Official GTPlanet Ad-Hoc Party Races: World G1, Lobby 01

  • Thread starter Jordan
Very confusing system this Ad-Hoc, makes absolutely no sense... but it does work.

I'm still wondering how to get a specific race, not just randoms cars/tracks.

I'm going to venture in now for the next 30mins or so and setup a "GTPlanet02" Room and try a few options, hopefully we can get some racing with a MX-5 on N1s around Tsukuba...

EDIT: I have my headset on now so maybe we can talk about setting up races? I would like to try the pro races, not party mode...

EDIT 2: I'm done for the night. Had one good race in Professional mode, no lag, close racing possible. Definitely pick professional mode if you are the host. The default party mode races are odd, physics feels off, rubberband effect strong. Professional mode races feels like GTPSP should...
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anyone know where i can find a quite long of an ethernet cable in the US?!!! I get all my cables from there!!... Prices are cheap too. There are a few other good places to go for cables... They have high quality hdmi cables that are under 10 bucks at times!! I found a 100 ft cable for 10 bucks!
EDIT 2: I'm done for the night. Had one good race in Professional mode, no lag, close racing possible. Definitely pick professional mode if you are the host. The default party mode races are odd, physics feels off, rubberband effect strong. Professional mode races feels like GTPSP should...

Good racin' with ya. After you left, I was able to try a shuffle race with another gtp member. That mode turned out to be fun with the random car selection. I also enabled AI drivers so there would be 4 total in the race. Still no lag. I was impressed.
I just did a few races. This was the first time i used the US ad hoc party. I had about 2 disconnections. Im in the UK so i thought that was ok. But 1 person started late (there were 3 of us) and I was the host. I did have some fun races :) Edit: does anyone know why my screen is black and white with both versions of adhoc party?
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okay.. so now I know why there are those asking for long Ethernet cables.. this sucks!!! My router is across the house and there is NO way to get my ps3 over there to connect it.. .wtf!!!! F this!
okay.. so now I know why there are those asking for long Ethernet cables.. this sucks!!! My router is across the house and there is NO way to get my ps3 over there to connect it.. .wtf!!!! F this!
An ethernet cable is not the only option. You can also use a wireless bridge or an ethernet power outlet adapter.
An ethernet cable is not the only option. You can also use a wireless bridge or an ethernet power outlet adapter.

well thanks for the tip on that.. but those cost more $$ and I don't have any right now for those kinds of things.. I guess I'll just wait it out until these dam furloughs stop...
It was indeed! :)


What amazes me, is the complete absence of noticable lag in the connection. Even though we were racing from almost opposite locations on this globe (being Hawai and Europe), the connections seems to be way better than what I used to experience with GT5p online (PD uses their own servers, and these may be not as good as the Sony servers). On the other hand, connections get lost too often to my liking.
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I'm in the lobby right now, but no one is around. And I just got 1444 new cars from sharing with some other guy I met last night, abd I want to try them out. Anyone want to join me?
It was indeed! :)


What amazes me, is the complete absence of noticable lag in the connection. Even though we were racing from almost opposite locations on this globe (being Hawai and Europe), the connections seems to be way better than what I used to experience with GT5p online (PD uses their own servers, and these may be not as good as the Sony servers). On the other hand, connections get lost too often to my liking.

Yeah, the game was running good on my end too...way better than GT5. Lucky for us, we didn't have any connection issues this time.

It was nice to race with people who take people who actually want to race rather than take you out at the first corner.
Oh well, yesterday I had one person dropping by for a few races. Maybe things will change when AHP comes available in the EU store. Anyway, I'm in G1 Lobby 1 right now, for a while. :)
Do people hack on this? I was just playing, and it seems like no matter what I do I lose by a massive margin. When there are handicaps involved, which there are, there's no one in the world that could lap Tokyo R246 22 seconds faster than me. I'm not perfect, but it's not possible to do the track 22 seconds faster than I can. What's going on?
Oh that was you? I was going full speed and you were ditching me. There were a few instances where I tried to pause, which seems to cause you to brake a whole lot, but I still lost a lot more time than I should've.
You probably didn't know it was me since I never gave a nickname to my PSP.(I made one a couple minutes ago though)Not sure what happened, during the first race I slowed to a crawl to let you catch up but your little dot wasn't moving.

Anyone know if this could be related to connection speeds?
Could be...But I recently upgraded my connection speed to something that should be more than capable. I couldn't believe the head start you got when we were both in first gen NSXs :\
Either you're really, really good or his standards for ok are terribly low. Don't see why network connections will affect the speed of the cars. I love the sharing feature. I shared with some guys I met looking for rooms and I got 1424 cars :D. That's a lot compared to my previous 11 cars. I also beat them racing 3 Skyline GTR R34's in my Peugeot 206 :lol: i'm not lying, they were so busy trying to pass each other that I slipped through and stayed there in the corners, but they accidentally gave me a boost on the straight, giving me the win :lol:
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Could be...But I recently upgraded my connection speed to something that should be more than capable. I couldn't believe the head start you got when we were both in first gen NSXs :\

It was even more odd when I was in an M3 and you were in a R390

Either you're really, really good or his standards for ok are terribly low. Don't see why network connections will affect the speed of the cars. I love the sharing feature. I shared with some guys I met looking for rooms and I got 1424 cars :D. That's a lot compared to my previous 11 cars.

You should meet up with me, I have 4450 currently.