Oh, oh, oh, I'm making a Ludicrous Claim®! Read the first post!

  • Thread starter Der Alta
So, in his anti-bullying campaign, he tries to force the bullying issue on us. By trying to make us understand his idea of bullying. Admirable. But much like the national campaign against bullying, it's a contradiction in tactics.
You have a lot of knowledge on bullying yet haven't responded to my post calling you out on your bullying claim... How interesting...

If you want me to comment on something, it helps if you tag me in the post. What's your question?

So that list is done, then?

It is, and has been sent to the people it's addressed to.

"I'm not telling you how to do your job because of stuff I don't know about. I'm just telling you that the stuff I've seen shouldn't be acceptable to you without knowing whether you've already done anything about it."

Did you actually have anything of value to say?
So, in his anti-bullying campaign, he tries to force the bullying issue on us. By trying to make us understand his idea of bullying. Admirable. But much like the national campaign against bullying, it's a contradiction in tactics.
Also pointless. Why?

He posted insults and idiotic claims on the Internet. Where everyone can access it and it is NEVER removed, only hidden. Plus, to avoid bullying? Easy. Get off the computer. It's effective, trust me.

Real life? From personal experience I've experienced proper bullying over my hair colour (ginger), my glasses, not being like my brothers, the fact I refuse to talk to many people (linked to my something I'd rather not discuss so publicly), my choice of words and the fact I don't care about fashion or the rest. I get one form or another every day, for the most part these are not by choice and I cannot simply log off. Do I have anyone defending me? No. Does Zuel deserve anyone defending him after his actions? Not at all.

And Eran.... You literally have to scroll through the thread a bit. Not difficult.
You don't even face any of the arguments I make. You're just trying to diminish me and the knowledge (or lack of) that I have of this subject.

Do you know what bullying means? How many times have you been in a situation where you've been responsible for a group of people (adults, youth or children) and you've learned that there's a bullying issue? At work, at school, in the sports team? Have you ever had to face these issues for real, or have you just been reading about them in dictionaries?

And yes, I have a lot of knowledge on bullying.
Yes I know what it means because I have been bullied and I have bullied. I am well aware what it means and nothing of that nature has occurred in this thread, and if it had, has been taken care of by the staff.
Yes I know what it means because I have been bullied and I have bullied. I am well aware what it means and nothing of that nature has occurred in this thread, and if it had, has been taken care of by the staff.

So what exactly would you call it when an entire thread evolves into making fun of a single person for several days?

And Eran.... You literally have to scroll through the thread a bit. Not difficult.

I guess it wasn't important then. You still didn't tag me there, so you're lucky I spotted that one. :)

Sorry, don't mind me.

On a serious, what is it that you're advocating for? Not only does this have toss-all to do with you (but I suppose is a bit admirable that you're concerned with the image of the site - conclusive to a single thread) you seem to be outright ignoring the actual issue at hand.

The only reason, at this point, any of this is continuing is because of you.
Which entirely distorted the quote and made it look like I was accusing you of not doing something.
And I have to disagree, it is happening.
Your free to feel that way on both points, doesn't mean I agree or that its happening.

No, my post was directed at the other stuff, the "icing on the cake". The matter of Zuel backing up his claims should stay as a moderator issue, what I'm saying is that it's wrong to also have a public discussion about it, especially since the actual subject of the discussion is not even around anymore and everyone involved knows that the claims most likely are false. The main topic of this thread for the past 5 pages (and probably more, because it didn't start there) has been to laugh at Zuel. Initial reactions for a ludicrous claim? Fine. But it's been going on and on and on and people are constantly making fun of him and his language, his spelling, his twitter account, his claims... at some point it has gone too far.
So a right of reply within the AUP should not be given to other members?

I'm sorry but I simply can't agree with that at all, if a member makes a claim then other members are (within the limits of the AUP) permitted to reply to that, they are even permitted to find humour in the claims he has made. You may not like it, you may not agree with it, you may not share that opinion, but that doesn't mean you get to be the judge on what stays and what goes.

It's obvious that this thread has gone out of hands for at least a couple of pages.
I disagree and as a member of staff I can assure you that the staff are in a far better position to judge that.

If he needs to prove something, then leave that to a moderator to deal with, there's no reason why the entire community should be involved.
The staff are dealing wit it, however given that these claims were made very publicly, and that a good umer of attacks and threats were also made by the member publicly a degree of interest is in place within the membership, which I should also point out seems to include yourself.

If you look at all the posts individually then they're not worse than usual, but there's a lot of them and it never ends. That is bullying.
It does end and I disagree that the posts still in place in this thread consitute bullying, of the comments outside GT Planet I would agree that a large degree of very hostile abuse is taking place. That however is nothing to do with us and we can't police that, I do however feel that you are allowing knowledge of that to colour this.

What the bullied has or hasn't done is irrelevant, two wrongs doesn't make one right. Bullying is bullying, and no one deserves to be bullied. Imagine you being in the same position, go back and read all the posts and imagine they're about you. How does that make you feel?
Actually I have had attacks of that nature made about me, even to the degree of members posting personal contact details about me on the site. Want to know how I dealt with it? I promptly backed my claims up.

