We do that though. Isn't that why taxes in California are so high? They pay for people to live poor states like Maine, where it's just as easy to collect welfare than it is to go hunt for a job.
Not quite. California State Taxes stay in the state of California, unless they offer aid to Maine for some sort of disaster, but they never do that because that is what FEMA (which is federal) is supposedly for.
California state taxes are so high because they have their own welfare programs within their own state.
There are many young parents around me, and childcare is one of the things that's killing them financially. There are people who will almost lose money by showing up to work, between the childcare and commute expenses(extra car, gas, etc.).
I hate paying more taxes, but
if the birth rate in this country(excluding the illegals immigrants
come down low enough, program(s) to help out with their daycare I think would be a good idea. Before it's too late like Japan or South Korea.
The thing is: Do you want your government deciding your childcare for you? How do you guarantee that whatever specific morals or ideals you want your child to learn will be taught to them? Upbringing plays a large role in development and if the parent has no say in the kinds of people helping out with childcare then they can't ensure their child grows to be the kind of person they want.
Example: I can guarantee you that a Christian family looking to raise their child in a Christian environment won't be able to find this government funded daycare teaching Christian ideals. So, they can take their child to a Christian daycare or babysitter, right? Maybe, but since they have already paid for childcare through taxes can they afford another childcare bill?
I don't really understand what you mean, Omnis. Are you saying that the public school system is being monopolized by the state?
I think he was referring to Obama's plan, but it could be applied to the public school system. You can only get the service from the government, so there's no competition.
Obama's plan doesn't cause monopolies though - the public school system isn't a monopoly on education, there's no government monopoly on "after school activities", and this wouldn't create a monopoly on early childhood programs.
I will just lump these three together.
By definition it is not a monopoly, because private institutions are still allowed to exist. That is why it is not Communism. But government does monopolize the funding. That is why Omnis refers to it as liberal fascism.
Let me explain using public schools:
1) The government makes you pay a school tax.
2) You have a child getting ready to go to school.
3) After doing some research you decide that the local public school(s) don't meet the standards you wish for your child.
4) You call up the State Education Department (or equivalent) and tell them that you need your school funding so you can take your child to a school that does meet your standards.
5) They laugh.
6) You say, "What gives?"
7) They say, "That isn't your money."
8) "But you took it from me."
9) "Right, so now it is ours. Thank you for funding your public schools."
10) "But how can I use the money, that I paid, for my child?"
11) "Send them to our schools."
Basically, the government forces you to pay for a service you may or may not want to use. And even if you need that service you can only use the money you paid for it if you are willing to accept their standards. The thing is that private school standards are clearly higher in most cases.
Any government funded childcare will work the same. As it is now rarely do childcare systems leave 30+ kids to one adult. But many public schools are like that now. And they are overcrowded.
And let's not even get into the logistical issues of staffing these childcare centers. Schools already are understaffed, but we are supposed to find quality childcare providers?
And where will these things be kept? He is saying ages 0-5 years. That is the equivalent of elementary school. So, you will have to have school-sized nurseries and playrooms? And as pre-school education sounds like it is part of this as well, that means that classrooms of some form will also be involved. Where do you put these buildings?
This plan has three very huge issues:
1) It can be argued against from a legal standpoint.
2) It can be argued against from a moral standpoint.
3) It can be argued against from a logistical standpoint.
Assuming Obama really did come up with this, my guess is that Obama doesn't have an actual plan. Like always, he just has a good sounding idea to motivate the low income voters to vote for him because they think he cares.
And Obama may truly care, but he plans domestic issues as poorly as he accuses President Bush of planning an exit strategy.