
Ohh guys, the streaming quality is horrible. A dia show without audio.
Next time use a video capture card & an better hosting service, like:
Check their HD streams out, that's a live stream! 👍
f.e. this one:
Spent some time in Luka's room, was great fun. Real cool guy who wanted to help and would have commentated well. Not sure what works was thinking by ignoring him :/
DemplarSorry we had to many things going at the same time...Just so people can understand: we had 4 volonteers planned for the event and guest what: Only 1 showed up... Something to think of...14 teams were supposed to show up and guess what... 8 showed up. Our team manager left is role to suppervise the race so lap time were recorded and team informed during the whole race.
Our drivers were doing supports so other teams would have minimal tech support.
Sure we were understaffed... Seems that you can't rely on volonteer that much.
So we are sorry, if you generous people tried to help us and we simply didn't had the time to look at it.
Haters will always hate bro, if you had a HD stream of epic quality the trolls would still complain mate...
do we send our write up to kurt or gt mag? and if it's to mag, how do i get in contact with the editor?
KurtKrDuHere is the spot to brainstorm and suggest anything you think might add to the event. We already have our ideas down for the 2013 edition, but it can't do any harm to voice all your great ideas right here.
DemplarHi everyone!
New race analysis section has been released!!
Check out data and conclusions made by staff.
We've just completed the prize plaques. Nice and shiny. They will be sent to the winning teams this week.
Would have entered this if I could have got a team together... Will there be another one?
You bet there will be another one...
We are working hard and we'll release more info soon.