These situations head in this directly (typically) because the claims are bogus and even that can be dealt with by a statement saying as much and an apology to the other members.

See the above. If a single user has upset the community so much then he should have been reported a long time ago. When it's been allowed to go this far, it has gone wrong.
Again you presume to know what action has been carried out by the staff in the past, please stop doing this as it only results in inaccurate and ill-informed comments.

We rarely ban on a first offence, but just because you don't see action doesn't mean its not taken place. You claim to understand and appreciate this, but your repeatedly falling into the same pattern in this regard.

And in addition to all of this, imagine a guest user visiting GTPlanet for the first time and spots this thread. What kind of impression will he or she get of the site and the community? Not a good one, I'm willing to bet.
If a new user find a thread designed to highlight those who make claims they can't substantiate and ensure that the AUP is enforce a problem, then maybe GT Planet is not the place for them
So what exactly would you call it when an entire thread evolves into making fun of a single person for several days?

I guess it wasn't important then. You still didn't tag me there, so you're lucky I spotted that one. :)
And you still haven't bothered to reply to my points... Ran out of defences for the indefensible?
So what exactly would you call it when an entire thread evolves into making fun of a single person for several days?

No one is getting made fun of flat out. Just a little joking.

You are taking a little fun to seriously. If the guy fesses up then we will apologize. Until then I am not apologetic.
@Scaff; for your thoughts and well worded response, I give you this......

And you still haven't bothered to reply to my points... Ran out of defences for the indefensible?

Because I haven't seen your points. What exactly is it that you want to have answered?


The staff are dealing wit it, however given that these claims were made very publicly, and that a good umer of attacks and threats were also made by the member publicly a degree of interest is in place within the membership, which I should also point out seems to include yourself.

Well, I disagree about the public interest. But it seems like I can't do much to persuade you. I mean, if someone makes an odd claim it's only natural to question it, or even mock it. But page after page after page? In my opinion it's too much. Especially involving his twitter account and all that.
Because I haven't seen your points. What exactly is it that you want to have answered?


Well, I disagree about the public interest. But it seems like I can't do much to persuade you. I mean, if someone makes an odd claim it's only natural to question it, or even mock it. But page after page after page? In my opinion it's too much. Especially involving his twitter account and all that.
Also pointless. Why?

He posted insults and idiotic claims on the Internet. Where everyone can access it and it is NEVER removed, only hidden. Plus, to avoid bullying? Easy. Get off the computer. It's effective, trust me.

Real life? From personal experience I've experienced proper bullying over my hair colour (ginger), my glasses, not being like my brothers, the fact I refuse to talk to many people (linked to my something I'd rather not discuss so publicly), my choice of words and the fact I don't care about fashion or the rest. I get one form or another every day, for the most part these are not by choice and I cannot simply log off. Do I have anyone defending me? No. Does Zuel deserve anyone defending him after his actions? Not at all.

And Eran.... You literally have to scroll through the thread a bit. Not difficult.
You LITERALLY quoted this last bit
In my opinion, @eran0004 this topic would have died a while ago if Zuel or yourself haven't pushed it to the front of the line. He responsed time and time with (possible) lies. He pushed his twitter on this community. You blame us for paying attention when it mentions us as a whole? Then, you have pushed this again to the front by arguing with us for "arguing".
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Did you actually have anything of value to say?
Since now you're just ignoring the hypocrisy when it's pointed out to you, do you?

You don't know whether the moderators have done anything by your own admission, but that hasn't stopped you from complaining that what has been done isn't enough. That by itself invalidates your entire point; irrelevant of the context that everyone is here over.
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Because I haven't seen your points. What exactly is it that you want to have answered?


Well, I disagree about the public interest. But it seems like I can't do much to persuade you. I mean, if someone makes an odd claim it's only natural to question it, or even mock it. But page after page after page? In my opinion it's too much. Especially involving his twitter account and all that.
Eran to quote you " page after page after page". I applaud your percistance in defending Zuel. But when someone lies, threatens, makes outlandish statements and generally makes an arse of them self. They get what's coming to them. Maybe I'm old school,from a different era. He made his bed, he had the option to make his amends. He didn't. Maybe he needs a hug, I'll tweet one to him.
You LITERALLY quoted this last bit

That last bit wasn't your point, though. Unless you want to know if I know how to scroll. In that case the answer is: yes.

If your next post is the same "find the post yourself"-nonsense then don't bother with it, because I still won't reply unless you specify what your question is.

In my opinion, @eran0004 this topic would have died a while ago if the accusor or yourself haven't pushed it to the front of the line. He responsed time and time with (possible) lies. He pushed his twitter on this community. You blame us for paying attention when it mentions us as a whole. Then, you have pushed this again to the front by arguing with us for "arguing".

There's not much arguing going on. The last directive he got from a moderator was that his next post should contain some evidence of the claim he made, or that he should withdraw it. After that he hasn't made any posts, that I could find. If I've missed something I'm sorry. And the topic was very much alive by the time I posted so I don't think I've caused any harm by initiating a discussion about it.

