Official GTPlanet GTA V Crew | Covering the World of Grand Theft Auto

  • Thread starter Katiegan
I think I've proven I have a better grasp on the rules than most emoticoners. :P

Social Club Username: Snaeper_
PlayStation Network ID/Xbox Live Gamertag/PC Name: Snaeper_
Location and/or time zone: West Coast (AZ)
Console(s): PC

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I think I've proven I have a better grasp on the rules than most emoticoners. :P

Social Club Username: Snaeper_
PlayStation Network ID/Xbox Live Gamertag/PC Name: Snaeper_
Location and/or time zone: West Coast (AZ)
Console(s): PC


Invite sent. ;)
So.. judging by the answers I'm going to go with 'no, we dont' lol :)

Well, the Comet is the most loved car by a long shot, and I'm 100% certain that it would be voted as the official crew car if we decided to actually choose an official crew car, but we haven't done so yet.

I can guarantee that certain people in a crew will love you for merely owning a Comet, and it's a pretty decent car either way (especially in terms of value for money - you're getting a fairly high tier Sports car for just over 100k). If you MUST get a GTPL car, get that.

(Just remember that the Comet actually sucks and that the Jester has always been the best car)
How about crew colors? Black with white accents? And I like the Comet, too, but I figured something that would be more easily attainable would be the car, that way everyone could get it.

Judging by the answers, though, I think just picking a set color scheme might be more for everyone, that way they can run the car they want, as long as it looks the part.
We've never had an official crew color, and we let our members pick whatever colors they want on their cars. We don't like forcing our members to use colors they don't like.
We've never had an official crew color, and we let our members pick whatever colors they want on their cars. We don't like forcing our members to use colors they don't like.
I think the same applies for cars. I left a friends crew because we had to own lime green Zentorno's.
I've never liked crew that force things upon their members. It's a video game for crying out loud. Besides, everybody and brother has a Zentorno. Sure it's fun to go fast, but I'd rather go fast in my other 29 cars aswell!
We've never had an official crew color, and we let our members pick whatever colors they want on their cars. We don't like forcing our members to use colors they don't like.
Naturally! I wouldn't want anyone to dictate every car in my garage, either, but I feel like, if the colors were universally accepted enough, and the car wasn't a total POS (or there was an option of several cars to pick from), then I figured everyone could make at least one spot in their garage open for the crew car.

I was just curious anyways, there doesn't seem to be interest in it so it's all good. Ultimately, not everyone would need to have a crew car, either, they could always just ride with someone who did (if we were doing something with uniform cars, only).
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I'll admit, I have a Zentorno, but it's just got a Midnight Purple and black paintscheme on it. No hot pink with green and light blue wheels! :scared: I honestly have no idea what color to paint it. Is like more subtile paint combos; nothing like what I previously mentioned.

I will say this, once it's fully upgraded, it an absolute ro ket! It's even better when you have someone whocan drive without ramming others off the road. I once did a race on "In The Grove" with about 6 other randoms. I swear I beat the 2nd place guy by 20 seconds. Not to shabby when the race is only one minute long.
I tried to get my Zentorno to look similar to the bright orange (Arancio Argos? :confused:) available on the Lamborghini Aventador.

Wow we're getting off topic. :scared: