Oculus RIFT Head Mounted Display 90 Degree FOV

  • Thread starter ibuycheap
Indeed the resolution will increase with the first consumer version but with DK2 there is certainly more than a few metres of clear vision in the racers I play (and many other happy Rifters) unless something is not setup correctly.
Would be good to know which particular games Stephanos82 is talking about.
Thank you for the responces guys! I mainly play LFS and AC! (I also tried GSC with tridef but the proportions were seriously off. I felt the car was humongous - really broke immersion!)

The problem is that unless something is right on your face, the image is foggy/blurry/fuzzy which makes it impossible to trace next turning if you don't already know the track by heart.
Thank you for the responces guys! I mainly play LFS and AC! (I also tried GSC with tridef but the proportions were seriously off. I felt the car was humongous - really broke immersion!)

The problem is that unless something is right on your face, the image is foggy/blurry/fuzzy which makes it impossible to trace next turning if you don't already know the track by heart.

Do you play other stuff okay, other than racers? I honestly don't have this issue. Sure it will benefit from better resolution but I can race 20 lap races. Are you definitely set at 75hz in the games?

..and don't worry abut GSC, they've already said they are working on DK2 support and you just know they'll do a great job. I've been playing GSC quite a lot this week actually, never gets boring :)
I finally got too spend a few hours on iracing with the dk2. I can't believe how good it is. I was really suprised how plug and play it was and how well the UI works with it.

I told a friend last night I had 2 monitors for sale. The triple setup is done. With iracing the 1080 is enough to race, its not perfect but good enough for now. With Pcars though it's not good enough. Iracing just looks much cleaner than any other race I've tried with it. LFS and Pcars you really has to know the track and it seemed like I was constantly fighting. With iracing I was just as good as I am with my triples within a few minutes.
Hey everyone, just in case you are experiencing problems with your Oculus Rift in Asset Corsa after the update today, JmonAC who is on the official AC forums posted these fixes there for the bugs that have plagued OR implementation post update:

Fix for game not displaying:

In Options/Effects just keep Post Processing on but select None as the Effect Preset.

Fix for the problem of game dropping out after one lap:

Go to Steam\steamapps\common\assettocorsa\system\cfg

Find file called vr

open in notepad




Wonder why the Rift gets so little love from Kunos? I was and am very grateful for the implementation we had. Why they failed to mention these "errors/bugs'' in the 1.0 release notes escapes me. It would have been a nice bit of customer care to at least mention them. I mean, unless you have your PC disconnected from the inter webs, you are more or less forced to update. I know you can change that in the settings, but an update or final release usually implies improvements and new content. Unfortunately as far as the OR is concerned it went the opposite way.

Cheers, AussieStig
I recommend picking up Toybox Turbos on sale during these holiday sales. Put about an hour in, and the tracks are getting absolutely crazy. Need to rearrange my camera so I can stand up better. But this might be the gold standard for impressing people. Codemasters hit it out of the park with the VR on this one.
I think Darrin is being overly harsh. The point is the immersion, the implementation can't even be commented on as it is only for developers period. For me the FOV needs to increase, but I will be the first to say that the immersion is absolutely off the charts incredible. CV1 will have none of his cons. I don't think you should do a pros or cons on a development product. I understand what he's trying to do, but people who are teetering on whether VR is the future or not will take this to heart. Everything he cons on are things that Oculus has already addressed over a year ago and its getting better and better.

IN CV1 you'll probably be able to see outside the unit with another camera. Also, the virtual mirror is for noobs! If you want realism, you'll use the mirrors on the car.

Just to me, this should have been only about the immersion factor. Thats it. But thats just me. I know he meant well. :)

