- 1,626
- DFW Area
- KM964007
- KM9644
Or change it to Jaguars Fan
Or change it to Jaguars Fan
I changed them back.Sweet. I make a list of rank titles for you guys and then you just take the piss.
I'm level 999 on SC
Since your SC username match your PSN account specified, an invite has been sent.i sent a request
thanksSince your SC username match your PSN account specified, an invite has been sent.
World Champion is better than jaguarsfan.gif
So umm... I wanna try getting online with you guys, but ya'know, satellite net sucks. (for the record I've gotten into a game with others twice. The 1st person lagged pretty badly, but the 2nd was strangely O.K)
So basically, someone please add me to the crew.
SC username is the same as PSN.
Did you request an invite? It's not showing up if you did.
Or just "Camry 2.2"Change "World Champion" to eminembeastfan2.
Hi guys. Would love to join you online. Just got the game. Psn and Sc username are both the same: free_styler786. Request sent.
Thanks a million. Will send request as soon as I'm home.I'd love to help. Just send a friend request to F_Vettel.
And the invite was acceptedAnd an invite has been sent.