- 851
- Peterborough
- Silent7Sniper7
🤬 disaster, 1 simple rule, do what i say! But no you lot just F about. Next time i want people to listen or this groups ends!!
sgtsammac*Facepalm* Sorry i left in a rush, i had to go to dinner, i did say though, And guys you choose to join this, please respect when you are told to listen or do something.
ipswich1992Also in the convoy , I was a guard. So I was aiming at john so he new we were in charge
sgtsammacHmm, I can do 3pm.
sgtsammacRead It, Sorry i wasn't on. I was at school still. I will update my character, also what about those who havent unlocked some items?
I'll come on, and no i don't have the trousers or glasses so i just choose black trousers and no glasses.
So i can wear anything apart from theese clothes?
Torso: 4; 6; 7
Legs: 2
Glasses: 1
You cheeky little *Bleep* Welp i won't actually take any BS now we are official, and sweet, see guys on sunday.
Also i have a rule suggestion regarding vehicles:
Police Mavericks, Annihilators and the little birds (Can't remember the ingame name for some reason ) Are off limits to me (Sgtsammac) only, unless authorised by myself or Silent Sniper or when riding as passenger, any other helicopter is free game.
rules updated
And yes Aston, unless you wish to act as an Emergency service mechanic?
Right I'm gonna be doing a small lobby later today, it will just be with our chosen roles. Then I don't know about tomorrow.
Both will be at 4pm (UK Time) if you want to join please quote on this message and put if your coming to today's one, tomorrow's or both. Also what you want to do in tomorrow's lobby.