Official GTPlanet Member of the Fortnight [Member of the Week]

Well done to me for only spotting this thread after nearly 4 years, that's twice that's happened in a week :lol:

Congrats to all past and future winners :D
Congrats to the new members of the week. 👍

This seems to be the only thread that still has a connection to GT within the Rumbles.

@Heathenpride, have you been MOTW yet? If not, I nominate you for a turn.
Nay, I have not but I doubt I deserve it mate, there's far worthier members than a mere Heathen from Aus :)
Nay, I have not but I doubt I deserve it mate, there's far worthier members than a mere Heathen from Aus :)

There's been plenty of members I've never heard of who've had the title, in sure they deserved it too, but I know for a fact that you have character.
Something, something, something, give another piece of pie to your wife, everybody wants to know how it feels, everybody wants to see what it's like, something, something, something, welcome ImaRobot to the Member of the Week madhouse!

And something about bean pies. Let him deal with IMA Robot's lyrics for Greenback Boogie. I just can't...

1.You're officially among the ranks and are now the Member of the Week, so what were your thoughts going into this and how does it feel to be recognized among the hundreds of thousands of other members here?
I was a bit surprised really, honored, but mostly surprised :lol: Hopefully it doesn't bring too much attention to the sass that seems to escape me every now and then.

2. How long have you been a member here at GTPlanet and what is it that keeps you returning on a daily basis?
I joined in April 2011, so it looks like I missed my 4 year anniversary. Good thing this isn't a relationship or I probably would have been in the dog house.

I keep coming back for the people I've met along the way, the people I'm getting to know, and the people that I will encounter in the future. I love the warm feeling you get, and for the most part its a bit civil. That is, unless you purposely start searching for those certain posts :lol:

3. If you could recommend any one thread on the entirety of our forum, what would it be?
Well, if I was still active in the Forza photo community I would shamelessly plug my photothread in here, but I have all but fallen off with that. For now, I frequent the Questionable Mods thread, so I would recommend that for a good laugh.

4. What's one thing you'd like to see changed about the Member of the Week presentation? Don't be shy...
To be honest, I haven't really checked up on this too often so its hard for me to say. Dont know about the presentation, but would be cool if we got a little badge :P

5. How did you come up with the name "ImaRobot"?
My Gamertag when I got my first PS3 was LoadedLove, and I actually stuck with that for some time. When I signed up here, I decided on ImaRobot. ImaRobot is a band that I like, and Loadedlove is a song from them.. but its a song that is pretty off compared to what they usually make. The song is actually one of their weirdest songs, but the name just stuck. Attached the youtube video just for fun :lol:

Searching into it, it was very hard to find the actual song. There was two very horrible live video's, and then this.

6. When you hear the word "community" what comes to mind??
Well, two things really;
One would be a very embracing group, where you can discuss, debate, laugh and joke with and at the end of the day still be on good standing regardless of the topics at hand.

The other would be a cesspit of usual bs, gripes, and general distaste, especially if you don't have the exact same views. I prefer only one of those two descriptions :lol:

7. When it comes right down to it, do you prefer Gran Turismo or Forza Motorsport, or are you obligated to neither?
Hard to say really, I guess I flip flop between the two. Right now I'm with Forza, because all I have is an Xbox One. Further down the line a PS4 will come into my possession, and then maybe GT will have a release date. The only reason I didnt get GT6 is because I wanted to move on to the next generation of console gaming.

8. What's the one thing, that one feature from GTPlanet's past incarnations that you miss the most and would love to see brought back?
To be honest, I dont even really remember :(

9. You've just been banned. What don't you do?
Unless I get some big billboard notification spanning across the webpage, I probably wouldn't even notice at first :lol: I don't check my messages often and I've never been banned so I don't know how it would look. What I wouldn't do though, is make another account. Not only would that just make things worse for me, I also don't like pretending like I'm not me.