Mocking him here will probably not make him less eager to mention us in a bad way. Rather the opposite. If the goal is to have an internet war with him, then so be it. I can't stop that from happening. I don't think ongoing vendettas are healthy for anyone involved though.

Eran to quote you " page after page after page". I applaud your percistance in defending Zuel. But when someone lies, threatens, makes outlandish statements and generally makes an arse of them self. They get what's coming to them. Maybe I'm old school,from a different era. He made his bed, he had the option to make his amends. He didn't. Maybe he needs a hug, I'll tweet one to him.

:lol: If I'm defending anyone it's myself. I haven't spent a single word defending Zuel. Maybe that's why everyone is so touchy about it, because you think that I am?
Check his status updates. He continues without posting. I should say, he starts an argument after told not to post anything but evidence.
That last bit wasn't your point, though. Unless you want to know if I know how to scroll. In that case the answer is: yes.

If your next post is the same "find the post yourself"-nonsense then don't bother with it, because I still won't reply unless you specify what your question is.

There's not much arguing going on. The last directive he got from a moderator was that his next post should contain some evidence of the claim he made, or that he should withdraw it. After that he hasn't made any posts, that I could find. If I've missed something I'm sorry. And the topic was very much alive by the time I posted so I don't think I've caused any harm by initiating a discussion about it.

Mocking him here will probably not make him less eager to mention us in a bad way. Rather the opposite. If the goal is to have an internet war with him, then so be it. I can't stop that from happening. I don't think ongoing vendettas are healthy for anyone involved though.

:lol: If I'm defending anyone it's myself. I haven't spent a single word defending Zuel. Maybe that's why everyone is so touchy about it, because you think that I am?
I am assuming you have not had the honor of having a Private conversation with Zuel. I am also assuming you have not been harassed/ bullied /threatened/ lied to by him either. I know there are internet cowboys that are real big on a keyboard. The Mods have explained it to you. So have others. Am I missing something,or are you?
I am assuming you have not had the honor of having a Private conversation with Zuel. I am also assuming you have not been harassed/ bullied /threatened/ lied to by him either. The Mods have explained it to you. So have others. Am I missing something,or are you?

That doesn't justify the direction this thread has taken. Maybe I don't see things clearly because I'm not involved in the conflict, or maybe it's the opposite. I can only share my opinion, and I think it's wrong. Which I guess everyone here knows by now, so unless there's anything else to add we might as well end it here.

I know there are internet cowboys that are real big on a keyboard.

Not me, obviously. I'm a Viking. :cheers:
Well, I disagree about the public interest. But it seems like I can't do much to persuade you. I mean, if someone makes an odd claim it's only natural to question it, or even mock it. But page after page after page? In my opinion it's too much. Especially involving his twitter account and all that.
And as I have said you are perfectly entitled to hold that view and to say as much, something the AUP allows you to do; exactly the same as the other members who wish to comment are entitled to do so.

As long as both sides stick within the AUP then they are both allowed to voice views and opinions, you don't seem to grasp that the same fundamentals that allows you to be critical of them allows them to be critical of Zuel.
You're a moderator. Just ban him and be done with it, if he has been behaving so badly. There's no reason to let it go on like this. Is it for revenge? Does everyone need a chance to get back on him? Why?
I haven't gotten involved in this recent round, but I will make this observation:

Society self-regulates. Smoke in a restaurant? Get yelled at. Act like drunken fool? Get made fun of, pictures put online, and earn a new nickname. We honk horns at jerks on the road. We shout down racists.

Sorry, but if we end "bullying" by this new loose definition the world has adapted and then asshats get to be asshats with little repercussion. Sometimes it is good to have a crowd shout down a loud mouth.
I can’t what happened today, I was stocked by two members of GT Planet. I can’t believe what some people will or would resort to achieve to obtain information. These actions have clearly noted the mindset of some members and how immature the members can be even though there adults and should act like adults. Out of respect for Jordan I’ll re-frame from naming these stalkers due to their immaturity and mindset, along with their action may fall upon the community and be labeled as stalkers, due to the actions of two or more foolish and immature individuals which may hinder the future credibility of this site if the actions are publicized. I nor Sony, nor Polyphony Digital, nor Kazunori Yamauchi or the motor-sport industry is or will be obligated to share information with this site. The information will be shared if the parties wish to, out of the kindness or to create a buzz. A large portion of this community is so eager, thirsty, and hungry along with other notations and expression that I would rather not go into; they’ll do, say anything and act like a moron to achieve that information to no avail. This also includes a small portion of the staff, even if they can be called a staff due to the actions of these individuals.

I was going to continue with how discussed the actions of today and the pass few days but I won’t and I’ll end this letter on this last comment. The actions, notions, statements that involve or happen through GT Planet will fall on the credibility and foundation of @Jordan’s work and effort and may foster a lawsuit law suit that may permanently hinder GT Planet even though Jordan was not involved in that action, notion or statement. There have been many of social sites that have been sued since 2005 for the actions of the members, and now GT Planet is falling in that line.