Official GTPlanet GTA V Crew | Covering the World of Grand Theft Auto

  • Thread starter Katiegan
Not sure if you were around for it, but we held a massive rampage against the LSPD. I believe there were 16 people, but it was so much fun. Tanks, Buzzards, and P-996 Lazer at the airport. Ultimate chaos, but I want to do it again when I have the time for it. However, I would not be able to coordinate all of it.

Ah, back when I was but a level 43 shrimp and had only just unlocked the Buzzard. Those were the carefree days before I inexplicably lost access to my characters and yes I'm still bitter about that
What you mean?

Your crew level in the game has nothing to do with your rank in the hierarchy. For example, your crew level in the game (the number in the corner on your emblem when viewing your player profile) could be 25, which is a fairly low rank, but you could be a high rank in the crew's hierarchy. Likewise, you could have a really high crew level in the game, but you could still only be at the Muscle rank in the crew.
Alright I understand it now thank you @Katiegan . I never thanked you for letting me be apart of the GTPlanet Crew. Its an Honor to represent this site and just GTPlanet in General. Whats cool is when I go into race lobby's or public lobby's, Everyone knows the GTPlanet Crew in GTA V almost. I mean everyone is like "Hey I know that GTPlanet Crew" and they are always asking if they could join so I tell them to go on this site and sign up.
so we created a new event sorta new. Anyway it's a load of fun.
That was so much fun!!

Any Geek Off The Street Derby
Basically you grab a regular NPC's vehicle and we all meet at a predetermined location. Once everyone is there we pick a start time and proceed to crash into each other until the car your driving dies out or blows up. Last person still in a moving vehicle wins. No guns no explosives. No personal vehicles.

We did this with Liberators then utilized the "Any Geek Off The Street" idea and wow. Talk about a great time. We laughed so hard and was so much fun.

As well Id like to get a group together for some off roading today too.

I'll be in a GTPL crew room under APBT_FTW feel free to join in.
Has anyone considered cycling the crew color weekly? This way we get a variety of colors to paint cars with. Granted I can do so using a crew I have. Just a thought as lately I've haven't swapped from GTPL crew and personally would like to have some rare/odd colors to use.

Please ignor if this has been discussed before.
Has anyone considered cycling the crew color weekly? This way we get a variety of colors to paint cars with. Granted I can do so using a crew I have. Just a thought as lately I've haven't swapped from GTPL crew and personally would like to have some rare/odd colors to use.

Please ignor if this has been discussed before.

Weekly seems a bit too frequently, IMO. I'd say monthly would be better, but it's all down to the members really.
All the results I posted for the poll we did are color swatches with the exact color in the poll. 2nd place was Lime Green #00FF00 IIRC
All the results I posted for the poll we did are color swatches with the exact color in the poll. 2nd place was Lime Green #00FF00 IIRC

For myself, I'd be ok letting you pick the Colors. Variety is the spice of life. LoL

Maybe a few days warning it changing so folks wanting to use a certain color can get it done.
Turns out I may have messed up the counting of crew color poll results a little :lol:. The one we picked, it turns out, is tied for the most votes with two others

(Non Transparent Version)
So it's either gonna be Lime Green or British Racing Green next? I'm fine with BRG, even though it's already in the game .:D
I still think changing it weekly is a bit too often. Some people (like myself) who might be too busy one week to go on GTA might miss out on a colour they wanted to use. I do agree with the idea of changing it at certain intervals though.
If you're still accepting people I'd like to join in.

Name: Jay B.
Location and/or time zone: Atlanta, GA/EST
Social Club Username: JayBII
PlayStation Network ID/Xbox Live Gamertag: Jay2DaB88


LOL that's what happens when you post while at work. I read the rule just got interupted by work in the middle of typing my post.
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If you're still accepting people I'd like to join in.

Name: Jay B.
Location and/or time zone: Atlanta, GA/EST
Social Club Username: JayBII
PlayStation Network ID/Xbox Live Gamertag: Jay2DaB88
You've left something off your nomination, reread the rules ;)
If you're still accepting people I'd like to join in.

Name: Jay B.
Location and/or time zone: Atlanta, GA/EST
Social Club Username: JayBII
PlayStation Network ID/Xbox Live Gamertag: Jay2DaB88


LOL that's what happens when you post while at work. I read the rule just got interupted by work in the middle of typing my post.

Invite Sent. Welcome to the crew.
Name: Tay
Age: Fifteen
Location and/or time zone: United Kingdoms.
Social Club Username: GiraffeSupreme
PlayStation Network ID: PVFC-LAD-2013.:gtplanet:
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When's the next crew color swap happening? I also suggest the person swapping just surprises us with a color not available from LSC.

They could easily bring contrast from previous color.

Just keep it simple for this person and we all benefit from rare colors.
With the recent platform change, I feel like it's finally time join in on the fun ;)

Age: 18
Location and/or time zone: Denmark (UTC+1/GMT+1/CET)
Social Club Username: Paesan
PlayStation Network ID: ParvatiWasatch

With the recent platform change, I feel like it's finally time join in on the fun ;)

Age: 18
Location and/or time zone: Denmark (UTC+1/GMT+1/CET)
Social Club Username: Paesan
PlayStation Network ID: ParvatiWasatch


Invite sent. Welcome to the crew Rasmus.
:rolleyes:Anyone online & want play GTA?

Also, good point Fryto, but at least I've matured unlike the 8 year olds in public lobbies..