I left it out because its not happening.
Which entirely distorted the quote and made it look like I was accusing you of not doing something.
And I have to disagree, it is happening.
Which would then raise the question of why your post implied that action would not / had not been taken in this regard?
No, my post was directed at the other stuff, the "icing on the cake". The matter of Zuel backing up his claims should
stay as a moderator issue, what I'm saying is that it's wrong to
also have a public discussion about it, especially since the actual subject of the discussion is not even around anymore and everyone involved
knows that the claims most likely are false. The main topic of this thread for the past 5 pages (and probably more, because it didn't start there) has been to laugh at Zuel. Initial reactions for a ludicrous claim? Fine. But it's been going on and on and on and people are constantly making fun of him and his language, his spelling, his twitter account, his claims... at some point it has gone too far.
A few have laughed at the situation, but no one has directly attacked or abused him. Most of the comments have been in regard to his claims. To date I've not seen anything that is a direct violation of the AUP and only a few which run close to it (and again the staff will deal with these as they feel fit)
I would also raise the history of this thread in this regard, the quickest and easiest way to resolve all of this (either way) would be for the member in question to address the requirement I have made of him, that has and will resolve the issue pretty much instantly.
It's obvious that this thread has gone out of hands for at least a couple of pages. If he needs to prove something, then leave that to a moderator to deal with, there's no reason why the entire community should be involved. If you look at all the posts individually then they're not worse than usual, but there's a lot of them and it never ends. That is bullying.
Oh god seriously, eran? This isn't bullying because, quite frankly, he's given as bad as he's got. That isn't bullying, just the circle of life... Give what you get, karma etc.
What the bullied has or hasn't done is irrelevant, two wrongs doesn't make one right. Bullying is bullying, and no one deserves to be bullied. Imagine you being in the same position, go back and read all the posts and imagine they're about you. How does that make you feel?
Bullying? I disagree wholeheartedly. This Zuel has bashed the community, in and outside this thread, on numerous occasions. He has called us all idiots, in one fashion or another. The bully would be him. We are reacting with tongue in cheek anger, if anything. Cause and effect. That is what I see.
See the above. If a single user has upset the community so much then he should have been reported a long time ago. When it's been allowed to go this far, it has gone wrong.
And in addition to all of this, imagine a guest user visiting GTPlanet for the first time and spots this thread. What kind of impression will he or she get of the site and the community? Not a good one, I'm willing to bet.