Of course Jim Sterling has to jump on it now...

  • Thread starter Symtex
They're one hundred percent correct, and it really says a lot to the dichotomy of this forum that there is a belief that the people who don't have a stake in the genre or game, to posit them as 'whiners' or trying to profit themselves off the horrific launch GT7 had, or whatever compared to the rest of the outside gaming world that see what Polyphony is doing for the bare, naked act that it is. And that those outsiders are still intent on putting the pressure onto Polyphony and Kaz, and see the moves that Polyphony themselves have made in trying to stem the tide with skepticism. Because as has been shown time and time again throughout the modern history of GT, Kaz's idea of trying to fix things is to tell people what they want to hear, more often then not is just hinting at what's to come and hoping that people don't look too far into things to see how empty they all are, and that if they do come, they're often times significantly less then what Kaz hyped them up to be.

The eyes and the heavy heat of that gaze are on Kaz, and it's pretty damn clear his old tricks that worked because nobody gave a **** about racing games or GT beyond the first two weeks of release aren't going to work anymore, but it's up to the man at the top to learn that lesson, which I doubt he has.
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Why do you think the economy is like that ? Don't you think it is to push people to use those carefully and meticulously MTX integrated everywhere in the game ?
Yes, that's exactly why the economy is like this, never said it wasn't. I'm just saying that PD removing MTX alone isn't going to fix the issues with this game... If we can only have one or the other, a better economy with mtx or the same economy without, I'll take a better economy with mtx's that no one is tempted to buy, just like in all of the other recent games.

I don't care if devs want to sell mtx's. I'm a free-market capitalist to the bone so I have no issues with mtx inclusion, in a vacuum... it's when the entire experience is shaped around pushing the player to buy them that I have a problem. GT6 had them and no one cared as the economy was fair. Same is true for GT Sport; they gave you a free car everyday and had performance bonuses. It's not necessarily the mtx's that is the problem, it's the way PD have chosen to push them on players unique to GT7 that is ruining the experience. The economy is the outlier variable between this and the other recent GT games, not the mtx's themselves.

But like I said earlier, I hope they do throw them out, that would be great. But only if they get rid of them and also fix the economy, and honestly, I don't see both happening.
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Sterling always jumps on predatory implementations of microtransactions and loot box mechanics and he's completely right in doing so. If PD/Sony didn't want the negative PR they shouldn't have implemented mtx so poorly.
No matter how folks here feel about Sterling... can we agree that "Jim ****ing Sterling son." is one of the best titles to give a person ever?
Yes, that's exactly why the economy is like this, never said it wasn't. I'm just saying that PD removing MTX alone isn't going to fix the issues with this game...
My bad, I did not understand your point correctly.
The more this blows up, the better. They'll be less likely to try this with the next game is the way I look at it.

Not too sure I understand why people are somewhat apprehensive towards this though. This benefits everyone, take the blinders off and hold Polyphony to a higher standard of game quality.
I was expecting other YouTubers to discuss them anyway like Jim Sterling, YongYea, LegacyKillaHD, and ReviewTechUSA to name a few. Sony/PD did this to themselves and paid the price.
Well, that was all super-weird, super-fast.

The appropriate way to deal with this, if you were annoyed, would have been to literally tell people what the issue is. That orphaned "They" in the first response (which I've now edited to include the quoted "he", which at least helps people understand what the complaint is rather than airdropping it without any context) tells nobody anything if people don't know who the person you're talking about is which... doesn't seem that unusual:

Beating people over the head with it for not knowing the pronouns of someone they don't know and have no reason to know is only barely less lacking in "basic respect" than knowingly not using the preferred pronouns (which is, yes, a sign of an awful human). I'm sure that the users who referred to "Jim Sterling" by the wrong pronoun would not have done so had they been actually told they were doing so, and it's insane to berate them for a mistake.

Conversely, once the mistake was actually pointed out, there's no need to continue arguing the toss about it. You made a mistake; learn, move on.

Let's continue this thread without any more of this utter ridiculousness, please.
YongYea has.

Saw that one earlier today. His third video on the subject and the first two were basically copies of each other. Long ones at that. Third one of course with a way too long recap of what he already said in two videos two, three days prior. While I actually am subscribed to him I’ve grown a bit tired of how formulaic and predictable his thing is... I’m assuming the video of the guy in OP is pretty much the same thing.