I'd also add, there is probably quite a a bit of user error here LOL. Once the Oculus CV1/2/3 etc are released with crazy FOV and resolution, *faints*
They conveniently overlook the fact that the biggest problem facing VR is latency, not resolution. I think that may be well suited to a virtual cinema experience rather than gaming. I doubt they have someone on their development team that has solved the issue with latency before the Oculus team considering a) the funds they have b) they have John Carmack c) I also remember watching a keynote where John Carmack said that they have been talking with Samsung about what they need out of a display.
That is true, latency is critical problem #1, but don't forget that resolution seems to be a very close #2. Each company has answered a part of the problem, all it takes is combining the parts together
That is true, latency is critical problem #1, but don't forget that resolution seems to be a very close #2. Each company has answered a part of the problem, all it takes is combining the parts together
And this is an issue for me. Are we going to need to purchase three different pieces of hardware to get every piece of software we want in VR. I do hope that we don't get a stupid situation where certain VR hardware manufacturers have an exclusive deal with certain software makers.
Why all the doom and gloom? Everyone expected the first iteration of VR wouldn't be perfect out of the box, the important part is that there are solutions to the major issues, if you wanted a perfect product from day one, you can't call yourself an early adopter, which is what you would have to be to buy the Oculus Rift consumer version 1. It won't be perfect by any means, so if you are patiently waiting for the release expecting it to be totally ironed out, you will be disappointed for sure.
Latency is not a big problem IMO, even the DK2 has this area covered quite well and I expect the cv1 will be even better. The DK2 I believe has approx. 20ms latency which is better than a lot of tv/monitors. What is causing latency right now is vsync, some games do it worse than others like Iracing for example on my pc is unplayable with vsync on, but leaving the frame rate uncapped runs very smoothly and the image looks clean with no tearing when hitting more than 100 fps.
Why all the doom and gloom? Everyone expected the first iteration of VR wouldn't be perfect out of the box, the important part is that there are solutions to the major issues, if you wanted a perfect product from day one, you can't call yourself an early adopter, which is what you would have to be to buy the Oculus Rift consumer version 1. It won't be perfect by any means, so if you are patiently waiting for the release expecting it to be totally ironed out, you will be disappointed for sure.
Don't get me wrong I'm a fully paid up member of the VR bandwagon and truly believe this will be the next big thing, especially for sim racing. I love the immersion I get from Assetto Corsa, PCars and Elite with my DK2 I just hope one device is capable of all the VR experiences out there.
Tried Oculus Rift for the first time today for couple of laps on Project CARS. Surprised how low resolution it looks, like a YouTube 240p video. :lol:
The FOV is sufficient of the Oculus Rift. The general consensus on the comparions Vive vs Rift is that the Vive has a marginally larger FOV and the Rift has a bit better image quality.

The differences are only noticable with back to back comparions, both HMD users should be happy with their purchase.

The main selling point of the Rift is : Comfort

Do not underestimate how important comfort is from a simracing perspective When i'm racing in VR, it's a much more physical experience than when playing other games. After a 30 min race with the AccuForce, things do tend to get hot and sweaty. The riggid strap and tilt ablity of the Rift makes it possible to almost let the HMD hover in front of your face.

Th mouse is not supported in PCARS, you can use the Xbox controller for navigation, but i often find myself using the mouse for certain actions on my monitor. This means having to take of the HMD pretty often for editing setups or going into simcommander. I usually just tilt it back a bit and leave it on top of my head. Putting it back on again is a breeze, it always comes back is exactly the right position 👍

The integrated headphones are also a bit plus for comfort especially if you have to take the HMD off and put it on again. The audio is superb, much better as expected. Eventhough i have never tried the Vive, i'm already sure that the Rift wins the comparison handsdown for me because of the higher comfort.

The cable: When i was still racing with headphones, the hanging coiled cable of always bothering me. So i made i clip to my 4 point seatbelt to put the cable in to releave the stress. The cable of the rift is so thin and light that it suprisingly doesn't bother me at all.
But then you can say the same about comfort... Comfort is good and there is just slight differences ;). But yeah of course it´s important.

If we take gamermuscles comparison he seem to feel the big difference in brightness make a big difference between the headsets. The measurements support there is a big difference here.

Now I calibrated my monitor for around 120 cd and if the Rift can do that I maybe is fine I don´t know but I don´t perceive my monitor as particularly dark. But if it dulls the image like when I increase my brightness to max which is about 350 cd and run ULMB to reduce blurring the image is dulled incredibly even more then when using 3D glasses. It sucks the life out of the scene I would say I have much higher image quality without ULMB despite sharper graphics ;). So with that I might feel Vive has superior IQ and putting me there better.

But then it´s the question of SDE but the differences here seem to be very slim afterall much less then the difference in brightness. But SDE is hugely annoying too.

If I am going to take the headset on and off a million times the Rift certainly seem better and the cable management easier to deal with.
The whole HMD experience is very personal. That's why FOV, comfort, SDE ect ect differs from person to person.

I just made a shocking discovery for me personally : I tried my rift without the foam insert and got a much larger FOV and sharper image. This is just to illustrate how personal the use of HMD is, because we all have different facial structures.

The good news for the " Rift Camp " is :

Codemasters have just confirmed that Dirt Rally will get Oculus Support with the release of the next patch :bowdown:
The whole HMD experience is very personal. That's why FOV, comfort, SDE ect ect differs from person to person.

I just made a shocking discovery for me personally : I tried my rift without the foam insert and got a much larger FOV and sharper image. This is just to illustrate how personal the use of HMD is, because we all have different facial structures.

The good news for the " Rift Camp " is :

Codemasters have just confirmed that Dirt Rally will get Oculus Support with the release of the next patch :bowdown:
Great news on Dirt Rally support. Jus got to wait for my rift to arrive! But revive injector should enable Vive support anyway.
Yeah closer to the screen more fov same for vive when you remove the foam inserts. Question is how comfortable is it? Could you consider do a 3h endurance stint like that?

Also it looks like every rift title will work with vive. Good for somebody that hates exclusives there is no reason with two such similar headsets to only have support for one. Particularly when separate controllers is involved! When it comes to the controller it can make a bit more sense. But then I would love to have the vive controllers working with the occulus and vice versa :)