10. What would your reaction be if I told you GTPlanet was moving away from solely focusing on Gran Turismo?
I would think that's great. I sorely miss ForzaPlanet, even if it was only a fraction of the size of GTPlanet. That said, I think it would be a wonderful Idea even if its not in the same way as FP used to be.

11. If you had to prepare a speech for this most special occasion what would you say?
I would start out with "I would like to thank everyone for this...." and then end up getting tunnel vision and probably end up passing out. When I come to I'll just grab one of the drinks at the endless bar and try to sneak out :lol: I get horribly nervous when it comes to speeches, so this is as far as I can predict.

12. Where do you see GTPlanet going in the next two years?
Like mentioned, I would love to see it expand farther than just Gran Turismo, as I haven't even had an iteration since 2011. I can see this slowly coming to in the next few years. With Pcars here, I'm already seeing great activity in that section, even more so than Forza brought, and I see that being a start for this big step.
There's been plenty of members I've never heard of who've had the title, in sure they deserved it too, but I know for a fact that you have character.
Ok, now I'm blushing :lol:
A new week brings with it a new coveted member who will forever bathe in the sunlight provided only by the "MotW" namesake. To bask in a glory unlike any other, a legend that will forever be told until there is no one left to tell such grand stories of these select individuals that stand tall above the rest.

Another one addicted to the world of Destiny, another one endlessly grinding away time for loot drops, and just one more person that will tirelessly curse the game to the ends of the world. Welcome Patrick to the "Man of Whenever T-12 Feels Like It"!

1.You're officially among the ranks and are now the Member of the Week, so what were your thoughts going into this and how does it feel to be recognized among the hundreds of thousands of other members here?

Initially I thought you must have run out of people or a bunch declined. :P Pretty cool to be doing this, not going to lie. I doubt many people know me though. :lol:

2. How long have you been a member here at GTPlanet and what is it that keeps you returning on a daily basis?

I only joined in 2011, but it really seems like a long time ago thinking about it now. What draws me back always seems to change. At first it was trading in GT5, then The Infield, sports, and now it's mainly been the great Destiny group here.

3. If you could recommend any one thread on the entirety of our forum, what would it be?

To be honest I don't stroll around the entire forum much anymore, but I would have to say the Funny Pic Thread. Never seems to fail in making me laugh.

4. What's one thing you'd like to see changed about the Member of the Week presentation? Don't be shy...

Maybe add in a "what do you drive right now" question? I don't see anything wrong with it as is though. 👍

5. How did you come up with the name "Patrick"?

When I first singed up my username was my first PSN tag. When I got Premium I changed it instantly to Patrick, not only because it's my first name, but because it's also easy to remember. :lol:

6. When you hear the word "community" what comes to mind??

A group of people who enjoy something(s) in common, I guess.

7. When it comes right down to it, do you prefer Gran Turismo or Forza Motorsport, or are you obligated to neither?

This is a tough one. I grew up playing GT3 A-Spec with my dad. I remember he stayed up all night beating all the license tests the day we got it. As time went on, though, I found myself playing Forza more and more. Mostly because all of my friends played on XBOX. I tend to enjoy Forza more mainly because I'm more accustomed to it and I have friends to race with.

8. What's the one thing, that one feature from GTPlanet's past incarnations that you miss the most and would love to see brought back?

I haven't been here that long to know of many features that are gone, but I;d go with Forza Planet. It was nice that we had actual T10 employees on the site, and those DLC giveaways were pretty sweet.

9. You've just been banned. What don't you do?

I guess I wouldn't sign back up? :lol: I've never been banned, so I don't know what I would do.

10. What would your reaction be if I told you GTPlanet was moving away from solely focusing on Gran Turismo?

I, personally, wouldn't feel any different, but might feel sad for some of the hardcore GT players. I can't see that happening anytime soon though.

