Official GTPlanet GTA V Crew | Covering the World of Grand Theft Auto

  • Thread starter Katiegan
Social Club Username: Schousboelle
PlayStation Network ID: CSSdk
Location and/or time zone: Europe
Console(s): PS4

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I now have 2 accounts, my old one on PS3 (mostly defunct) and my new one on PC. Just thought I'd join in on PC now too. :)

Social Club Username: GTP_TurboLag (PS3)/ThickishTunic15 (PC)
PlayStation Network ID: GTP_TurboLag
Location and/or time zone: Melbourne, Australia (GMT+10)
Console(s): PS3 (GTP_TurboLag) & PC (ThickishTunic15)

Invite sent. :)

Could you add me too? I've already sent a request and it's still on "request pending". Cheers! :)

May I have an invite?

Social Club Username: Snaeper_
PlayStation Network ID/Xbox Live Gamertag/PC Name: Snaeper_
Location and/or time zone: (location optional): Pacific/Mountain West
Console(s): PC

A little something is missing. Have another read of the rules. ;)
A little something is missing. Have another read of the rules. ;)

I'm guessing that I need to be active in this thread? I only just got GTA V a few days ago so I've had no reason to be in here before now.
Right, well something tiny in the rules is clearly a big issue so never mind. Request for invite rescinded if you guys are gonna be like this.


I'm 25 so when I got to that part, of course I skimmed.
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That "Tiny part" was to ensure you actually read the rules. :rolleyes:
I get it, but here's how it went:

"You must be aged 13 years or older to join"
"Well, I'm well in excess of that, so I guess the rest of this section of the rules doesn't apply to me"

I think the clever little semantic test would work better if it was fitted somewhere in the rest of the rules that everyone would be bound to read. But I guess the point was to see if I was skipping things, which I did, because I read the bolded part, the first few sentences as well, but missed the last part because, again, I realized that that section of the rules didn't apply to me since I'm 25.

Regardless, this whole experience has turned any enthusiasm I had in joining this group sour. I came here thinking "Surely my fellow GTPlaneter's would be great to join a crew with since they would likely be mature and considerate to their members". Little did I know that would be proven wrong before I was even in the door, thank goodness.
All we ask is that you read and abide by the rules. If that's too much to ask then we respectfully deny you entry into the crew.
Well like I said, I'm not interested anymore, so I'm amused by the denial.

I respect that you want people to read the rules, I think that's all fine. But again, I got halfway through that section twice and thought "This doesn't apply to me, I'm 25". I just think your little test should be somewhere where it wouldn't be so easily skipped by an older member.

I literally read every single part of those rules except the "Place this emoticon in your application". I even re-read the rules after I was asked and was confused about what I was missing. Because the only part I skipped was the part that didn't apply to me, not realizing that you guys hid a bear trap in it. And because the one part I missed was that silly, I have no further interest. It's only an effective tell of the kind of people I'd be playing with and the people you're worried about keeping out. (Trust me when I say I'm not one of the people you'd be worried about keeping out with your test).
It's only an effective tell of the kind of people I'd be playing with and the people you're worried about keeping out. (Trust me when I say I'm not one of the people you'd be worried about keeping out with your test).
You say that, but the whole point of this is to keep out people who are too immature to follow the rules. So far it seems to be working perfectly.
Well like I said, I'm not interested anymore, so I'm amused by the denial.

I respect that you want people to read the rules, I think that's all fine. But again, I got halfway through that section twice and thought "This doesn't apply to me, I'm 25". I just think your little test should be somewhere where it wouldn't be so easily skipped by an older member.

I literally read every single part of those rules except the "Place this emoticon in your application". I even re-read the rules after I was asked and was confused about what I was missing. Because the only part I skipped was the part that didn't apply to me, not realizing that you guys hid a bear trap in it. And because the one part I missed was that silly, I have no further interest. It's only an effective tell of the kind of people I'd be playing with and the people you're worried about keeping out. (Trust me when I say I'm not one of the people you'd be worried about keeping out with your test).
Wow, although you would probably be perfectly fine while in game you sure are reacting poorly to a little reassurance in the rules. There are not a lot of GTPers on the PC to join with while I enjoy my time playing and I guess that group just got smaller... I am almost 23 but I still read that rule accepting it for what it had.
You say that, but the whole point of this is to keep out people who are too immature to follow the rules. So far it seems to be working perfectly.
See here's what I gather from the rules:

Rule #1 states they don't want people who will grief or kill or otherwise disrupt this group's co-members activites, something I was relieved to read and would've happily obliged by, there are a very, very, very small number of people on GTP who I dislike and none of them enough to do something so childish to (including those who have participated in these heated discussions). That was a rule I liked

Rule #2 states that I must be an active member of GTPlanet. I joined in '07 and have posted rather consistently since '09 up until today. I can usually be found in the Motorsports forum.

