Official GTPlanet* Fantasy Euro 2012

  • Thread starter Matty
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Okay, I have made a decision on the neljack incident. Since it has happened with people before (Emptyone) and he hasn't been allowed his picks and because rules are rules I don't want to cause controversy by letting him have his picks.

Neljack gets no points for the first team he picked.

Points for Ireland v Spain to follow.
Spain v Republic of Ireland

Possession, 62%: 124 points
Goals, 4: 20 points
Shots (On target), 26 (20): (26 + 60) = 86
Bonus': Win bonus 20 points, 3 goal bonus 15 points: 35 points
Yellow Cards, 2: -6 points
124 + 20 + 86 + 35 - 6 = 259

Republic of Ireland
Possession, 38%: 76 points
Goals, 0: -
Shots (On target), 6 (4): (6 + 12) = 18 points
Bonus': -
Yellow Cards, 3: -9 points.
76 + 18 - 9 = 85 points

Spain= 259 points
Republic of Ireland= 85 points

Pick form for games 15 & 16
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About an hour as I'm just about to start. 👍
Just 1st place is it matty :)

Didn't see this earlier, it's first for lifetime and most wins gets a yearsworth. But it really is hinging on weather GTP will accept my lasercard.
Oh yeah forgot to put them in a post :dopey:

Well there on the OP with the pick form.

Also, just a message to everyone, don't forget the tournament pick form is on the OP 👍
For the last three matches I've gone from 13th to 12th to 11th... can I break into the top 10 by tomorrow? This is more exciting than some of the games! :lol: Although today's choices are tougher than yesterday. I've also gone for France and England but either of those games could go the other way, probably draws.
Haha, was I really the only person who picked Ireland?

England and Ukraine for me today! Come on England!
Yeah same here..and ive done my tournament pick

That video looks a bit old!, what tournament was it for? '06 world cup im guessing?
Yeah same here..and ive done my tournament pick

That video looks a bit old!, what tournament was it for? '06 world cup im guessing?

Only good thing about that vid is Lucy & michelle
So france ukraine in a bit, cant see anything but a comfortable win for the french..
The swedes were really poor against ukraine last time out!
**** I totally forgot about this and have just submitted my picks. However, I have no idea what is going on in the games so I guess it's fair.
Well, game seems to be postponed, or well held up so your picks are sort of on time.
Match suspended due to ferious thunder and lightning! it just biblical! god is very angry at something right now!!
Game will start in 15 minutes.
I don't know, but I assume it will start as normal with 5 less minutes.

France currently have 74% possession..
🤬, I forgot this UKR-FRA match completely, you can ignore my pick for it.

I suppose I could still validly bet on the SWE-ENG game?
If you picked before 6 your pick will be accepted as it got suspended for an hour.
If you picked before 6 your pick will be accepted as it got suspended for an hour.

Well, I picked - I dunno, a minute? - before that post of mine, so maybe. But I chose Ukraine because I thought it's not valid anymore and it wouldn't matter which one I picked. :(

Did they actually postpone because of rain? :lol:

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