11. If you had to prepare a speech for this most special occasion what would you say?

I'd like to thank to thank Jordan for creating this great site, and thank you for the nomination. Probably wouldn't say much else as i'm not a big public speaking guy. :cheers:

12. Where do you see GTPlanet going in the next two years?

I see it continuing to grow, especially with the launch of Project CARS. I don't see that game going away anytime in the near future. I'm sure the roof will blow off this place if/when GT7 is announced. :lol:
A new week brings with it a new coveted member who will forever bathe in the sunlight provided only by the "MotW" namesake. To bask in a glory unlike any other, a legend that will forever be told until there is no one left to tell such grand stories of these select individuals that stand tall above the rest.

More than one year ago this was supposed to happen, folks. I was told there would be some procrastination involved but I never would have imagined this level of procrastination, and for that reason alone I'm fairly certain our newest inductee qualifies. Welcome Roo to the Member of the Week madhouse!

1. First and foremost, you're officially the Member of the Week so what were your thoughts going into this and how does it feel to be recognized amidst the hundreds of thousands of other members here?


Pretty much that.

I'd love to be able to see I'm honoured, but then honesty would kick in, so I have to say utterly, utterly bemused. Why would a guy who averages just over 1 post per day become a MO-

Starting to run really low on suggestions so let's start things back up again!

Ah. I see. It's like that, is it? You don't fool me.

In all seriousness, it's nice. Weird, but nice.

2. What brought you to GTPlanet and what keeps you coming back?

I searched for 'GT2 prize cars' and a GTP thread was one of the first results. I don't know why I signed up - I had never joined a forum before – but something resonated and I’ve stayed for coming up to 13 years. The members are generally articulate, funny, and informative. It’s wonderful to find a corner of the Internet where how you say something is as important as what you’re saying, and where there’s a very low bullpoo tolerance.

3. There's a lot to do around the forums so I have to ask: what sub-forums/threads do you frequent most often and why?

The Rumble Strip, Infield, Photography, Cars in General and Motorsport sub-forums. I read the Opinions & Current Events threads sometimes, but I'm not clever enough to actually get involved. I've been taking brave pills recently and have stuck my head through the door of the main GT6 forum, but not staying long enough to damage my sanity.

4. What was it that sparked your interest in Gran Turismo?

The Driver series.

When I was around 13 I went to a local game shop to play the game and ended up playing the demo for half an hour. I loved the powerslidey, crashy madness of it, so I saved up for 4 months and bought a Playstation & Driver bundle. A few months later my 14th birthday rolled around, and as Gran Turismo was apparantly the best driving game on the console I asked for it. I got both GT and Grand Theft Auto because, in my mum’s words, 'I couldn't remember which one you wanted'. Not that I was complaining.

9 GTs and 11 GTAs later and I'm still hooked.

5. How did you come up with the name "Roo"?

I'd been playing Crash Team Racing for much of my teens. There was an Aussieish character called Ripper Roo. I quite liked the name but felt the Ripper part sounded a bit too murdery, so I dropped it. Having reread the Winnie the Pooh books around the same time sealed it.

It was only about a year or two ago - I kid you not - that I discovered 'ripper' in Australian vernacular meant something good.

6. Controversial question time: Gran Turismo, Forza Motorsport or both?

Gran Turismo. The most important thing to me in a racing game is steering feel*, and I prefer GT's physics model to Forza's. If I remember rightly you couldn't use a G25 wheel with the Xbox 360, so that's another reason.

*I don’t care which is better, or more realistic. I just know which I prefer.

7. Because it's finally occurred to me that the question above doesn't allow enough freedom, do you play any other racing games that you perhaps enjoy more than GT or FM?

Not really. Pre-Gran Turismo I adored Destruction Derby 2. The only other games I play with any regularity are the GTA, Burnout and Driver series. I get bored of non-racing games quite quickly, because there aren’t enough cars in them.