I guess it’s good that they probably have some impact with their reach but my god, it’s exhausting listening to him.
Is Sterling still spouting "opinions" that most people agree with while being completely insufferable? I don't make a habit of watching "influencers" or whatever they call themselves, but I remember years ago Sterling just seemed like the embodiment of a 4Chan caliber edge lord.
Jim is right on this one. Polyphony knows that they can hide behind "realistic prices" since that would mean people "really grind" just like IRL to get a real rare car. And they dangle the MTX at every corner of the game so you can "save yourself the headache of realism" It's absurd!
Is Sterling still spouting "opinions" that most people agree with while being completely insufferable? I don't make a habit of watching "influencers" or whatever they call themselves, but I remember years ago Sterling just seemed like the embodiment of a 4Chan caliber edge lord.

Really though, Jim hasn't been relevant since 2016. Riding on coattails is what Jim does these days.
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Didn't even mention the original 20mil cap that is design as a gate to specifically screw you even if you like grinding for 21 hours straight to get the credits to buy a 18.5mil car. I can already tell there will be cars that likely cost way higher in the future.

I play pretty much F2P games exclusively for the last 9 years and this $70 game that requires a $60 online admission checked pretty much every single F2P monetization boxes there is to check, the only thing they don't have is outright selling lootboxes like gacha games.

It is clear the changes we got will not break their bank but obviously they don't MAKE it that way to begin with just to see how long they can boil the frog first.
(or just banned from GTPlanet)
Weird thing to say.

We don't ban people for mistakes made in good faith, only for things that break the site's Acceptable Use Policy (misgendering someone on purpose, knowingly and repeatedly would qualify; doing so once and in error does not).

Even then we rarely go from zero to ban; there is a totting up system for warnings and infractions, with a standard infraction coming in at 10 points and 30 points automatically generating a site ban so long as the points remain active. Someone would have to burn through three chances to be banned, and usually more than that to make it a permanent one.

If you have any further queries about site moderation, we have a Site Support forum for the purpose.
I cannot believe 'he' was used, the tc has no respect for they and should be burned at the stake. (or just banned from GTPlanet).
Animated GIF

The response to this in here is broadly what I expected (even if I haven't seen all of it, by the looks of things).

I was surprised this wasn't last week's Jimquisition but I guess that had already been planned/shot. The economy in GT7 is the sort of thing that JS has done videos on for years (and the gaming industry's increased use of it, and the bad reasons/motivations behind it) and it's good that news of it is reaching as wide an audience as possible.
Jim doesn't give a F about GT7. He's just doing it for the views.
Most of the YouTube gaming commentators that covered this probably don’t care about GT7. It’s still a topic to cover for a wider audience about the industry screwing customers with scummy tactics in $70+ games. None of this f2p mobile game style FOMO crap or insane grind adds anything to the game.

We’ve seen both Forza Motorsports and Gran Turismo rolling back horrible design choices after outrage got large enough. So I don’t watch his videos, but think another spotlight is great.
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I don’t watch his videos
his videos, and give him revenue, who don't like his content
It's "their" videos/revenue/content, for reference.

Earlier posters had an entirely reasonable excuse in not knowing this, and attempts made to correct it were ambiguous and vague (among other things), but I have since addressed it in this thread much more overtly.

I personally don't know who Jim Sterling is, but it's now pretty clear that they wish to be known as "they" and not "he", and that's their prerogative.
I don't envy the job of the mods and admin's for threads like this... Kudos to you all for being level-headed, nuanced, and as fair as possible to everyone. You've done a far better job of threading-the-needle than I ever could
I could be wrong and maybe you all will have this same level of reaction to any forum goer who has a preference.
I guess this has nothing to do with the status of this youtuber, any forum participant who makes clear that he (or else) wants some pronouns used for him will receive the same treatment.
it's an honest mistake
Which is why I drew your attention to it:
We don't ban people for mistakes made in good faith, only for things that break the site's Acceptable Use Policy (misgendering someone on purpose, knowingly and repeatedly would qualify; doing so once and in error does not).
No moderation action has been taken regarding your post, so it's weird that you think simply drawing your attention to it somehow qualifies as "overkill".
Will this rule also be enforced to this degree for every human on earth, including every forum poster that will ever come in here?
Again... "enforced to this degree"? I drew your attention to a mistake you made (after I'd already addressed the entire thread regarding the same mistake) and no action was taken regarding your post.

GTPlanet's rules already cover this issue, and as such do indeed cover every human on Earth so long as you're making posts on GTPlanet about it.

Now, back to the video and the topic it covers...
YongYea has.

Good video, all but the last point are correct. PD will never, ever go back on their DRM stance. We have the Hybriding fools from back in the PS3 days to thank for that. It's always a point missed by these YT people.