Rule #3 states that I must sign up in this thread to receive an invite for the group, not to IM people, or bribe Katiegan with Ken Block memorabilia. Something that I previously did (the sign up part, not the Block bribing), using the template provided at the bottom of the rules.

Rule #4 states that I must be over 13 years of age. I've been well over 13 since I joined GTP, no problems there.

Rule #5 states that I must be prepared to enjoy myself, something I had previously planned on doing before the last bit of Rule #4, the one bit that had nothing to do with the rest of Rule #4 that I skipped over because the rule seemed to be filled with flavor text that I deemed irrelevant, sidelined that plan.

Lo and behold, I figured since Rule #5 was off the table for me because of Rule #4, I figured I'd no longer do Rule #3. All because of a technicality that I have admittedly blown out of proportion but is just frankly semantics.

So you can make assumptions about my maturity, but nowhere in the rules does it specifically state that people who get upset about the rules are not allowed in the group, and I didn't really break any of the rules, I just didn't post a silly emoticon to confirm to you that I read them, because that was the only part I didn't read, because the rest of the rule (up to that point) was unrelated flavor text about age, something I figured I shouldn't need to worry about.

Anyways, I do plan to end this conversation, I just want you guys to know that I hold no ill will, I just am upset that, because of one single technicality that everyone wanted to coyly dance around, I no longer have any enthusiasm for joining this group. You guys forced me to break Rule #5, which has made Rule #3 rather difficult.
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Social Club Username: korza493
PC Name: korza493
Location and timezone: NZ GMT+12
Console(s): PC


Invite sent. :)

@Snaeper - You appear to be making a mountain out a molehill here. I'm not entirely sure why you've reacted in such a way that you did, but I'm sorry you feel upset by this and feel you no longer want to join us. I personally don't think the small test is 'silly', rather just something to ensure members do in fact read the rules. Just because you 'failed' this test doesn't mean you have to hang your head in shame, or become so defensive about it like you have. I, and I'm sure all the other members, have no hostility towards people who 'fail' this test. A lot of applicants overlook this, and once called out for it, simply fix their applications and an invite is sent. We don't hold it against anyone, we don't hate anyone who does it, it's simply there so I can have the peace of mind that applicants have actually paid attention to the rules. Again, I'm not sure why you had to react like you did and become so defensive and upset over it, but if you no longer want to join our crew then that's down to you.
Might as well join the :gtplanet: crew.

Social Club Username: C_R5_575TLR
PlayStation Network ID/Xbox Live: C_R5_575TLR
Location and/or time zone: UTC 0
Console(s): PS3

Might as well join the :gtplanet: crew.

Social Club Username: C_R5_575TLR
PlayStation Network ID/Xbox Live: C_R5_575TLR
Location and/or time zone: UTC 0
Console(s): PS3


You're actually already in it, I've just noticed. You just changed your PSN and Social Club :lol:. Invite sent.
The frustration mostly stems from the fact that that was the sole part that I didn't read. When I was told to read the rules, I went back and again read the entirety of the rules only to miss it again, because Rule #4 would otherwise imply that its about age.

The frustration stems from the fact that I feel an emoticon does nothing in the way of showing that I may or may not be someone you want in the crew. I feel that the rules could be trimmed down to be easier to read so you wouldn't have to worry about them being read or not. (While making the emoticon a rule in and of itself instead of hiding it in something unrelated). Both times I got halfway through Rule #4 and stopped before that last part.

I guess I got bent out of shape over being told to read the rules again and again while I'm sitting here thinking "What the heck am I missing???" Oh, an emoticon. Lovely.

Really, why not just ask members about why they want to join the crew? It allows current members to check Rule #1 and thus makes Rule #3 more effective. Works better than Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V, "Snaeper_, Snaeper_, PC, :gtplanet:" in my opinion. Ill apply again if I haven't left a bad taste in everyone's motuh.
Now that Snaeper has gone over the rules and saw the part he didn't include in his application, maybe just let him in and let's get on with our online murderous rampages.
Now that Snaeper has gone over the rules and saw the part he didn't include in his application, maybe just let him in and let's get on with our online murderous rampages.
I think that's what they were gonna do anyway...