8. GTP 12 is up and about, what are your thoughts?

Same as 11. And 10. And 9, etc... I hated it for about 30 seconds whilst I got over the 'Oh no! Not change!' thing. Now I can't remember the old vesion so it's all hunky dory.

9. Gran Turismo 6 is finally here, what are your thoughts so far?

I'm enjoying it. It's the little things I'm liking the most - paintable race cars, all the cars available from the beginning, paint previews, that sort of thing.

That said, Willow Springs can do one.

10. If aliens landed in front of you and, in exchange for anything you desire, offered you any position on their planet what would you want?

As I'm typing this in my home, I'd want them to put the damn roof back on.

11. If you could live in any video game which game would it be and why?

Probably GT. Can't die, get to drive cars around circuits all day (and night, come to that), no guns (nothing against guns, I'm just hopeless with them)...

Only having Sebastian Vettel for company would probably get old quite fast though.

12. If you could create your own motorsport series what would it entail?

Never really given it much thought. Probably some sort of modern-day CanAm. No rules except you're not allowed to let anyone die, 'cos that would result in disqualifcation.

It's probably just as well I can't create a series, really.

13. Tell us something interesting about your hometown.

It used to be the only service station on the M3, until another one was built in Winchester, the bar stewards. Top Gear started a challenge from here once. It’s consistently voted one of the best places to live in the country, and the residents here spend more on sex toys than anywhere else. I sometimes wonder if those things are linked.

That's about it. It’s not amazing, it’s not terrible. It's just Anytown, UK.

14. You've been here for a while, a lot longer than I have even when taking in to consideration the years of lurking before I finally became a member and it goes without saying that you've seen the best and some of the worst - what do you remember the most from all your time here (you're explicitly prohibited from procrastinating :lol: )?

Um... I'll get back to you on that.

Really, I don’t remember much as my memory’s a bit cack. I can reread old threads that I posted in years ago and have no idea I had done so. It’s like reading them for the first time, again.

Although I sometimes wonder where Rumple Foreskin went with all his inanity.

15. Do you have any hobbies we should be made aware of?

I make quite average motorsport photography, and do too much volunteer work.

16. Are you driving anything special at the moment?

No. Unless a 15 year old 1 litre Suzuki Swift is special. But I can get 4 bales of hay in the back and don’t really care if it breaks, so it’s useful.

I used to own an old Mini, though. That was quite special. It got driven around Brands Hatch, the Nordschliefe and into a school.

17. What's your favourite video game, currently?

GT6, because I'm a hopeless fanboy.
18. What would you do if presented with the opportunity of being a moderator here?

Delete the request and pretend I never received it. Or maybe reply 18 months later.

19. Why did you choose that avatar, and why is it not a monkey? (Don't ask me, I had nothing to do with this. :lol:)

It's a shot of 'Flash' Gordon Shedden I took at Brands Hatch a few years ago. I just liked the photo and as I'd had my previous avatar for about 2 years I felt it was time for a change.

I don't wish to pry mate, but who came up with the monkey bit?

20. Games, how do you like them?

a) Pre-Order, I want them on day one.
b) Sealed at first price drop.
c) Used.

Generally b), with the occasional exception - GT5 and 6 are the only games I've ever preordered.

21. With the next generation of all things video gaming upon us, have you made any plans to pick up a PS4, Xbox One or Wii U?

Nope. I might get a PS4 when GT7 hits the shelves, but – with having to buy a new wheel – I’m considering going down the PC route, and I can’t afford both.

22. Queen or Alice Cooper?

Queen. Mostly because my dad played a lot of Queen when I was a kid and so I knew a lot of their songs without knowing they were all the same band. I like a few Alice Cooper tracks but I haven't heard - or rather I haven't got round to hearing - much of his stuff.

23. You've just been sentenced to death. What is your last meal?

I don’t mind, as a few hours later it wouldn’t matter.

24. On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being likely to go to the nut house, how crazy would you rate yourself?

