Hang on a second! I never said that America was a racist country! I can see how you might of thought that I had implied that (because Barrack Obama is black), but that was not what I was getting at.
I was merely commenting on the perceived favouring of the privileged. If that means America is a racist country, then you said it not me! 👍
I see, I assumed you were referring to race as this started from your a Black man is in the White House and we should all be proud comment.
That and this perceived favoring of the privileged in politics is, from my viewpoint, wrong. My father-in-law grew up in a poor coal mining town and has been on the staff of our state governor. My cousin, from a poor farming community, was chief of staff for Senator Wendell Ford, and his wife was the PR person for John Ashcroft. Through these family connections I can guarantee you that while many times a wealthy person uses the same personality traits that allowed them to succeed in business to succeed in politics, a fairly large number of people come from nowhere as well.
If you had really be concerned about privileged politicians being overcome I would have thought you would have thought Palin being a VP would be much better as she started in politics from just being a concerned mother. Obama has had many more connections to help him move up than Palin.
Funny thing happened along the way, a Republican (Theodore Roosevelt) was the one who championed the cause, and it was ratified after his Presidency (under Taft) in 1913. This went unchallenged by otherwise pro-business Presidents Harding-Coolidge-Hoover.
And a Republican president freed the slaves, but they still get stereotyped as being racist. And these oh so progressive Democrats had a large number of their party fighting against civil rights. Neither of these parties are the same as they once were, so I fail to see what you are saying.
Did I lay the 16th Amendment at the feet of Democrats and claim Republicans to be awesome or something? I think I have made it abundantly clear by now that I blame all these problems on both parties.
But lets not kid ourselves, the New Deal had to deal with far more than just taxes...
And it created a lot more bad policy too.
I'll ask again though, wouldn't the only way to have an equal tax be if everyone paid exactly the same amount in tax? Having the same PERCENTAGE means you're still "stealing" from the beloved rich who all deserve their money much more than anyone else.
Perhaps you don't understand the concept of a percentage and how it applies to burden? If everyone pays 10% then they are only burdened with losing 10% of their earned income. If everyone pays $3,000 dollars then some people will lose 10% of their income, others will lose 20%, while others will only lose less than 1%.
And who said that the rich deserve their own earned money more than the poor deserve their own earned money? No, what a person earns they deserve, equally among all economic classes.

And there goes what little credibility you had left
Crazy thing. When UCLA did a study they found that Fox News is not so bad in comparison to all US news outlets.
(I think this is the fourth or fifth time I have had to post this on GTP.)
Solid Fro is actually better off than someone who watches CBS.
Again, I will remind people to not confuse Bill O'Reilly's commentary show with news. In fact, it is even labeled as commentary by Fox News. Commentary on TV is as much news as the editorial section of a newspaper.