Probably a 1. Maybe a 2 at my most extravagent. I'm really quite dull; the antithesis of @Danny.

25. What is your favourite car, why, and what do you think that it says about you?

I don’t really have one, and I’m very indecisive.

26. Where and when was your very first post here and how does it differ from your posting style used today?

The Renaultsport Clio V6 thingy is a pain to drive

The style isn't much different, although I've learnt what full stops are in the intervening 11 years. I remember not using full stops at the end of the last sentence of a post because that's what car magazines would do on those little comments they put on photos. I'm sure it made sense at the time.

27. How many of your controllers have died because of heavy physical abuse whilst playing a PS3 game?

None, although the table the G25 is mounted on has taken a hammering.

28. Have you ever accessed the website during an unusual time and/or place?

No. I only visit GTP on my computer at home, not having one of those fancy boxes of lights people call mobile phones nowadays.

29. What's the longest you've gone without logging onto GTPlanet since joining: Years, months, weeks, days, hours?

I think I had a spell about a decade ago when I only checked in a few times a month. Nowadays a week is the most I'll go sans GTP, usually because I'm on holiday with no Internet access.

30. Who (in your own opinion) is the most inspiring person / people here on GTPlanet?

Not sure about inspiring. The moderators certainly deserve a pat on the back for keeping this place as idiot-free as possible. There's a few people I'm thankful for - @Famine and @Venari for organising so many UKGTP events, and @homeforsummer for putting together the Le Mans trip over the last few years.

31. Is your body ready?

It's certainly ready for a party!

Wait, hang on...

It's certainly ready for apathy. Yeah, that's more like me.

32. Now it's time for the "Daniel Special": If you could cross a hippo with any other animal - what will the animal be, what will it be called, and why? (Bonus points for creativity! And it can't be another hippo because that's incest)

A hamster. You could carry it in your pocket and it could be like a furry bottle opener. You could call it a Hippopener, if you enjoy crass innuendo.

33. You wake up naked trapped in a broken lift with a celebrity - which celebrity would you choose and why?

Buggered if I know, which would probably mean the celebrity was George Michael.

34. Have you ever participated in any of the racing series' found here?

I've been to a number of the UKGTP events held around the UK every year(ish). They're always great fun, and I've got a lot of good memories of them. They've become more difficult to organise since GT5, though - pre-PS3 you just needed a large enough room with power and away you went in LAN mode, but finding a room large enough for everyone that also has Internet has made the event much more difficult to put together. We could just arrange an online meet like everyone else, but it wouldn't be the same; the social side is half the fun. It's also easier to apologise to @Famine when I've driven into him again.

35. Have you ever considered developing your own racing series, and if you have where can we find it?

Nope. Ain't nobody got time for dat, as I believe the saying goes.

36. Anything else you'd like to say?

Jeez. Update the list in the original post. You're slacking.


Oh, and sorry it took so long. I was, uh, quite busy, and, uh, yeah. I probably should have visited the MOTW thread to see what it entailed before I agreed to this, it might have saved you some bother.
It's also easier to apologise to @Famine when I've driven into him again.
That barely ever happens. I can't even remember the last time @Roo drove into me. Though I do distinctly remember the time when he stuffed a car he couldn't drive with way too much power to compensate and won many races through passing everyone on the straights and then occupying ALL of the next corner...
I used to own an old Mini, though. That was quite special. It got driven around Brands Hatch, the Nordschliefe and into a school.
Through the door, just in case anyone's confused and thinks it was a nightmarish crash.
The old interview is back. 👍

And a new MOTW entered the madhouse. 👍

Welcome, @Roo . :cheers:

8. GTP 12 is up and about, what are your thoughts?
Same as 11. And 10. And 9, etc... I hated it for about 30 seconds whilst I got over the 'Oh no! Not change!' thing. Now I can't remember the old version so it's all hunky dory.

Last edited:
So we've finally come to the point where it might be just a little too much to keep this running on a weekly basis. It's not an impossible task but you'll find weeks, such as those prior, where there isn't a new MotW to be heard from and this is where the problem arises.

So I'm thinking of perhaps only two per month which will give you guys two new interviews every month and a two week cooldown for me so I'm not pulling my hair out trying to keep a lid on everything without something exploding in my face. Think of it as Member > Break > Member > Break. Rinse and repeat.

The less attractive option would be to only one interview per month. The reason I'm not bothering to go into details with this one is because I don't care for this option one bit if I'm to be honest.
A new week brings with it a new coveted member who will forever bathe in the sunlight provided only by the "MotW" namesake. To bask in a glory unlike any other, a legend that will forever be told until there is no one left to tell such grand stories of these select individuals that stand tall above the rest.

I've written too much this week so you'll have to pardon the less than creative introduction; a friend that asks the question of all questions - the Member of the Week is back, and we're welcoming dice1998 to the madhouse!

1.You're officially among the ranks and are now the Member of the Week, so what were your thoughts going into this and how does it feel to be recognized among the hundreds of thousands of other

members here?
How did I, out of the thousands of others that are (probably) more worthy become the one chosen??

2. How long have you been a member here at GTPlanet and what is it that keeps you returning on a daily basis?
I joined back in 2010 (wow, already almost 5 years!), a month or so after GT5 launched here in North America. Boy, do I regret my few initial posts.. :ouch:

3. If you could recommend any one thread on the entirety of our forum, what would it be?
I quite like the [REDACTED] thread in the infield. It's definitely one of, if not *the* most, entertaining thread that I can view on GTP!

4. What's one thing you'd like to see changed about the Member of the Week presentation? Don't be shy...
If there was absolutely one thing I can change: bold the username in the MotW section of the spotlight so it stands out a little more.

5. How did you come up with the name "dice1998"?
Once upon a time, before I had hair in places not-to-be-mentioned, there was a video game called Midnight Club 2. In it, there was one of the "bosses" called Dice, he piloted a pseudo Dodge Viper called the Jersey

XS. I thought him to be pretty cool so when Midnight Club 3 finally launched, and since I needed a username for GamespyID, I decided to use 'dice'. the 1998 is, shockingly enough, not when I was born but when I

thought the matrix hit theatres. I learned much later that I was a year off as it actually released in 1999 but by that time, I was used to being referred to dice1998 so it stuck.

6. When you hear the word "community" what comes to mind??
Hive Mind. One of of us..

7. When it comes right down to it, do you prefer Gran Turismo or Forza Motorsport, or are you obligated to neither?
Personally, I'm not tied down by one game or the other. If I like what I see from either game, I'll happily play it. If I don't like what I see, I'll not play it.

8. What's the one thing, that one feature from GTPlanet's past incarnations that you miss the most and would love to see brought back?
I kind of miss the chat room from back when I first joined but.. I don't miss it at the same time for reasons understood by those who frequented it.

9. You've just been banned. What don't you do?
Cry. GTP isn't my life, I swear!

10. What would your reaction be if I told you GTPlanet was moving away from solely focusing on Gran Turismo?
I'd welcome that with open hands, a hot meal, and a cold drink.

11. If you had to prepare a speech for this most special occasion what would you say?
@Terronium-12, we've been friends for a long time and I think it's time we take our relationship to the next level. I've been thinking long and hard about this for months; to the point where I've lost sleep because I

couldn't think of the right words to say to you but I've finally found the right words to express my desire: Will you share your Steam Library with me?

12. Where do you see GTPlanet going in the next two years?
I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Jordan began collaborating with racing game studios in regards to adding community-choice DLC to games such as the next iteration of Gran Turismo!
I remember the good old days of Midnight Club. Such dissapointment when it hit PS3.

Welcome to all that I've missed being announced!

And my question, to T12. Are you going to be changing the name of the thread now to the Member of the Fortnight?

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